Garnier makes some of my favourite roll-on deodorants. I have praised them here on my blog in the past and I’m happy to say that Garnier Mineral Pure Active Antibacterial Roll-On Antiperspirant hasn’t disappointed me either.
Garnieri rullikuga deodorandid on kindlasti ühed minu lemmikute hulka kuuluvatest toodetest. Olen neid siin blogis varasemalt kiitnud ning tänases postituses saan kiidusõnu jagada Garnier Mineral Pure Active antibakteriaalse teepuuõliga roll-on antiperspirant deodorandi kohta.
Garnier Mineral Pure Active Antibacterial Roll-On Antiperspirant is formulated with natural tea tree essential oil that eliminates 99% of bacteria responsible for bad odours at their source.
Garnier Mineral Pure Active Antibacterial Roll-On Antiperspirant comes in a 50ml roll-on bottle. The deodorant has a pleasant scent and I like that it’s easy to apply it to my underarms. It will take some time to dry completely, however, once it’s dry then it won’t leave any marks on my clothes. After it has dried, I can’t even feel or see it on my skin 🙂
In my opinion, it works well and keeps the bad odours at bay. Even after working out or spending time outside on hot summer day (although, we only had a couple of those this summer here in Estonia) I didn’t experience any problems and I could feel confident all day long. I like that I can use it even after shaving my underarms because it doesn’t irritate my skin.
Overall I like Garnier Mineral Pure Active Antibacterial Roll-On Antiperspirant a lot. Would I purchase it again? Yes!
Garnier Mineral Pure Active antibakteriaalse teepuuõliga roll-on antiperspirant deodorant sisaldab naturaalset antibakteriaalset teepuuõli, mis aitab hävitada 99% ebameeldivalt lõhna põhjustavatest bakteritest.
Garnier Mineral Pure Active antibakteriaalse teepuuõliga roll-on antiperspirant deodorant on 50ml rullikuga pudelikeses. Tootel on meeldiv lõhn ja mulle meeldib, et seda on imelihtne kaenlaalustele kanda. Deodorandi kuivamine nahal võtab küll veidi aega, ent kui see on kuivanud, siis vähemalt minul ei ole ta riietele plekke jätnud. Kui deodorant on kaenlaalustel kuivanud, siis pole seda seal ei näha ega ka tunda.
Minu arvates töötab Garnier Mineral Pure Active antibakteriaalse teepuuõliga roll-on antiperspirant deodorant edukalt ning hoiab ebameeldiva lõhna eemal terve päeva. Isegi pärast trenni tegemist või palavamal päeval aktiivselt õues tegutsedes (kuigi neid palavaid päevi oli vaid paar sel suvel 🙁 ) ei esinenud probleeme higilõhnaga ja seega sai end olenemata olukorrast hästi ja enesekindlalt tunda. Mulle meeldib, et saan Garnier Mineral Pure Active antibakteriaalse teepuuõliga roll-on antiperspirant deodoranti kasutada kohe pärast kaenlaaluste raseerimist, sest see ei ärritanud mu nahka.
Kokkuvõttes olen Garnier Mineral Pure Active antibakteriaalse teepuuõliga roll-on antiperspirant deodorandiga igati rahul, sest see on efektiive. Kas ma ostaks seda veel? Jah, ostaksin küll 🙂
Ana says
Great review! I’m a fan of Garnier products though I don’t think I have purchased this roll-on before. Feeling confident during a hot summer day is very important to me, specially now that I’m living in such a sunny area.
lavandamichelle says
Thanks for the review. I like to have a point of reference for my purchases.