Schwarzkopf is a well-known haircare brand that represents quality, expertise and innovation for more than 115 years. From their product range, you can find all products that you need for beautiful hair.
Now Schwarzkopf has brought out a new hair color for those who like to dye their hair at home. Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex hair dye is their first home hair colour with OMEGAPLEX Professional Anti-Breakage Technology. The formula of this permanent hair dye is inspired by the professional PLEX and BOND revolution. The hair dye also delivers up to 100% grey coverage.
Schwarzkopfi nimi on tõenäoliselt tuntud igale iluhuvilisele! Tegu on juuksehooldus brändiga, mis esindab kvaliteeti, asjatundlikust ja innovatsiooni juba rohkem kui 115 aastat. Nende tootevalikust leiab kõik vajaliku saavutamaks kaunid kiharad ja seda nii professionaalsel tasemel kui ka kodus.
Schwarzkopf on välja tulnud uue kodukasutajatele mõeldud juuksevärviga. Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex juuksevärvi näol on tegu esimese jaemüügis kättesaadava värviga, mis tänu Omegaplex tehnoloogiale kaitseb juuksekarvu murdumise eest. Uued juuksevärvid on saanud inspiratsiooni viimase aja salongitrendidest ning uuringud näitavad, et juuksekarvad murduvad peale Schwarzkopf Color Expert juuksevärvi kasutamist kuni 90% vähem. Lisaks peaks lubaduste kohaselt uus värv katma hallid juuksed 100%.
The OMEGAPLEX innovation works on the Micro-Bonds, which hold together the hair fibrils inside each hair fibre and provide hair with strength and structure. During colouring, these Micro-Bonds can break leaving hair dry, brittle and prone to damage. The Color Expert technology OMEGAPLEX reinforces these Micro-Bonds, protecting hair against up to 90% less breakage* during and after colouring.
OMEGAPLEX Technology in 3 Steps
- PROTECT: The Anti-Breakage Serum (No. 1) protects the Micro-Bonds during colouring.
- SEAL: After colouring, the Repair Sealer (No. 2) deeply repairs the hair fibre, sealing the colour intensity.
- REINFORCE: After 3 weeks, the Repair Reviver (No. 3) reconstructs the hair from within for beautified results.
Tavaliselt võivad juuste värvimise ajal juuksekarvasisesed sidemed katkeda, mille tulemusena juuksed muutuvad kuivaks ja hapraks. Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex püsivärv hooldab juukseid värvimise ajal, kaitseb juuksekarvasiseseid sidemeid, kinnistab ja intensiivistab juuksevärvi ja aitab värvil kauem püsida.
Color Expert OMEGAPLEX juuksevärvis kasutatakse 3-astmelist süsteemi:
- juuste sisemisi kiude murdumise eest kaitsev seerum, mis segatakse hooldava vedeliku ja juuksevärviga
- hooldav palsam parandab juuksekiude sügavuti ja tagab intensiivse värvi
- taastav palsam, mida kasutatakase peale kolme nädalat tagab veelgi pikemaajalise küllusliku värvi ja kaunid juuksed.
I have used some Schwarzkopf hair colors before and I have liked some of them while some haven’t worked out that well for my hair. Last week I dyed my hair with new Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex hair dye in 10.1 Icy Blond. The color looked absolutely beautiful on the color chart and so I hoped that the result will be pretty.
Olen Schwarzkopf juuksevärve ka varem kasutanud. Mõned neist on olnud head, ent mõnest võiks rääkida pigem õudusjutte. Eelmisel nädalal katsetasin enda juustel ära uue Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex juuksevärvi toonis 10.1 jäine blond. Värvikaardil nägi see toon igatahes väga kaunis välja ja seega lootsin, et ehk ka reaalne tulemus tuleb kena.
In the box of Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex hair dye are – color cream, developer, anti-breakage serum, after coloring repair sealer, after 3 weeks repair reviver, gloves and instructions.
Color Expert Omegaplex juuksevärvi karbis on: värvikreem, kinniti, juuste murdumisevastane seerum, värvimisjärgne juukseid parandav hooldus, parandav hooldus 3 nädala pärast kasutamiseks, kindad ja kasutusjuhend.
My experience with Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex hair dye in 10.1
Using Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex was easy. I removed all my jewelry, put on an old t-shirt and gloves that came with the hair dye. Then I mixed color cream, developer and anti-breakage serum in a plastic bowl, and applied the dye on my dry, unwashed hair.
I like that the mixture was nice and creamy and I didn’t have to worry about the color running or dripping anywhere. I dyed my hair myself, however, if you have never dyed your own hair then I recommend asking someone to help you because this way it’s just more convenient. I first applied the mixture to the outgrown part of my hair. Then I waited for 35 minutes as the instructions said and then applied the leftover mixture to the rest of my hair and waited for 10 minutes.
After the time was up, I rinsed my hair until the water was clear. I was surprised that my hair felt so soft even before applying the after coloring repair sealer to my hair. The treatment No 2 made my hair even more softer and I had no problems with tangles. After coloring my hair with Color Expert Omegaplex permanent hair dye in 10.1, my hair was soft, shiny and easily manageable. The result looks very pretty (and as even as it can look) and I’m happy with it.
