Although my experience with NYX eyeshadows, lip products and eye liners has been good or very good, then I haven’t used many NYX mascaras. Back in October I purchased NYX Voluptuous Lush Lashes Mascara because its wand seemed promising and I really wanted to try NYX mascaras. In my today’s post I’ll share my opinion of NYX Lush Lashes Voluptuous Mascara with you.
Kuigi olen varasemalt kasutanud NYX lauvärve, huuletooteid ja lainered, siis NYX ripsmetušše ma eriti katsetanud ei ole. Oktoobris ostsin endale NYX Voluptuous Lush Lashes ripsmeka kuna selle hari tundus hea ning olen juba ammu tahtnud NYX ripsmetušše proovida. Tänases postituses räägingi teile lähemalt Lush Lashes Voluptuous ripsmetušist lähemalt ning näitan, milliseks see minu ripsmed muudab.
There are 7 mascaras in Lush Lashes mascara collection. NYX Voluptuous Lush Lashes Mascara formula is designed with keratins, collagens, vitamins, and naturally-derived waxes to nourish lashes.
NYX Lush Lashes kollektsioonis on kokku 7 erinevat ripsmekat. NYX Voluptuous Lush Lashes ripsmetuši koostises sisaldub keratiin, kollageen, vitamiinid ja looduslikud vahad, et ripsmeid toita ja hooldada.
NYX Voluptuous Lush Lashes Mascara has a big brush, that might be a bit too big for some. However, I find it easy to use and it applies mascara easily to my lashes.
When I used NYX Lush Lashes Voluptuous Mascara for the first time, then I was very disappointed because it seemed like the mascara was empty(?) or extremely dry because it was very difficult to get any mascara on the brush. And the result first time looked very disappointing – the color was there on my lashes, but there wasn’t any noticeable volume or length.
NYX Voluptuous Lush Lashes ripsmetušil on üsna suur hari, mis mõne jaoks võib liiga suur ja ebamugav olla. Minu arvates on aga on Lush Lashes Voluptuous ripsmeka hari väga mugav ning sellega on lihtne ripsmeid värvida.
Kui ma NYX Lush Lashes Voluptuous ripsmetušši esimest korda kasutasin, siis olin selle väga pettunud. Tundus, et tušši tuub on kas tühi või on tušš lihtsalt ülikuiv, sest harjakese külge ei tahtnud eriti palju tušši jääda. Samuti oli tulemus üsna pettumust valmistav – ripsmetel oli näha küll värvi, aga mingit pikkust ega volüümi küll märgata ei olnud.
After few uses, the result got better and the formula didn’t seem that dry any more 🙂 As you can see NYX Lush Lashes Voluptuous mascara adds color and volume to my lashes. The result isn’t dramatic, but for everyday look it’s good.
I like that this mascara doesn’t clump my lashes together and it doesn’t irritate my eyes and it’s easy to remove it. I wouldn’t called it waterproof, however, it stays on my lashes well without flaking, but it may smear in humid conditions.
Overall NYX Lush Lashes Voluptuous mascara isn’t my favourite and I wouldn’t buy it again.
Kuigi esimesel korral ma NYX Voluptuous Lush Lashes ripsmekas pettusin, siis ma ikka proovisin seda veel kasutada ning pärast paari kasutuskorda tundus, et ripsmeka konsistents on normaalsemaks muutunud. Nagu näete, siis NYX Lush Lashes Voluptuous ripsmetušš lisab mu ripsmetele värvi ja volüümi. Tulemus ei ole nii efektne kui ma sooviks, aga igapäevaseks kasutamiseks siiski piisav.
Mulle meeldib, et NYX Lush Lashes Voluptuous ripsmekas ei kleebi mu ripsmeid kokku, ei ärrita mu silmi ning seda on lihtne eemaldada. Ma ei nimetaks Lush Lashes Voluptuous ripsmetušši veekindlaks, aga minu ripsmetel püsib ta hästi, ilma et hakkaks päeva lõpuks silma alla pudenema. Niisketes tingimustes võib ta aga silmaümbrust veidi määrida.
Kokkuvõttes olen NYX Voluptuous Lush Lashes ripsmetušis üsna pettunud ning uuesti seda kindlasti ei ostaks.
Judy says
Bummer that it isn’t a repeat purchase for you but glad that you were able to get some use out of it and not have to call it a loss! Thanks for the review, I haven’t used this line of mascaras yet and I was curious!
Leelo says
I haven’t used any other mascaras from Lush Lashes line either. 2 of my fellow Estonian beauty bloggers commented that More To Love and Doll Eye mascara are also no good 🙁
MarciaF says
I’ve never bought an NYX mascara. I think your lashes look wonderful but I don’t blame you for not wanting this again.
Leelo says
Thanks! My lashes look okay with it, but just the formula is dissapointing and I like long and voluminous lashes 😀
Polarbelle says
You have beautiful lashes!!! I’ve never tried a NYX mascara but now I think I will.
Amila Wickramarachchi says
Final look is really beautiful with this mascara.Seems like a great product.
Leelo says
Lou (@MissLouMae) says
That’s a bummer that you have to keep reapplying to get the results you want. NYX cosmetics can be a hit or miss sometimes.
Leelo says
Yes, they can be a hit or total miss. I have another mascara from them which I like much more (review coming hopefully soon 🙂 )
Victoria says
Sorry about the bad experience. I think I will avoid this brand. Thanks for the heads up.
Leelo says
I think you shouldn’t avoid the brand because they actually have very good products too 🙂 For example I love their black liquid liner, they have some very good lip products too and of course some eye shadows.