Hi, beauties! As promised in my yesterday’s SKINFOOD skincare products post, then here’s post about two SKINFOOD makeup products: SKINFOOD Viva Volume Pastara Mascara and All Over Muffin Finish highlighter #4.
Hei, kaunitarid! Nagu eilses SKINFOOD nahahooldustoodete postituses lubatud sai, siis tänases postituses näitan teile lähemalt kahte SKINFOOD meigitoodet: SKINFOOD Viva Volume Pastara ripsmetušši ja All Over Muffin Finish highlighterit tooni #4.
SKINFOOD Viva Volume Pastara Mascara
So let’s start this SKINFOOD makeup products post with SKINFOOD Viva Volume Pastara mascara. This volume mascara is promised to add volume to lashes. Viva Volume Pastara mascara is a super hold mascara and it has a curlicue pasta brush.
Alustame siis SKINFOOD meigitoodete postitust SKINFOOD Viva Volume Pastara ripsmetušiga. Lubaduste kohaselt peaks see ripsmetušš lisama ripsmetele tihedust ja volüümi. Sellel ripsmetušil on pastakujuline keerdus hari ning intensiivse kauapüsiva koostis, mis kindlustavad kaunid ripsmed kogu päevaks.
I’m always super excited to try new mascaras because, for me, long voluminous lashes is a must! SKINFOOD Viva Volume Pastara mascara comes in a classic mascara tube. Its coiled brush looks interesting, however, I didn’t have much belief in it. You can imagine how surprised I was when I realised that this mascara brush is actually good and works well. It is very easy to work with it and I like that it does rather pretty good job with separating my lashes. The texture of the mascara is on the dry side, but I hope it won’t dry out too fast.
Uute ripsmetušide katsetamine meeldib mulle alati, sest ilusad pikad ripsmed on minu jaoks olulised. SKINFOOD Viva Volume Pastara ripsmetušš tuleb klassikalises ripsmetuši tuubis. Selle keerdudega hari näeb huvitav välja, ent mul ei olnud sellesse eriti palju usku. Võite aga ette kujutada mu üllatust kui kasutamise käigus avastasin, et tegelikult on teeb see hari oma töö ära väga hästi. Sellega ripsmeid värvida on mugav ning ripsmeid eraldab ta kenasti. Ripsmetuši tekstuur on kuivema poolsem, aga ma loodan, et ta nii pea siiski täitsa kuivaks ei muutu.
On the photo below you can see how SKINFOOD Viva Volume Pastara mascara works on my lashes. As you can see, it adds length and volume in just one coat, which is always great! I like that this mascara doesn’t clump my lashes together and it stays on my lashes all day without smearing or flaking. Viva Volume Pastara mascara will survive light workout and jogging, however, it will smear if you cry.
Allpool oleval pildil näete nö enne ja pärast tulemust. Nagu näha, siis Viva Volume Pastara ripsmetušš lisab mu ripsmetele pikkust ja volüümi ja loomulikult ka värvi ja seda kõike vaid juba 1 tušikihiga. Mulle meeldib, et see ripsmetušš ei kleebi mu ripsmeid kokku ja tulemus püsib terve päeva ilma määrimiseta või pudenema hakkamiseta. Viva Volume Pastara ripsmetušš elab üle ka kerge trenni ja sörkjooksu, ent pisaratega hakkab ta siiski laiali minema.
SKINFOOD All Over Muffin Cake Finish #4
SKINFOOD All Over Muffin Cake Finish is described as a unique product, made with three marbled colours baked in a pan. Its natural sophisticated colour and subtle shimmer creates a dazzling look and radiant finish.
SKINFOOD All Over Muffin Cake Finish highlighter on kirjelduse järgi unikaalne toode, mis koosneb kolmest värvitoonist, mis on küpsetatud. Selle naturaalne ja elegantne värv ning puudri koostises olevad pärliosakesed tagavad kauni läbikumava jume.
So let’s start with the packaging. SKINFOOD All Over Muffin Cake Finish highlighter comes in a cardboard packaging. There is also a brush included on the bottom layer of the packaging. The brush is a nice addition and works well for application.
Alustame siis SKINFOOD All Over Muffin Cake Finish highlighteri pakendiga. Plastik pakendile vahelduseks on see highlighter hoopis kartongist pakendis. Särapuudriga tuleb kaasa ka pintsel, mis muudab toote peale kandmise mugavaks.
SKINFOOD All Over Muffin Cake Finish highlighter #4 – Vanilla Peach Muffin is a lovely highlighter shade and it has gorgeous smell! It smells like vanilla and peaches and something else. I just love love love that scent! I like this highlighter because its shimmer effect is subtle and it is buildable so you can add a light or strong highlight to your face.
SKINFOOD All Over Muffin Cake Finish highlighter #4 – Vanilla Peach Muffin on hästi mõnus highlighteri toon, millel on imehea aroom! See lõhnab nagu vanilje ja aprikoosid ja veel midagi. See lõhn on ülimõnus! Ja ka highlighterina on see toode mõnus, sest see lisab nahale tagasihoidlikku sära. Soovi korral saad seda nahale ka mitu kihti kanda, et saavutada tugevam efekt.
You can see SKINFOOD All Over Muffin Cake Finish #4 Vanilla Peach Muffin highlighter in use on the photos below. I applied it above my cheekbones, on the bridge of my nose and on the chin. I also applied it on my browbone and in the inner corner of my eye. On my lashes, you can see of course SKINFOOD Viva Volume Pastara mascara.
Allpool olevatel fotodel näete SKINFOOD All Over Cake Finish särapuudrit kasutuses. Kandsin seda ninaluule, põsesarna luule ja lõuale ning ka kulmuluule ja silmasisenurka. Ja minu ripsmetel näete loomulikult Viva Volume Pastara ripsmetušši.
Overall I like both Viva Volume Pastara Mascara and All Over Muffin Cake Finish highlighter. They are great for everyday use and doesn’t cause me any skin problems 🙂 I’m pretty sure I will try some more SKINFOOD makeup products in the future!
Kokkuvõttes olen nii Viva Volume Pastara ripsmetuši kui ka All Over Muffin Cake Finish highlighteriga väga rahul. Tegu on suurepäraselt igapäevaseks kasutamiseks sobivate toodetega. Lisaks ei ole nad seni mulle põhjustanud mingeid nahaprobleeme 🙂
Candace says
Never heard of his brand, but that highlighter looks lovely. I’m a sucker for glow! <3
sassypout says
Both mascara & highlighter look amazing on you!! skinfood has great selection of makeup & skincare
najat boutaher says
omg you need to try the skin care espcially the sleeping pacs you will thank me infinitly
Leelo says
Thanks! I’ll give those a try!