The downside of Color Expert Omegaplex permanent hair dye for me was that it stinks and it also made my scalp itchy for a minute or two. Luckily that feeling didn’t last long.
Minu kogemus Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex juuksevärviga toonis 10.1 jäine blond
Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex juuksevärvi kasutamine oli lihtne. Kõigepealt eemaldasin enda ehted ja panin selga vana t-särgi. Edasi panin kätte pakis kaasas olnud kindad ning segasin plastikkausis kokku juuste murdumisevastase seerumi, värvikreemi ja kinniti. Valminud segu oli meeldivalt kreemja konsistentsiga ning seega oli seda lihtne juustele kanda, sest see ei kippunud kuhugi jooksma või tilkuma.
Värvisegu kandsin kuivadele pesemata juustele. Kuna olen eelnevalt juukseid blondiks värvinud (küll mitte selle värviga, aga ligilähedase tooniga), siis kandsin kõigepealt värvi väljakasvanud osale ja lasin mõjuda 35 minutit nagu oli kirjas õpetuses. Kui te varem pole ise kodus juuste värvimisega tegelenud, siis soovitan kindlasti kellegi appi võtta värvisegu juustele kandmiseks, sest nii on kogu protsess palju mugavam ja tõenäosus, et kuhugi värv kandmata jääb on ka siis üsna väike.
35 minuti möödumisel kandsin järgi jäänud värvisegu ülejäänud juuksepikkusele ja lasin veel 10 minutit mõjuda. Kui mõjuaeg läbi sai loputasin juukseid jaheda veega kuni vesi täiesti puhtaks jäi. Mis mind üllatas pärast värvi maha pesemist, oli see, et juuksed tundusid katsudes üllatavalt pehmed ja mitte kuivad ja takused nagu tavaliselt. Edasi kandsin juustele järelhoolduse nr2. Koheselt oli tunda kuidas juuksed muutusid veelgi pehmemaks ning need üksikud pusad, mis olid juustesse tekkinud kadusid nagu imeväel. Lasin hooldusel juustes mõjuda paar minutit ning loputasin siis juuksed puhtaks.
Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex juuksevärviga värvimise järgselt oli mu juuksed pehmed, läikivad ja neid oli lihtne kammida. Tulemusega olen rahul kuna see näeb välja nii ühtlane kui hetkel võimalik (peaksin vist kunagi tegema pikema postituse eelmise suve juuksurikülastuse feilist, mille tulemusena mu juuksed põhimõtteliselt lumivalged ja väga rikutud olid 🙁 )
Negatiivsete asjadena tooksin ma Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex juuksevärvi juures välja, et see haiseb ning peanahal tekitas ta minutiks-paariks sügelust, ent õnneks see kadus.
Overall, in my opinion, Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex hair dye is a very good product. Although it stank during the application, then I love how soft my hair felt afterwards and I’m also happy with the result. Would I buy this hair dye again? Yes, I would!
Kokkuvõttes on minu arvates Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex juuksevärv igati hea toode. Kuigi ta värvimise ajal lõhnas ebameeldivalt, siis mulle siiski meeldis, kui mõnusalt pehmed mu juuksed olid pärast värvimist. Lisaks olen rahul ka värvitulemusega. Kas ma ostaksin seda värvi ka tulevikus? Jah, ostaksin küll!
Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex juuksevärve saab osta Rimist, Selverist, Prismast jt hästi varustatud poodidest.
Nikki says
Your hair is such a great colour and it seems like it was really easy too! I usually get mine done at the salon and it costs a fortune, this would be a much better idea! Nikki x
Komal says
Unfortunately I have jet black hair and going that blonde isn’t an option for me! Looks great on you though!
Leelo says
Schwarzkopf Color Expert Omegaplex range also has dark colors 🙂
Ana says
Apart from making your scalp itchy and having a strong smell it is great that you found it gave your hair even coverage . Its fab that the texture was nice and creamy as well!
Stephanie says
Wow what a pretty color. Getting those high lift blondes without damaging the hair is so hard. I’ve not really used the Schwarzkopf brand before (I’m a Joico and PM girl) but I might have to take another look…..
Stephanie says
You did a fantastic job, it looks salon professional. I have dark brown hair and it takes about 3 hours for the color to set, I would love to do it myself but i am terrified.
Renata Green says
Interesting, but (un)fortunately I’m not dying my hair at all and would, however, still prefer that an expert does it – as soon as I need it, which hopefully will not be too soon 😉
Lyka says
The color looks gorgeous. I should look up into this brand as those that I’ve tried always make my hair dull and frizzy. Would love to change hair color for the new year.
Sarmistha says
Your hair looks really beautiful and so natural. It’s good to know that the dye made your hair softer than before. That’s a great news because often hair dye damages hair. Thanks for sharing the review 🙂
Becca Talbot says
Wow! That’s really really blonde – it looks great on you 🙂 unfortunately I’m allergic to hair dye, so I have to be super careful with shop brought dyes 🙁 always do a patch test kids! x