Avon has some new products that are definitely worth a try! My today’s post is of a new Avon True Colour Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara and Avon True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick in Red Creme. New Avon True Colour products are promised to help you achieve a desired long-lasting result that brings out your best sides naturally.
Avonil on välja tulnud mõned uued proovimist väärt tooted! Minu tänane postitus on Avon True Colour Supreme hooldavast ja pikendavast ripsmetušist ja Avon True Colour Supreme toitvast huulepulgast toonis Red Creme. Uued Avon True Colour tooted aitavad Sul saavutada soovitud tulemuse, mis püsib kaua ning mis toovad välja Sinu välimuse parimad küljed loomulikul viisil.
Avon True Colour Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara
Avon True Colour Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara is infused with coconut oil and argan oil. It makes the lashes look conditioned, healthier and improves the overall lash appearance. This mascara comes with a dense brush and compact bristles that ensure instant length without tugging or pulling. Thanks to the oil-infused formula Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara can be easily removed without losing any lashes. The formula of this new Avon mascara is flake-proof, clump-proof and smudge-proof so lashes stay perfectly long, shiny and luscious, lasting all day.
Avon True Colour Supreme toitev ja pikendav ripsmetušš on rikastatud kookos- ja argaaniaõliga. Ripsmetušš annab ripsmele terve ja hooldatud välimuse. Ripsmekal on kõvem hari kompaktsete harjastega, mis tagavad koheselt pikemad ripsmed ilma neid liigselt tirimata. Tänu õliga rikastatud koostisele on True Colour Supreme toitvat ja hooldavat ripsmetuši kerge ripsmetelt maha võtta. Uus Supreme toitev ja pikendav ripsmetušš ei määri, ei jää tükki ja ei lähe laiali. Ripsmed püsivad kaunid ja pikad terve päeva.
Avon True Colour Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara comes in a luxurious black and rose gold tube. The mascara has nice silicon brush that might be a bit too big for some. However, in my opinion, it is very convenient and covers my lashes easily from the root to the tip. I like that this brush keeps my lashes nicely separated.
Avon True Colour Supreme toitev ja pikendav ripsmetušš on kaunis luksusliku välimusega roosa kulla & musta värvi tuubis. Tušil on mõnus silikoon hari, mis mõne jaoks võib olla natukene liiga suur ja ebamugav. Minu arvates on aga sellise suurusega ripsmetuši aplikaator väga mugav ning sellega on kerge tušš ripsmetele kanda. Mulle meeldib, et aplikaatori harjased suudavad ripsmed kenasti eraldada ning seega ei pea ma eriti vaeva nägema nende hilisema läbi kammimisega.
When I used Avon True Colour Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara for the very first time, then I wasn’t impressed. It did add some length to my lashes, but, although the overall result looked okay, it wasn’t anything special. However, after using it for the second and third time, I started liking it more. True Colour Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara adds length to my lashes in just 1 coat and to tell you the truth, in my opinion, the second coat doesn’t add any more extra drama to my lashes.
I like that Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara doesn’t flake or smear in normal conditions, however, it might smudge a bit if you cry or happen to get caught in the rain. Usually, True Colour Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara stays on my lashes without any problems and so far I haven’t had any problems with its removal.
Kui ma Avon True Colour Supreme toitvat ja pikendavat ripsmetuši esimest korda kasutasin, siis mingeid erilisi emotsioone see minus ei tekitanud. Ta küll lisas veidi pikkust mu ripsmetele ja tulemus oli üsna okei, aga lihtsalt liiga tavaline. Ent teisel ja kolmandal kasutuskorral tulid välja selle ripsmeka tõelised omadused ning tulemus oli juba hoopis parem. Vaid juba 1 kiht True Colour Supreme toitvat ja pikendavat ripsmetuši lisab mu ripsmetele pikkust ning minu arvates teine kiht midagi erilist rohkem juurde ei annagi.
Mulle meeldib, et Avon True Colour Supreme toitev ja pikendav ripsmetušš ei pudene tükikestena mu silma ümbrusesse ega lähe ka tava tingimustes laiali. AGA ta võib natukene silmaümbrust määrida, kui te näiteks nutate või vihma kätte jääte. Tavaliselt püsib Avon True Colour Supreme toitev ja pikendav ripsmetušš minu ripsmetel probleemideta terve päeva ja selle eemaldamine mulle seni peavalu põhjustanud ei ole.
Avon True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick in Red Creme
Avon True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick is a three-in-one lipstick that combines True Colour lipstick technology with the nourishing properties of a lip balm. True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick range contains beautiful pigment-packed shades, that help moisturise dry lips. True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipsticks are infused with jojoba oil, honey and beeswax, which help restore moisture, hydrate lips and prevent lips from drying out.
Avon True Colour Supreme toitev huulepulk on kolm-ühes huulepulk, mis kombineerib endas Avoni True Colour huulepulga tehnoloogia ja huulepalsami toitvad omadused. True Colour Supreme toitvate huulepulkade sarjas on saadaval kaunites toonides hästi pigmenteeritud värvid, mis samas aitavad kuivi huuli niisutada. Avoni uued toitvad huulepulgad on niisutatud jojoba õli, mee ja mesilasvahaga, mis aitavad taastada huulte niiskustasakaalu ning vältida huulte liigset kuivamist.
