Eve Lom Cleanser comes with some bold promises. It is advertised as a multi-award-winning, multi-purpose skin cleanser that is suitable for all skin types. It decongests, exfoliates, softens and leaves a highly receptive base for your beauty products to work with. I received a 30ml sample of this cleanser a while ago in one of the Lookfantastic Beauty Boxes. But I started using it just a month ago.
Eve Lom näopuhastaja on toode, mis tuleb väga julgete lubadustega. Seda reklaamitakse kui mitmete auhindadega pärjatud, mitmeotstarbelist puhastajat, mis sobib kõigile nahatüüpidele. See aitab vähendada ummistunud poore, koorib, teeb naha pehmeks ning valmistab naha ette teiste ilutoodete kasutamiseks. Mina kasutasin Eve Lom näopuhastaja 30ml versiooni, mis minuni jõudis juba tükk aega tagasi ühes paljudest Lookfantastic Beauty Box ilukarbikestes (muide sellega mulle meenus, et peaks vist jälle neid ilukarbikesi tellima hakkama 😛 ) aga kasutama hakkasin ma seda näopuhastajat alles kuu aega tagasi.
Although it came with all those pretty promises then I didn’t have much belief in it. I mean, it looked and smelled like a simple home-made balm and so I had my doubts about its cleansing properties.
Using Eve Lom Cleanser is easy. I used it once a day, at night. I massaged a small amount of the cleanser onto my dry face and neck. Next, I placed the Eve Lom Muslin Cloth in hot water and wrung it out. After that, I placed the warm damp cloth over my face and neck for a few seconds so the heat can open the pores. I repeated it 2-3 times. Next, I rinsed the cloth in warm water and in small circular movements I removed all traces of cleanser and makeup. To finish the cleansing process, I rinsed the cloth in cold water, and then placed over my face and neck to close the pores.
Vaatamata ilusatele lubadustele, mul Eve Lom näopuhastajasse palju usku ei olnud. See nägi välja nagu mingi suvaline kodus kokku keedetud salv ja ega selle lõhn ka päris minu maitse ei olnud.
Eve Lom näopuhastaja kasutamine iseenesest on lihtne. Kasutasin seda igal õhtul näo ja kaela puhastamiseks. Võtsin väikese koguse salvi ja kandsin selle ringjate liigutustega kuivale nahale. Siis võtsin näopuhastaja kaasas olnud puuvillase lapi ja tegin selle kuumas vees märjaks ja pigistasin siis kuivaks. Edasi asetasin kuuma ja niiske lapi näole ja kaela, et poorid avaneksid. Kordasin seda protseduuri paar-kolm korda. Siis loputasin lapi soojas vees ja ringjate liigutustega eemaldasin näolt mustuse, meigi ja ka salvi jäägid. Lõpetuseks loputasin lappi külmas vees, pigistasin kuivemaks ja asetasin selle siis näole, et poorid sulgeda.
As I mentioned, I didn’t expect much from Eve Lom Cleanser. I wasn’t exactly loving its scent and I just didn’t believe that it would remove all my makeup and make my skin thoroughly clean. However, I was pleasantly surprised that it worked. And it worked really well. It helped to remove ALL my makeup (even eye makeup 😉 ) without leaving any residues.
At first, I was scared that maybe it would leave my skin greasy or oily, but it actually didn’t. My skin felt smooth, clean and fresh! Since I only need a small amount of cleanser then this little 30ml jar lasted about a month or so.
Nagu ma juba mainisin, siis erilisi ootusi mul Eve Lom näopuhastajale ei olnud ja ma ei uskunud, et see meiki eemaldada ja mu naha täiesti puhtaks suudaks teha. Ent minu suureks üllatuseks see tõesti toimis! Ja toimis väga hästi. Eve Lom näopuhastaja koos sellega kaasas olnud puhastuslapiga aitas eemaldada tõesti kogu meigi (sh silmameigi) ilma nahale mingeid meigi vms jälgi jätmata.
Alguses ma kartsin, et võibolla jätab see puhastaja mu naha rasvaseks vms, aga seda ei juhtunud. Mu nahk oli mõnusalt sile, puhas ja värske. Kuna korraga läheb vaja vaid väikest kogust Eve Lom näopuhastajat, siis kestis see väike 30ml purgike pea kuu aega.
Overall, I LOVE Eve Lom Cleanser! I would have never thought this type of cleanser becomes my favourite one, but this one did. It just worked so well for my normal to dry skin. I didn’t cause me breakouts and my skin looked very good after using it. Although during the month I used it, I didn’t experience any problems with this cleanser, then it does have a tiny downside – its price 🙁 100ml cleanser costs around 60€ and 200ml Eve Lom cleanser retails for 99€.
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Kokkuvõttes sai Eve Lom näopuhastajast üks minu selle suvistest ilulemmikutest. See sobis minu nahale hästi ja ei põhjustanud mingeid nahaprobleeme. Selle toote juures on vaid üks väike miinus – selle hind 🙁 100ml Eve Lom näopuhastaja maksab Lookfantastic.com lehel 60+€ ja 200ml 99€.
Sam | Away She Went says
I’ve never heard of Eve Lom cleanser, but it sounds pretty amazing. The price is high, but I don’t mind splurging on quality skin products.
Never Say Die Beauty says
I haven’t used this Eve Lom cleanser but I find that all the cleansing balms that I’ve tried do a fantastic job removing my makeup. I love using them especially in the winter.
MarciaF says
This has a cult following and it sounds like there’s a reason why.
Cindy Ingalls says
I love cleansing balms!
Miranda | Slashed Beauty says
I love this type of cleanser– it melts everything off!
Kathryne says
I have been reading nice things about this brand. Will check it out