Happy Monday, everyone! Although lately there has been 101 reasons for not working out (starting from catching a cold to other problems) then today I actually made it to the gym again and spent an hour and 20 minutes on a treadmill 😀 The outfit i’m going to show you today is my favourite workout outfit for those gym sessions because it’s so comfy 🙂 (Sorry for the bad photo quality)
Back in October I ordered a pair of Yummie by Heather Thomson Lenox Leggings from Shopbop. I didn’t exactly need a new pair of workout leggings, however, it’s always nice to treat myself with some new workout clothes from time to time 😛 I had no previous experience with Yummie by Heather Thomson clothing and so I didn’t know what to expect. But once these leggings arrived I was in love! This is the best pair of leggings I have ever owned! Seriously! I love their material and details and that they are actually LONG.
What I wore
- Yummie by Heather Thomson Lenox Leggings from Shopbop
- ElleSport top
- Under Armour running shoes /buy here, similar here, here/
- Fitbit Charge HR /buy here/
I’m linking up with these lovely ladies –> see list here
- Link up your favorite outfit post of the week. Please only link up outfit posts!
- Please include a link back to this post within your post
- Comment on your host’s blog and visit as many linked up posts as you wish. Don’t forget to comment
robjodiefilogomo says
Good for you for working out!! We were on a great walking schedule until the winter came around, so we need to get our butts to the gym!!
Amy Johnson says
An hour and twenty minutes on the treadmill? Wow! That’s a long time! I’ve never heard of anyone doing that before.
nbosken says
Sometimes just getting to the gym is half of the battle! Congrats!
Coco says
Thank you for hosting dear! I’m linking back to you HERE Hope you’ll check out my latest Fashion post
Anna Shirley says
I know the struggle just to push myself to go to the gym. If I’m there, is fine. Good luck!
Anna xoxo
Lanae Bond says
Love your workout look especially your sneakers.