Although I don’t have much belief in all those anti-cellulite creams and lotions, then, from time to time, I still try them because I’m curious if they work/finally work. I have tried different anti-cellulite products before and some of them have been just a waste of money and time, while others, have made my skin somewhat smoother. My today’s post is of Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D Anti-Cellulite Lotion that should firm the look of skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Kuigi mul erinevatesse tselluliidivastastesse kreemidesse ja losjoonidesse eriti usku ei ole, siis ikka leian ma aeg-ajalt neid proovimas, sest puhtalt uudishimust tahan ma teada, kas nad siis tõesti töötavad. Olen aastate jooksul proovinud erinevaid tselluliidivastaseid tooteid. Mõned nendest on osutunud täielikuks raha ja aja raiskamiseks, samas mõned jällegi on naha tõesti mõnevõrra siledamaks muutnud. Minu tänane postitus on Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D tselluliidivastasest emulsioonist, mis peaks lubaduste kohaselt muutma naha pringimaks ja muutma tselluliidi vähem märgatavaks.
Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D Anti-Cellulite Lotion contains shea butter, soybean extracts and Multi-Tone Complex to help firm and tone skin. The lotion is promised to burn fat up 3X faster, reduce the appearance of cellulite and firm the look of skin. Since it contains alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) then it may increase skin’s sensitivity to the sun.
Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D tselluliidivastane emulsioon sisaldab shea võid, sojaubade ekstrakti ja Multi-Tone Complex’i, mis aitavad nahka trimmida ja pinguldada. Avoni tselluliidivastane emulsioon põletab lubaduste kohaselt rasva kuni 3X kiiremini ning muudab tselluliidi vähem märgatavaks. Kuna selle kreemi koostisesse kuulub ka alfa-hüdroksühape (AHA), siis võib nahk muutuda selle kreemi kasutamise järgselt päikesele tundlikumaks.
Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D Anti-Cellulite Lotion comes in a 150ml tube. The lotion is white and creamy and it has a rather pleasant scent. Once applied to the skin it feels nicely cooling. I like that it absorbs fast and doesn’t leave my skin sticky or greasy.
The cream comes with a warning not to use it on irritated skin and I really recommend listening to that warning! If your skin is irritated then don’t use it because the cream may sting pretty bad. However, when I used it on normal skin then it didn’t cause any irritation. My skin was soft and felt moisturised.
I have been using Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D Anti-Cellulite Lotion about 3 weeks now and so far I can’t say that all the cellulite is gone, allthough, my skin looks and feels somewhat firmer and I like that it’s nicely moisturised. I guess it probably takes more than 3 weeks to see any results. The other reason may be the fact that, although it is recommended to use the cream twice a day, then, I have been using it once a day on most days.
Overall at this point I think Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D Anti-Cellulite Lotion is good body cream that has made the skin on my thighs somewhat firmer. I will continude using it and hopefully I will notice more changes.
Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D tselluliidivastane emulsioon on 150ml tuubis. Emulsioon on valge värvusega, mõnusalt kreemja tekstuuriga ning üsna normaalse lõhnaga. Nahale kandes on kreem meeldivalt kerge ja jahutava efektiga. Avoni tselluliidivastane emulsioon imendub kiirelt ja ei jäta nahka kleepuvaks või rasvaseks.
Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D tselluliidivastane emulsioon tuleb hoiatusega, et seda ei tohiks ärritunud nahal kasutada ja ma soovitan seda hoiatust tõsiselt võtta! Kui teie nahk on ärritunud või katki, siis see kreem tekitab üsna ebameeldiva torkiva tunde. Tervel nahal aga vähemalt minul see kreem mingit ärritust esile ei kutsunud. Pärast kreemi nahale kandmist oli nahk mu reitel, puusadel ja kõhul meeldivalt pehme ning tundus lisaks ka kenasti niisutatud.
Olen Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D tselluliidivastast emulsiooni kasutanud nüüdseks kuskil 3 nädalat ning hetke seisuga ei saa ma öelda, et kogu tselluliit on kadunud. Nahk tundub küll mõnevõrra pringim, aga see on ka kõik. Eks tõenäoliselt tulemuste saamiseks lähebki kauem kui 3 nädalat ja kindlasti aitaks tulemusele kaasa ka see, kui ma seda tõesti 2x päevas kasutaks nagu ettenähtud, mitte vaid enamus ajast kord päevas.
Kokkuvõttes arvan ma, et Avon Solutions Cellu Break 5D tselluliidivastane emulsioon on täitsa ok kehakreem, mis on muutnud mu naha mu reitel mõnevõrra pringimaks. Eks ma jätkan selle kreemi kasutamist ja loodetavasti näen lõpuks ka rohkem tulemusi.
Osta mugavalt lehelt. Tellimused üle 25€ postikuluta!
Keely says
Thank you for the review. For these types of products I find you have to commit to regular use to see the results.
Leelo says
Yes, you absolutely have to commit, but sometimes it is a bit hard to find the time to use it twice a day as recommended.
Judy says
This sounds worth a try. Perfect time to start before summer and beach season arrive!!!
Nik? (@NikMakeupJunkie) says
I think things like this take a while to for you to really see results, and even then the results seem to be minimal. Cellulite is really difficult to do anything about. Lotions and creams that firm your skin will definitely help, though!
Lou (@MissLouMae) says
I normally don’t use creams like these either. Thanks for your honest review. Lotions/creams like these usually take awhile until they work. #ProductReviewParty
Lianne says
Did you get the results you wanted by now after continuing to use the product?
Leelo says
Unfortunately I didn’t notice much difference by the time I finished the tube.