Before beauty blogging, it was so simple to organize my beauty products. Since there were just a few products, then I just had 1 (yes, just one!) makeup bag that contained everything I needed for my everyday makeup. After I started beauty blogging my beauty products collection started to grow and grow …
Enne ilublogimist oli mul ilutooteid väga lihtne hoida. Kõik meigitooted ja paar küünelakki mahtusid kenasti ära ühte meigikotti 😀 Aga kui ma hakkasin blogima, siis hakkas ka minu ilutoodete kollektsioon/varu kasvama ja kasvama …
How I organize my beauty products
At some point, I kept everything in one 3-drawer chest, but soon it wasn’t enough and so I ended up buying Malm Dressing table and a mirror from IKEA and 5-drawer and 3-drawer chests from another store. ↓↓↓And that’s how my corner looks right now. To make my beauty corner perfect, I really need some good makeup lights too.
Kui meigitarvete kott väikeseks jäi, siis kolisid mu asjad ühte kolme sahtliga kummutisse. Tegu oli Jyskist ostetud odava kummutiga, mis tol hetkel ajas asja ära, aga mingil ajal hakkas see jubedalt lagunema ja noh ruumipuudus tuli ka niikuinii. Ja nii ma siis ostsingi endale IKEAst Malm tualettlaua koos peegliga ja (ma arvan, et vist) Aatriumist ühe 5 sahtliga ja ühe 3 sahtliga kummuti. ↓↓↓ Ja selline näeb siis minu nurgake hetkel välja 🙂 Täiuslikkusest on puudu veel jumestuvalgusti 🙂
So currently this is how I organize my beauty products
- my makeup brushes
- fragrances that I use often, and a few other items that I use daily.
- foundations & BB creams, hair spray & styling spray
- in the big drawer I keep those makeup products that I use more often and few hair dyes, clips etc.
- eyeshadow palettes that I don’t very often
- makeup and beauty products that are waiting for testing and reviewing
- jewellery. I really need a better option for storing those, but at the moment this one drawer works.
- nail art products (dotting tools, stamping plates etc etc etc) and nail polishes
- nail polishes
- hair tools (straightener, curling wand, blow dryer)
Hetkel on siis minu meigi-ja ilutooted jms organiseeritud nii:
- meigipintslid
- lõhnad ja mõned teised pidevalt kasutuses olevad asjad
- jumestus- ja BB kreemid
- suures tualettlaua sahtlis on meigitooted, mida tihti kasutan ning juuksekummid, klambrid jms
- lauvärvi paletid mida kasutan harva
- meigi- ja ilutooted, mis ootavad testsimist ja arvustamist
- ehted. Ehete hoidmiseks vajan paremat lahendust, aga hetkel töötab ka see.
- küünemaalingute tegemiseks vajalikud tarbed (täpitajad, teibid, templiplaadid jms) & küünelakid
- küünelakid
- sirgendaja, föön, lokitangid jms
For organizing makeup products in the big dressing table drawer I have used repurposing. Since I couldn’t find plastic boxes that I would like and that would be big/small enough, then I’m actually using sturdy Lookfantastic Beauty Box and Birchbox UK carton boxes, that I would have just thrown out, if I weren’t using them for that.
Suures tualettlaua sahtlis korra hoidmiseks kasutan ma põhimõtteliselt taaskasutust 😀 Kuna ma ei suutnud kuskilt leida plastikust karpe, mis oleksid mulle meeldinud ja piisavalt suured/väikesed olnud, siis otsustasin kasutada hoopis vastupidavast papist karpe, milles on mulle saabunud Lookfantastic Beauty Box ja Birchbox UK ilukarbikesed 🙂 Muidu oleks ma need karbid lihtsalt prügikasti saatnud, aga nüüd leidsin neile teise otstarbe.
When to replace makeup & beauty products?
With too many makeup and beauty products comes the problem that they just expire before you use them up. I know that I’m guilty of not tossing makeup and beauty products often enough, and I’m pretty sure I have some mascara that should have gone to trash months ago.
Although here’s just a little reminder of how often to replace makeup & beauty products, then it’s always a good idea to check the jar symbol with a numeral on your makeup and beauty products. That number shows you the number of months you have until the product is no longer usable.
- Mascaras should be tossed every 3-6 months.
- Powder eyeshadows last 2 years, however, if you wet them then you should toss them after 6 months. Cream eyeshadows should be replaced after 1 year.
- Liquid eyeliner should be replaced after 3 months, however, pencil eyeliners have a longer shelf life because every time you sharpen it, you create a new clean surface.
- Lipsticks and lip glosses should be tossed after 1-2 years. However, you can use the lip pencil longer than 2 years.
- Bronzers, powders, blushes etc should be tossed after 2 years.
- Nail polishes last 1-2 years
- Foundation should be trashed after 6-12 months.
- Concealer should be tossed after 12-18 months.
- Creams that come in a jar should be used no longer than 6 months. Creams that are in a bottle with a pump can be used up to 1 year.
Kuna aeguvad meigi-ja ilutooted?
Liiga paljude meigi- ja ilutoodete omamisega käib kaasas aga üks probleem – pahatihti ei jõua tooteid lihtsalt piisavalt kiiresti ära kasutada ja nii jõuavadki nad vahepeal aeguda. Ma olen üsna kindel, et praegugi on minu meigiasjade hulgas mõned ripsmekad ja huulepulgad, mis tegelikult peaks juba ära viskama.
Kuigi enamiku ilutoodete peal on tavaliselt märk, mis näitab nende avatuna säilimise aega, siis siin väike meeldetuletus ilutoodete aegumise aja kohta.
