Although I love NYX eyeshadows, eyeliners and lip products, then my experience with NYX mascaras hasn’t been that good. I wasn’t really loving NYX Voluptuous Lush Lashes Mascara and at first NYX Pin-Up Tease Individual Curl mascara disappointed me too 🙁
Kuigi mulle väga meeldivad NYX Cosmetics lauvärvid, lainerid ja huuletooted, siis minu kogemus NYX ripsmetušidega nii roosiline ei ole olnud. NYX Voluptuous Lush Lashes ripsmetušš valmistas mulle kahjuks pettumuse ning ega minu esmamuljed NYX Pin-Up Tease ripsmetušist samuti just väga positiivsed ei olnud.
NYX Pin-Up Tease Individual Curl mascara is a part of NYX Boudoir Mascara Collection – a collection with seven distinct NYX Professional Makeup mascaras featuring unique formulations and wands. Pin-Up Tease Individual Curl mascara features a smudge-free formulation that adds major curl to the lash as it coats them with sexy, vibrant color. Its hard bristles help to separate lashes and shape their curl.
I love this mascara’s wand! It has just the perfect size and shape to cover all my lashes with beautiful black color. It is promised separate lashes, and in my opinion, it really works just as promised. My lashes are nicely separated and I have no problems with clumps.
Also, this mascara doesn’t smear or flake, and it stays on my lashes all day without any problems. It even survives a workout 😉 I do recommend using a good makeup remover for removing it.
NYX Cosmetics Pin-Up Tease ripsmetušš on pärit NYX Boudoir Mascara ripsmetuššide kollektsioonist kuhu kuulub 7 unikaalse koostise ja harjakesega ripsmekat. Pin-Up Tease Individual Curl ripsmetušš ei lähe laiali ning samas aitab ta ripsmeid koolutada ning neile värvi lisada. Ripsmeka jäigad harjased aitavad ripsmeid eraldada ja koolutada.
Mulle väga meeldib selle ripsmeka harjake kuna sellel on just täpselt paras suurus ning hea kuju, mis muudab ripsmete värvimise palju mugavamaks. Lubaduste kohaselt peaks see harjake ripsmed kenasti eraldama ja minu arvates ta seda ka tõesti teeb. Minu ripsmed on kenasti eraldatud ning ripsmetele ei jää koledad tuši tükke.
Lisaks meeldib mulle, et NYX Pin-Up Tease ripsmekas ei määri, lähe laiali ega pudene tükikestena mu silmaalustele. See püsib mu ripsmetel probleemideta terve päeva ning elab üle isegi trenni tegemise. Muide selle eemaldamiseks soovitan kindlasti kasutada mõnda efektiivsemat meigieemaldajat kuna see ripsmekas tõesti püsib ripsmetel hästi.
When it comes to things I don’t like about it NYX Pin-Up Tease Individual Curl mascara then let’s start with the formula. When I used this mascara for the very first time then it seemed to me that the mascara is dry or too old because it was impossible to get anything on my lashes and I was super disappointed and so I just let the mascara sit in my drawer for a few weeks. However, when I used it a few weeks later then something had changed and it seemed that formula had gotten better in those few weeks. The mascara finally added length to my lashes and I was able to see some mascara on my lashes. And the more I used the mascara, the more I started liking it.
Although overall I now like this mascara quite a lot and it finally works pretty well for me, then sometimes it seems to irritate my eyes (my eyes feel a slightly itchy and dry). I noticed that when I used Pin-Up Tease mascara for the very first time and it has happened again a few times. Since it doesn’t happen every time then I still haven’t figured out what is causing the irritation.
Overall, I think that NYX Pin-Up Tease Individual Curl mascara is an okay mascara, however, I won’t purchase it again.
Mis puutub aga asjadesse, mis mulle NYX Pin-Up Tease ripsmeka juures ei meeldi, siis üheks neist oli alguses selle kuivemapoolsem tekstuur. See oli lausa nii kuiv, et ma kahtlustasin, et mulle on sattunud mingi vana ära kuivanud eksemplar 🙁 Harjakese külge ei jäänud eriti üldse tuši ja no ega ripsmetelegi eriti midagi ei jäänud. Jätsin paariks nädalaks, siis Pin-Up Tease ripsmeka sahtli põhja vedelema ise lootes, et äkki juhtub mingi ime 😀 No ja juhtuski 😀 Mõned nädalad hiljem seda uuesti kasutades oli tulemus parem ja tušš jäi päris kenasti ripsmetele lisades neile pikkust. Ja mida rohkem ma seda ripsmekad kasutasin seda rohkem ta mulle meeldima hakkas.
Kuigi mulle üldiselt meeldib NYX Pin-Up Tease ripsmekas, siis kohati kipub ta mu silmi ärritama (silmad muutuvad kuidagi kuivaks ja kipuvad veidi sügelema). Esimest korda juhtus see kõige esimesel kasutuskorral ning mõned korrad hiljem on veel selline asi olnud.
Kokkuvõttes arvan, et NYX Pin-Up Tease Individual Curl ripsmekas on üsna okey ripsmekas, aga uuesti ma seda endale kindlasti ei ostaks.
acodeza says
Honestly I am not a fan of mascara as I have short lashes I thought that it won’t have any visible effect on my lashes. Base on the pictures I am impress on how the nyx pin up tease work.
Simply Apostolia says
I wish we had Nyx in Greece! I’ve seen so many good products from that company…!
alisonrost says
Admittedly, I’m not much of a makeup girl. Although I do make an exception for lip gloss and mascara. I have short lashes and am always looking for a product that will make them look a bit longer. You’ve won me over with the before/afters. This one I’m adding to my Target list! x
Eloise says
Mascara is a great and easy way to make you’re eyes stand out… love the curl, looks great! I’ll keep this in mind for next time I’m in need of more : )
Ahtsham Rana says
Well I am not sure about much of this stuff so maybe I’d share with my wife, maybe she’ll like the product and then I’ll buy it for her.
Thanks for the review though.
thejourneyingduo says
A good mascara is pivotal to any make up bag. This one looks perfect!
james says
I dont know much about mascara, but I liked how you adequately reviewed the product and even did it in 2 languages. I’ll share this with all my lady friends
SuziesView (@SuziesView) says
wow that mascara really worked well. I like that you showed with a few coats of it too. I never knew to do that for a better effect until this year! Ya learn something new everyday! #productreviewparty on!
Our Family World says
I have to admit that I am not a heavy make up user. I only wear make up on occasion, so I don’t have much in my make up kit. I would want to thank you for your honest review of the product. It did make your eyelashes look longer and fuller but I could not possibly deal with irritation.
staciesayzso says
I I love a good mascara. This reminds me of my push up falsie mascara from Maybelline, I think. I’ll have to look for this. #productreviewparty
Lou (@MissLouMae) says
This mascara sounds like a hit and miss. Thanks for your honest review!