Meet one of my favourite exfoliating cleanser – Murad AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser. I first purchased this cleanser back in 2015 and I fell in love with it from the very first use.
Murad AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser is promised to polish away dullness and excess cellular debris, priming skin for treatment products. It helps to reveal a smoother texture and more even toned & younger-looking skin without irritation. It contains Salicylic, Lactic and Glycolic Acids to increase cell turnover for softer, smoother skin. Jojoba beads exfoliate dry surface cells to keep skin supple. Sodium PCA attracts and helps the skin to retain moisture and elasticity. Murad AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser is not tested on animals.
Murad AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser comes in a 200ml plastic tube. The cleanser itself is white. Its texture feels grainy, but not harsh. It has mild, almost unnoticeable scent. I use it as a part of my nighttime beauty routine every other day. I massage a small amount of AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser to my moistened face and neck and then rinse with warm water.
This cleanser feels gentle on my skin and I like how it leaves my face clean, fresh and smooth. It doesn’t make my skin unpleasantly dry. I just love how my skin feels after using this cleanser! ♥
Overall this is one of the best exfoliating cleansers that I have used. Its gentle, yet effective texture makes my skin clean and smooth without drying it out. Would I buy it again? Yes!
BUY IT HERE >>> / / / / /
Saage tuttavaks ühe minu lemmik näokoorijaga – Murad AHA/BHA näokoorijaga. Esmakordselt ostsin ma selle koorija 2015 aastal ja meeldima hakkas ta mulle juba esimesel kasutuskorral.
Murad AHA/BHA näokoorija peaks lubaduste kohaselt eemaldama eemaldab nahalt tuhmuse ja mustuse, valmistades naha ette hooldavateks toodeteks. Koorija aitab muuta naha tekstuuri ühtlasemaks ja siledamaks ning muuta seega naha välimuse nooremaks ilma seda samas ärritamata. Koorija sisaldab salitsüül-, piim– ja glükoolhapet, mis kiirendavad naharakkude uuenemist. Lisaks on tootes jojoba osakesed aitavad naha hoida elastsena ja naatriumsool aitab säilitada naha niiskuse. Murad AHA/BHA koorijat ei ole testitud loomadel ehk siis see on julmusevaba 🙂
Murad AHA/BHA koorija on 200ml plastituubis. Koorija on kreemjas ja valge värvusega. Selle tekstuur on veidi teraline, ent mitte nahka kraapiv. Koorijal on õrn, peaaegu märkamatu lõhn. Mina kasutan seda koorijat ülepäeva õhtuti – ma masseerin väikese koguse toodet niiskele nahale ja kaelale ning loputan selle siis sooja veega maha.
Mulle meeldib, et see koorija on nahal õrn. Pärast Murad AHA/BHA koorija kasutamist on mu nahk mõnusalt puhas, värske ja tundub katsudes siledam. Lisaks ei muuda see mu nahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks.
Kokkuvõttes olen Murad AHA/BHA koorijaga väga rahul, sest see eemaldab nahalt mustuse ja muudab mu naha siledamaks ja mõnusamaks ilma seda samas ärritamata ja kuivaks muutmata. Kas ma ostaks seda veel? Jah! Muide juba ühe korra olen seda uuesti ostnud 😉
Tellida saab seda Murad koorijat näiteks >>>
Annet says
I like skin care products with AHA/BHA. I’ve heard a lot of good reviews about Murad, but I haven’t tried anything from this brand. I’m using facial cleanser with 3% AHA complex from Beauty Without Cruelty at the moment. It gently and deeply cleans skin without disturbing its natural balance.
Kayte CookWatts says
Thanks for the review! My concern would be that it would be too drying for everyday use, but it’s good to know that you haven’t encountered that problem; I’ve used Murad’s lip treatment with pretty good success- I can even use matte lipsticks over it without looking like I have zombie lips ha