When I think of Kardashian Beauty, then the first thing that comes to my mind, is, of course Kim Kardashian. Before receiving Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating Shampoo and Conditioner, I had heard of the brand, but I didn’t think much of it and to tell you the truth I wasn’t expecting much from these two products either. But for my great surprise, these two are actually just perfect for my colour-treated blonde hair!
Kardashian Beauty’ga seostub mul esimese asjana loomulikult Kim Kardashian. Enne seda, kui juunis minuni jõudis Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating šampoon ja palsam, ei arvanud ma sellest brändist eriti midagi ja kui täitsa aus olla, siis ega mu ootused ka neile kahele tootele eriti kõrged ei olnud. Ent minu suureks üllatuseks selgus, et Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating šampoon ja palsam sobivad minu värvitud blondidele juustele täitsa hästi 🙂
Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating Shampoo & Conditioner description
Sulfate free Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating shampoo cleanses hair of impurities while restoring natural strength ad radiance with the luxurious benefits of Black Seed Oil. The conditioner restores dry, damaged hair by replenishing moisture and nourishes hair with essential vitamins and antioxidants for shiny, smooth and frizz free finish. Both products are paraben and gluten free, and not tested on animals.
My experience with Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating shampoo & conditioner
Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating shampoo and conditioner come in 355ml bottles (also available in 89ml and 739ml bottle). Both products have a pleasant smell. The shampoo lathers nicely and makes my hair clean without giving it that unpleasant straw-like feeling. Although my hair feels quite soft, then it’s pretty clear that I still can’t skip the conditioner.
Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating conditioner makes my hair instantly soft! It works like magic! I apply some conditioner to my towel-dried hair, let it work for 1-2 minutes and then I rinse my hair.
After using Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating shampoo and conditioner my hair feels soft and nourished and looks healthy and shiny. I was surprised that thanks to these two products my hair stayed clean a bit longer.
Overall I like Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating shampoo and conditioner because they work well for my blonde, colour-treated hair 🙂
Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating šampooni & palsami kirjeldus
Sulfaadivaba Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating šampooni unikaalses koostises on eksootiline mustköömneõli. Mustköömne seemne õli aitab juuksed õrnalt puhastada mustusest varustades neid samas väärtuslike rasvahpete, vitmaiinide ja antioksüdantidega. Palsam taatsab tuhmid ja/või kuivad juuksed muutes nad hetkega siidpehmeks, kahuvabaks ja kaunilt säravaks. Mõlemad tooted on parabeenide ja gluteenivabad ning neid ei ole testitud loomadel.
Minu arvamus Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating šampoonist & palsamist
Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating šampoon ja palsam on 355ml pudelites (saadaval ka 89ml ja 739ml pudelites). Mõlemal tootel on meeldiv lõhn. Šampoon vahutab mõnusalt ning teeb mu juuksed puhtaks, ilma neid ebameeldivalt takuseks muutmata. Kuigi mu juuksed on pärast šampooni välja loputamist suhteliselt pehmed, siis palsami kasutamisest ma siiski ei pääse.
Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating palsam muudab mu juuksed hetkega pehmeks! Kannan palsami rätikukuivadesse juustesse, lasen mõjuda üks-kaks minutit ja loputan juuksed siis puhtaks.
Pärast Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating šampooni ja palsami kasutamist on mu juuksed katsudes mõnusalt pehmed ja toidetud. Lisaks näevad juuksed välja tervemad ning nad läigivad kenasti. Minu suureks üllatuseks püsivad Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating šampooni ja palsamit kasutades mu juuksed isegi veidi pikemat aega puhtad 🙂
Kokkuvõttes olen Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating šampooni ja palsamiga igati rahul, sest minu värvitud blondidele juustele sobivad nad hästi.
Kardashian Beauty Black Seed Oil Rejuvenating šampooni ja palsamit saab osta Tradehouse.ee
Lola Seicento says
These sounds like very nourishing products, and I am glad to hear that they are safe for color-treated hair.
NeverSayDieBeauty says
I’ve never tried any of the Kardashian beauty products as yet, but I’m glad to hear that you’ve had good luck with this duo!
Kathryne says
Never tried anything from their brand. Good to know you like the hair care line
Sonya says
That’s great that both of these products worked well for you.
Lou says
I never knew the Kardashians have a hair care line, I only thought they have makeup and a clothing line.