VIVI is a Lithuanian brand which beauty products are made of natural and organic ingredients. On this Monday, August 1st they opened their first store in Tallinn, Estonia. After reading about their products I just had to visit their store and see and smell the products myself.
VIVI on Leedu looduslike ilutoodete bränd. Esmaspäeval, 1.augustil avas uksed VIVI pood Tallinnas Sikupilli keskuses. Käisin isegi seal esmaspäeval kohal, et toodetega, mille kohta seni vaid nende netilehelt olin lugenud, ise lähemalt tutvust teha.
VIVI beauty products are natural, organic and biologically active. I like that their products are free from toxic preservatives and synthetic colours and fragrances. VIVI beauty products are made of the purest oils and of the most active herbal extracts. From their products range your can find creams, lotions, shower gels, shampoos, toothpastes and toothbrushes, perfumes etc.
VIVI ilutooted on looduslikud, orgaanilised ja bioloogiliselt aktiivsed. Toodetes ei ole kasutatud toksilisi säilitusaineid ega sünteetilisi värvi- ja lõhnaaineid. VIVI iluhooldustooted on valmistatud puhtaimatest õlidest ja kõige aktiivsematest taimsetest ekstraktidest. VIVI tootevalikus on kreemid, losjoonid, dušigeelid, šampoonid, hambapastad ja -harjad, parfüümid jpm.
In Estonian store they currently have only the most popular VIVI products. All their products come in simple packaging. Some of the products (such as 12 Herbal Shampoo and Fruity shower gel) smell so gorgeous!
VIVI pood Tallinnas Sikupilli keskuses annab võimaluse osta kõige populaarsemaid VIVI tooteid. Kõik nende tooted on lihtsa kujundusega pakendites ning osad tooted (nagu näiteks 12 Ürdi šampoon ja Fruity dušigeel) lõhnavad IMELISELT!
When I read about their products then for some reason I assumed that they will be expensive, however, for my great surprise they are actually affordable. And if you sign up for their loyalty card then you’ll pay even less for the products, plus there are some other benefits. For example I purchased VIVI Face Wash Foam which normally retails for 13€, but since I signed up for the loyalty card then I paid 9€ for it 🙂
Kui ma VIVI toodete kohta lugesin, siis ma mingil põhjusel eeldasin, et tegu on kindlasti järjekordse brändiga, mis ei pruugi kõigile rahakotisõbralik olla. Minu suureks üllatuseks on aga VIVI toodete hinnad täitsa normaalsed ja kui liituda nende püsikliendiprogrammiga on hinnad veelgi soodsamad. Näiteks ostsin mina VIVI poest VIVI roosiõieveega näopesuvahu, mille tavahind on 13€, ent kuna ma liitusin nende püsikliendiprogrammiga, siis maksin ma selle näopesuvahu eest 9€.
So far I have tried VIVI 12 Herbal Shampoo (longer review coming next week!) which in my opinion is very good. It lathers nicely, smells incredible and makes my hair clean. I like that it doesn’t make my scalp itchy and my hair feels lovely after using it.
I have also used VIVI Face Wash Foam since Monday and my first impressions are very positive. It removes makeup from my face and makes my skin nicely clean. I like that it doesn’t make my skin unpleasantly dry. I have also used Aloe Vera Nourishing Face Cream for a couple of times and so far I like it. It is lightweight cream that absorbs quickly leaving my skin moisturised and soft. Yesterday I also tried Coco body lotion and I liked it quite a lot, so I might buy this one in full size 🙂
You can visit VIVI Estonian site HERE, but to see all their products I recommend visiting their Lithuanian site HERE.
Seni olen ma VIVI tootedest proovinud VIVI 12 taime šampooni (pikem postitus sellest tulemas järgmisel nädalal), mis minu arvates on väga hea. See vahutab mõnusalt ning sellel in imehea lõhn. Šampoon teeb mu juuksed kenasti puhtaks ning juuksed tunduvad pärast selle šampooni kasutamist mõnusad.
Lisaks olen esmaspäevast saadik kasutanud ka VIVI roosiõieveega näopesuvahtu ning esimesed muljed sellest on igati positiivsed. See eemaldab näolt (kerge)meigi lihtsalt ning nahk on pärast selle kasutamist meeldivalt puhas, samas aga ei muuda ta nahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks. Ka VIVI Aloe Vera kreemi olen ma mõned korrad kasutanud. Tegu on kerge kreemiga, mis imendub hästi ning jätab naha mõnusalt niisutatuks ja pehmeks. Eile proovisin ka Coco kehaemulsiooni ning mulle täitsa meeldis see nii, et võimalik, et ostan selle tulevikus endale ka täissuuruses.
VIVI brändi ja toodetega saab tutvuda SIIN, aga kogu nende tootevalikuga tutvumiseks soovitan külastada ka nende Leedu lehte.