Avon True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick in Red Creme comes in a simple black and rose gold tube. The shade Red Creme is a beautiful red lipstick with blue undertones. It feels smooth and creamy and glides easily on my lips. This lipstick has a faint scent but luckily it doesn’t have any flavour.
Avon True Colour Supreme toitev huulepulk toonis Red Creme tuleb lihtsas musta ja roosa kullatooni tuubis. Toon Red Creme on kena sügavpunane värv, milles on märgata sinakaid alatoone. Huultele kandes tundub ta mõnusalt pehme ja kreemjas ning värv libiseb kergelt huulte. Huulepulgal on õrn lõhn, aga õnneks mingit maitset tunda ei ole.
Avon True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick in Red Creme is well-pigmented like a lipstick should be but once applied to lips it feels like a lip balm. It doesn’t dry out my lips and last surprisingly well. On my lips shade Red Creme lasts about 4 hours or bit more. I was surprised, that even after eating and/or drinking the colour is still on my lips, although, it might show the first signs of fading. I would prefer if the colour faded evenly but unfortunately, that’s not the case with this lipstick 🙁
Avon True Colour Supreme toitev huulepulk toonis Red Creme on hästi pigmenteeritud nagu üks endast lugupidav huulepulk olema peaks 😀 aga samas tundub ta huultel niisutav ja toitev nagu huulepalsam. See huulepulk ei muuda mu huuli kuivaks ning püsib üllatavalt hästi. Minu huultel peab toon Red Creme vastu umbes 4 tundi või natuke rohkemgi. True Colour Supreme toitev huulepulk üllatas mind sellega, et isegi pärast söömist ja/või joomist oli värv endiselt huultel alles, kuigi jah märgata võis esimesi märke värvi kulumisest. Ma eelistaksin kui värv kuluks huultelt ühtlaselt, aga kahjuks selle huulepulgaga see päris nii ei ole.

Overall I like both Avon True Colour Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara and Avon True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick in Red Creme. The mascara adds length to my lashes, lasts pretty much all day and is easy to remove. The lipstick is well-pigemented, keeps my lips nourished and lasts around 4 hours.
Kokkuvõttes olen ma rahul nii Avon True Colour Supreme hooldava ja pikendava ripsmetušiga kui ka Supreme Colour toitva huulepulgaga. Ripsmekas lisab mu ripsmetele pikkust, püsib enam-vähem terve päeva probleemideta ja seda on lihtne eemaldada. Huulepulk on hästi pigmenteeritud, ei muuda huuli vastikult kuivaks ning kestab umbes 4 tundi.
What I used
- Avon Solutions Matte BB Cream in Light
- Avon MagiX Multi-Benefit Illuminator in Illuminating Light applied under my eyes and also on the brow bone
- Avon Ideal Flawless CC Colour Correcting Pearls
- NYX Mineral “Set It & Don’t Fret It” Matte Finishing Powder
- Avon Ideal Luminous blush in Deep Plum
- Avon Eyebrow Kit
- Essence I Love Stage Eyeshadow base
- Avon True Colour eyeshadow quad in Berry Love. Shade #1 in the inner corner of my eye and on a brow bone. Shade #2 applied all over eyelid. Shade #3 applied to the outer corner of my eye and blended to the crease.
- Avon SuperExtend Precise Liquid Liner
- Avon True Colour Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara
- Avon True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick in Red Creme
kage2015 says
Think it is time I check out more of the Avon products. Haven’t ordered anything in a long time. Liking this mascara.
robin masshole mommy says
My mom used to sell avon, so I have loved their products for many years. This lipstick sounds awesome – I want to try some.
Shelly says
Haven’t ordered Avon products in like forever. I think it is time for me to check out which shades of lipstick they carry. Thank you.
Ave Hla says
I remember using Avon products when I was in the university, but haven’t used them since. I really like the Avon True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick in Red Creme color! Super beautiful!
Jennifer L Johnson says
I love Avon products!! These are great looking colors, it’s been a while since I shopped their catalog I need to look at it again.
Rika (@thedealmatch) says
I’ve heard of Avon products and would like to try one of their beauty products. I love red lipstick!
Krystal says
That bright red is gorgeous on your skin tone! I love their products since they are affordable and quality.
Rebecca Swenor says
I used to sale Avon years ago and have always loved their make-up. This True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick and Supreme Length Nourishing Mascara would be two items I would love to try. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Terri Ramsey Beavers says
Lipstick and mascara are the two cosmetics I can’t live without. I buy Avon from time to time and I’ll be sure to check these two out. They look great on you.
The Mad Mommy says
That mascara is pretty great and I love that red. Avon has always made quality products!
Bonnie Gowen says
Oh my gosh, I forgot all about Avon. I haven’t ordered in years. I will have to get some of this lipstick and mascara too.
Maria Han says
Sounds like a good products and I really love the mascarra I’m a huge fan of any kind of mascarra
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen says
I love avon products. That Avon True Colour Supreme Nourishing Lipstick in red looks so good on you.