A beauty product that contains just 1 (yes, one!) ingredient that is promised to do wonders to your skin? Sounds like something from a fairy tale, doesn’t it? Turbliss Bioactive Peat Toner is 100% natural product containing 100% peat water. According to the pretty promises it should cleanse, refresh, revitalise and tone the skin. I have used it this summer and so since the summer is ending and my Bioactive Peat Toner bottle got empty last week, then it’s time to review it.
Ilutoode millel on vaid üks koostis osa (jah, vaid 1) ning mis peaks lubaduste kohaselt nahaga imesid tegema? Kõlab nagu midagi muinasjutust, või kuidas? Turbliss Bioaktiivne Rabatoonik on just selline 100% looduslik toode, mis sisaldab 100% vaid turbavett. Pakendil olevate ilusate lubaduste järgi peaks bioaktiivne rabatoonik nahka puhastama, värskendama, elustama ja toniseerima. Mina katsetasin seda sel suvel ja seega on aeg teiega jagada minu arvamust sellest.
Hypoallergenic Turbliss Bioactive Peat toner is a living product. It is only mechanically filtered and contains the unique bioactive complex without any refinement. Besides cleansing, refreshing, revitalising and toning Turbliss Bioactive Peat Toner also helps to minimise pores and even out skin tone and texture.
Turbliss Bioaktiivne Rabatoonik on ainus elav vesi kosmeetikaturul. Seda on ainult mehaaniliselt filtreeritud, et säilitada turbaveele omast ainulaadset nahka hooldavat bioaktiivsete ainete kompleksi. Lisaks naha puhastamisele, värskendamisele ja toniseerimisele aitab allergiavaba Turbliss Bioaktiivne Rabatoonik ahendada poore, korrigeerida jumet ja naha tekstuuri.
Turbliss Bioactive Peat toner comes in a 100ml dark glass bottle with a convenient pump which makes using the spray easy. I’m not fond of the glass bottle because sometimes in the mornings I can be super clumsy and dropping the bottle on the floor would end up in broken glass 🙁 The toner itself looks like water. It doesn’t have any scent.
I used it twice a day on a cotton pad after cleansing my skin with my face wash. On hot summer days, I liked to spray it on my face to freshen the skin. It seemed to work on my skin pretty well. After using it my skin was left feeling fresh and toned, and also my complexion seemed more even. Bioactive Peat toner didn’t irritate my skin and it didn’t cause any other skin problems.
In my opinion, Turbliss Bioactive Peat toner is a lovely natural and eco-friendly product. I did enjoy using it, however, I’m not sure if I will purchase it again.
You can read more about Turbliss and its products turbliss.eu/usa
Turbliss Bioaktiivne Rabatoonik on 100ml tumedas klaaspudelis, millel on mugav pump. Klaaspudelist ma kahjuks väga vaimustuses ei ole, kuna vahel hommikuti suudan ma paras kobakäpp olla ja viimane asi mida ma tahan, on klaasikillud mu vannitoa põrandal 🙁 Toonik ise näeb välja nagu vesi ning sellel ei ole mingit lõhna.
Mina kasutasin seda toonikut kaks korda päevas – hommikul ja õhtul, pärast näo puhastamist näopuhastusvahuga. Kuumadel suvepäevadel aga lasin seda vahel lihtsalt näole naha värskendamiseks. Mulle tundus, et Turbliss Bioaktiivne Rabatoonik sobib mu nahale päris hästi. Pärast selle kasutamist oli mu nahk meeldivalt värske ja toniseeritud ning ka jume tundus ühtlasem. Turblissi rabatoonik minu nahal mingit ärritust ega muid nahaprobleeme ei tekitanud.
Kokkuvõttes on minu arvates tegu mõnusa loodusliku ja keskkonnasõbraliku tootega. Mulle meeldis seda kasutada, aga samas ei ole ma 100% kindel, kas ma seda ka tulevikus ostan.
Rohkem Turblissi ja selle toodete kohta saad lugeda turbliss.eu
Tammy says
This sounds really nice for my type of skin. It needs hydrating during the day since its so hot here in Florida
Jeanine says
Sounds great! I’ve never heard of this brand before. Sounds like it could work for my skin!
Denise says
This is such a unique products. I’m amazed that it can do so much for your skin.
Katrina Gehman says
I have never heard of this, i’ll have to check it out. it looks really cool.
Pamela says
Oh man, I’ve never heard of this but I’m surely going to add it to my things to try!!
Pamela |
Elizabeth O. says
It sounds like a pretty awesome toner. I prefer eco-friendly products, especially since it’s perfect for sensitive skin. I think this is great.
Amanda Love says
I’ve never heard of this brand before, it sounds really effective. I’m used to a toner being sprayed on but I think it’s great. I love environmentally friendly products!
Rose Pingol says
I haven’t tried this product. I am not a huge fan of toner but this one is a must-try!
Nicole Escat says
Wow, this product sounds cool although I am not familiar with the brand. I love nature-friendly products!
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen says
This sounds like a great skin product that will do wonders for the skin.