There are all kinds of things that affect a person’s complexion. While you can’t necessarily change those factors that are affecting you, you can take control of your skin and improve its overall complexion. Investing in a high-quality skin care system, such as the one available through Makari, is a great place to start, but there are plenty of other things you can do as well.
Hydrate Your Skin
While you can spend a fortune on high quality creams and treatments, if you aren’t hydrating your skin from the inside you just won’t get the results you’re after. Making sure you drink enough water on a daily basis is an absolute cornerstone in achieving the radiant and flawless complexion that you crave. So what is “enough water”? It is suggested that eight glasses of water a day is enough to do the trick. Drinking plenty of water will wash out the toxins in your body, which in turn can affect your skin. If you have acne, drinking enough water is even more important.
Time to Cover Up
If you happen to be the type that just loves being outdoors at any time of year, it’s time to think about how sun exposure is affecting your complexion. It is important to wear sunscreen at all times, plus cover up. This means wearing a hat, sunglasses, a light sweater, and other items. It’s not just when you’re out in the sun either. When you’re driving, sitting next to the window at your desk or in your sun porch you are still being exposed. It might not be possible to reverse the sun damage that is already showing on your skin, but you can certainly decrease the amount of damage moving forward.
Hands Off!
Have you ever stopped to think about how many times you touch your face in the day? Most of us aren’t aware we’re doing it let alone how often we do it. Each time we touch our faces we are spreading bacteria and dirt, which can then become lodged in your pores and affect your complexion. Taking a “hands off” approach will certainly help to improve your complexion.
Don’t Over-Wash
Another important tip has to do with washing your face. We have been told time and time again how important it is to wash your face, but did you know that you can over-wash your face? Over-washing your face can lead to damage and affect your complexion. It is recommended that you wash your face once or twice daily and in a gentle manner.
The problem with over-washing your face is that you will strip your skin of all its natural oils. This will trigger your skin to produce additional oil, which is the perfect storm where acne is concerned.
On the Road to Great Skin
By including these simple tips in your everyday routine you will be well on the road to achieving and maintaining that flawless complexion that you’ve been after.