- ripsmetušid tuleks ära visata 3-6 kuu möödudes
- pressitud või puuder lauvärvid säilivad kuni 2 aastat, ent kui teile meeldib lauvärve kasutada niiske pintsliga, siis tuleks on nad kasutatavad vaid kuni 6 kuud. Kreemjad lauvärvid säilivad kuni 1 aasta.
- Vedel silmalainer tuleks ära visata 3 kuu möödudes, ent silmapliiatseid, mida saab teritada, saab kasutada kauem kuna iga kord pliiatsit teritades eemaldad sa pliiatsilt bakteritega saastunud kihi.
- huulepulgad ja huuleläiked säilivad 1-2 aastat, ent huulepliiatseid võib kasutada isegi rohkem kui 2 aastat.
- bronzerid, puudrid põsepunad tuleks välja vahetada 2 aasta möödudes
- küünelakid säilivad 1-2 aastat
- jumestuskreemi säilivusaeg on 6-12 kuud
- peitekreem säilib 12-18 kuud
- Kreemid on on purgis tuleks ära kasutada 6 kuuga. Pumbaga pudelis olevad kreemid aga säilivad kuni 1 aasta.
Did you know that this year Essence Cosmetics celebrates its 15th birthday? If you wish, you can share your birthday greetings on Essence website! But what I actually wanted to show you, and what fits this post really well, is this super cute single door cabinet! It comes with 12 Essence Shine Shine Shine Wet Look lip glosses, cosmetics bag, etc and there’s even room for your other beauty products. It looks just amazing!
Muide, kas te teate, et Essence Cosmetics tähistab sel aastal enda 15. sünnipäeva? Kui soovite, siis võite jätta Essence lehele enda pooltki õnnesoovid 😉 Aga mida ma tahtsin tegelikult teile näidata, ja mis muide sobib väga hästi ka selle postituse teemasse on see super lahe kapp, kus sees 12 Essence Shine Shine Shine kollektsiooni huuleläiget, kosmeetika kott & veel muidki üllatusi! See kapp näeb ikka tõsiselt cool välja 😀
AGA! Selle kapi võidab hoopis üks minu lugeja endale! Loosis osalemiseks mine Beauty by Miss L Facebooki lehele & otsi üles loosimise pilt ja vaata mida on vaja teha, et see huuleläigetega täidetud kapp endale saada!
When it comes to Essence Shine Shine Shine Wet Look lip glosses, then I have previously shown you two Shine Shine Shine lip glosses – classic red shade 13 Red Carpet Starlet and fun purple called 12 Runway, Your Way. Today I have 4 more to show you 🙂
Essence Shine Shine Shine Wet Look huuleläigetest olen ma teile varasemalt näidanud kahte tooni: klassikalist punast 13 Red Carpet Starlet ja lillat 12 Runway, Your Way. Täna saan teile näidata Shine Shine Shine kollektsioonist veel 4 läiget 🙂
- 01 Behind The Scenes – a clear gloss that feels slightly sticky
- 08 Indie Romance – a baby pink
- 03 Friends of Glamour – a sheer pink with pink & silver glittery particles
- 06 Bright On! – brown, nude shade with micro shimmer. It didn’t look anything special in the tube, but on the swatch and on my lips, it looked beautiful!
- 01 Behind The Scenes – on värvitu läige, mis tundub huultel õrnalt kleepuv
- 08 Indie Romance – kena heleroosa huuleläige
- 03 Friends of Glamour – läbipaistev roosa toon milles on näha ka roosasid ja hõbedasi läikivaid osakesi
- 06 Bright On! – on beežikas toon mikro sädelusega. See toon oli minu jaoks tõeline üllataja, kuna tuubis tundus ta selline üsna kahvatu, ent käeseljal tooni proovides ja huultele kandes oli tulemus väga kena!
I have now tried 6 shades from Essence Shine Shine Shine Wet Look lipgloss collection and I think they are good ones. Since these are just lip glosses then they don’t last on my lips very long, but even after the shine and colour have faded, then my lips still feel soft.
Nüüdseks olen siis saanud katsetada 6 tooni Essence Shine Shine Shine huuleläigete kollektsioonist ja mina olen nendega igatahes rahul. Kuna tegu on huuleläigetega, siis ei tasu oodata, et nad terve päeva huultel püsiksid, aga paari tunniga saavad nad hakkama küll 🙂 Mulle meeldib, et isegi kui enamik huuleläiget on mu huultelt kadunud, siis on mu huuled endiselt meeldivalt pehmed.
Selleks korraks siis kõik! Ärge unustage loosis osaleda 😉
Carolina Pereira says
Really like your makeup organization!
The Essence cabinet is to die for!!!
Leelo says
Thanks! Yes, it is! It looks so amazing!
Lena says
I’m impressed with your organisation! I wish we had IKEA in my country.
Leelo says
I purchased it while I was living in the UK. Unfortunately we don’t have IKEA here in Estonia 🙁
Stella Mwangi says
How I wish I’d be as organised as you! I just throw everything where it will land 🙂 I love the tips on when to toss out various makeup. I normally use mine until they run out.
Navi says
II love this! I just moved and am organizing my stuff right now, so this is like fate!
Andrea says
serious organizational goals right here. i love to organize when i am stressed it helps me get my mind in a better place and feel more relaxed. i love you have everything here set up, it looks amazing.
Jasmin N says
Oh my goodness, you’re so organised! I could never do that. All my beauty products are just lying around the apartment and that might be the reason why one product I need is always missing when I need it haha! 😀
♥ Jasmin N
// Little Things With Jassy
Leelo says
😀 Oh, I know those messy moments! Although I try ti keep it organized most of the time, then I still have my messy moments 😛
brahamjade says
Wow you have a lot of stuff and you’re so organised! I love being organised!