Avon mascaras are probably the ones that have surprised me the most over the years. Although not all of them have been great, then there are some that I have liked a lot. My today’s post is of Avon Mark. Spectralash Mascara that is promised to give you three different looks in one tube.
Avoni ripsmetušid kuuluvad nende toodete hulka, mis on mind enim üllatanud. Kuigi kõik nende tooted ei ole olnud suurepärased, siis siiski paljud neist on saanud kiirelt minu lemmikuks. Minu tänane postitus on Avon Mark Spectralash ripsmetušist, mis peaks lubaduste kohaselt andma kolm erinevat tulemust.
Avon Mark. Spectralash Mascara is an innovative mascara that gives you three looks in one tube and makes your lashes up to 8x more voluminous. All you have to do is twist up the packaging to customise your preferred level of volume. The mascara is promised not to clump or flake.
Avon Mark. Spectralash ripsmetušš on innovatiinve ripsmekas, mis ei pudene ja ei lähe tükki ning mis peaks lubaduste kohaselt andma lausa kuni 8x tihedamad ripsmed. Ripsmete tihedust saab vastavalt enda eelistusele ise reguleerida.
Avon Mark. Spectralash Mascara comes in a simple black & white tube. The mascara wand has good size that makes mascara application easy.
Avon Mark. Spectralash ripsmekas on lihtsa musta & valge disainiga tuubis. Ripsmetuši harjakesel on mõnus suurus ning sellega on lihtne ripsmeid värvida.
Well although there are three levels that should give a different level of volume, then I can’t see much difference between levels 1 and 2. But level 3 seems to make my lashes longer and more voluminous.
Kuigi ripsmekal saab reguleerida soovitud tiheduse astet, siis minu arvates esimesel ja teisel astmel küll eriti vahet ei ole – vähemalt mina pole seda seni märganud. Samas 3 tase tõesti annab veidi pikemad ja volüümikamad ripsmed.
I like that Avon Mark. Spectralash Mascara doesn’t flake or smear during the day, however, it may smear a little before it dries on your lashes (luckily it doesn’t take very long). This mascara even survived a little rain without making me look like a panda 😀 Although Avon Mark Spectralash Mascara is promised not to clump lashes together, then it still sometimes happens if I forget to wipe off excess mascara off the mascara wand.
Even though I overall like Avon Mark. Spectralash Mascara, then, unfortunately I have noticed one small issue with it – it seems that sometimes for some reason it irritates my eyes and so by the end of the day my eyes get a bit itchy and I want to rub them all the time. It doesn’t happen every time I use this mascara, but a few times a week. I haven’t had this kind of problem before and so I’m not 100% sure if this mascara causes it or maybe its something else.
Mulle meeldib, et Avon Mark. Spectralash rispmetušš ei määri ega hakka tükikestena päeva jooksul maha pudenema. ENT ripsmete värvimisel võib ta siiski veidi silmaümbrust määrida kui tušš ripsmetel veel kuivada ei ole jõudnud (õnneks aga ei võta see väga kaua aega). Minu suureks üllatuseks elas Mark. Spectralash ripsmekas isegi väikese vihmasaju üle ilma, et oleks mulle “kauni” pandakaru looki andnud 😀 Kuigi lubaduste kohaselt ei tohiks ta ripsmeid kokku kleepida ja tükke tekitada, siis vahel kui unustan liigse tuši ripsmeka harjakeselt maha pühkida, see siiski juhtub.
Üldiselt olen ma Avon Mark. Spectralash ripsmekaga rahul, AGA on siiski üks AGA, mida ma seni ühegi teise ripsmekaga ei ole kogenud. Nimelt tundub, et vahel kipub see ripsmekas päeva lõpuks mu silmi ärritama. Mu silmad hakkavad veidi sügelema ning tahaks neid pidevalt hõõruda :S Igakord seda ei juhtu, ent siiski mõnel korral nädalas 🙁 Ma ei ole 100% kindel kas just see ripsmekas on selle põhjustajaks, ent nagu ma juba mainisin, siis sellist asja varem juhtunud ei ole.
Avon Mark. meigitooted on saadaval Avoni kataloogides! Osta mugavalt avon.ee lehelt. Tellimused üle 25€ postikuluta!