Dove makes some amazing body care products and this winter I had an opportunity to nourish my skin with some Dove DermaSpa Goodness products. I have already reviewed Dove Derma Spa Goodness³ hand cream. Today you can read more about my experience with Dove DermaSpa Goodness body butter, body lotion and silky body oil.
Dove’i tootevalikust leiab mõned tõeliselt head kehahooldustooted ning sel talvel oli mul meeldiv võimalus enda nahka kosutada Dove DermaSpa Goodness toodetega. Märtsis saite lugeda minu arvamust Dove Derma Spa Goodness³ kätekreemist ja täna on kord siis samasse sarja kuuluvate kehakreemi, losjooni ja siidja kehaõli käes.
Dove DermaSpa Goodness³ bodycare products combine a luxurious home spa experience with expert dermatological care. All products contain omega oil and Cell-Moisturisers® to give you even-looking, luminous, velvety soft skin. All three products that I’m showing you today are fast-absorbing and suitable for sensitive skin.
Dove DermaSpa Goodness³ kehahooldustoodetes on kombineeritud luksulik koduse spaa kogemus ja professionaalne nahahooldus. Kõikides DermaSpa Goodness³ toodetes on omavahel kombineeritud omega õli ja Cell-Moisturisers®, et anda Sulle ühtlane, särav ja pehme nahk. Kõik kolm toodet, mida ma teile täna näitan, imenduvad kiiresti ning on sobilikud ka tundlikule nahale.
Dove DermaSpa Goodness Body Cream
Dove DermaSpa Goodness³ Body Cream comes in a 300ml plastic jar. The cream is white and creamy and it has a pleasant scent, however, the scent might be a bit too strong for some people. I like that it feels lightweight on my skin, absorbs fast and leaves my skin smelling good and feeling soft. It works great on dry skin and even on those dry elbows 😉
Dove DermaSpa Goodness kehakreem on 300ml plastikpurgis. Kreem on valge värvusega, meeldivalt kreemjas ning sellel on meeldiv lõhn. Ent mõne lõhnade suhtes tundlikuma inimese jaoks võib see lõhn natuke liiga tugev olla. Mulle meeldib, et tegu on kerge kehakreemiga, mis imendub ruttu ja ei jäta nahka ebameeldivalt rasvaseks. Pärast DermaSpa Goodness³ kehakreemi kasutamist lõhnab mu nahk meeldivalt ning on mõnusalt pehme. Minu talviti kuivale nahale sobis see kehakreem hästi ning isegi muidu ebameeldivalt kuivad küünarnukid olid kenasti niisutatud ja pehmed.
Dove DermaSpa Goodness Body Lotion
Dove DermaSpa Goodness³ Body Lotion comes in a 200ml tube. The lotion is white and it has creamy texture. Its smell is similar to the body cream scent. Once applied on the skin it feels light and absorbs rather fast without leaving any greasy residues on my skin. It makes my skin soft and keeps it soft all day.
Dove DermaSpa Goodness kehalosjoon on 200ml tuubis. Losjoon on valge värvusega ning sellel on kreemjas tekstuur. Losjooni lõhn on sarnane kehakreemi aroomile. Nahale kandes tundub losjoon mõnusalt kerge ning ta imendub suhteliselt ruttu ja ei jäta nahka ebameeldivalt rasvaseks. DermaSpa Goodness³ kehalosjoon teeb mu naha pehmeks ja niisutatuks ning seda terveks päevaks.
Dove DermaSpa Goodness Silky Body Oil
Dove DermaSpa Goodness³ Silky Body Oil comes in 150ml bottle. The body oil has bronze color and it contains very fine, almost unnoticeable shimmering particles. However, once applied to the skin it goes on clear and gives my skin just this lovely glow. Although it is oil, then it absorbs quite quickly leaving my skin soft and nourished.
Dove DermaSpa Goodness siidine kehaõli on 150ml pudelis. Õlil on pronksjas värvus ning selles on tibatillukesed, peaaegu märkamatud sädelevad osakesed. Nahale kandes jääb õli täiesti läbipaistev ning see imendub üsna kiirelt ilma minu nahka õliseks jätmata. DermaSpa Goodness³ siidine kehaõli teeb mu naha meeldivaks pehmeks ning samas annab ta nahale ka sellise hästi õrna, peaaegu märkamatu sära.
My final thoughts of Dove DermaSpa Goodness³ products
I think all three Dove DermaSpa Goodness³ bodycare products I showed you today are good and I’m happy that I had the opportunity to try and review them. My favourite product from these three is Dove DermaSpa Goodness³ Silky Body Oil because I like that it leaves my skin soft and nourished, and it also gives this lovely faint glow to my skin.
Minu arvates on kõik kolm Dove DermaSpa Goodness³ toodet head ning olen väga rõõmus, et mul oli võimalus neid katsetada. Minu kõige lemmikum toode neist kolmest on Dove DermaSpa Goodness³ siidine kehaõli, sest see muudab kuiva naha pehmeks, niisutab seda ja lisaks annab nahale sellise kerge, peaaegu märkamatu sära.
Lola Seicento says
What amazing sounding products! I love Dove, and these definitely sound well-worth trying!
NeverSayDieBeauty says
I’m using a facial skincare product now with omega oil and it’s fantastic so I’d love to have body care products with omega oil too. I need to check this out!
The Beauty of Life says
The body cream sounds right up my alley!
mybeautyjunction says
The body oil sounds like a great option for glowing summery legs!
Stacie Hamilton says
These do sound like nice products. I think I’d like that oil product. A little glow is nice to have this time of the year.
MarciaF says
I wonder if that line is available in the US. I have Dove products but I haven’t seen these.
Erika says
I love Dove and those Derma Spa products sound great. I wonder if I can find them in the US?
Bailey says
This range sounds great, especially the oil!
Bailey says
This range sounds really great, especially the oil!
collectivebeauty says
I’m a big fan of Dove as well, so I’m sure these are amazing! I’ve always adored their OG bar soap.
cosmeticsanctuary says
I use Dove mostly and love their line. I hadn’t heard of this line before!