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I haven’t posted any haul posts like forever, however today I have Shopbop sale haul to show you 😉 Last week Shopbop offered an extra 25% discount on all the products in their sale category and so I ended up making actually two orders. I made my first order on the 22nd June and the second order on the 24th June. To my great surprise both orders arrived yesterday (27th June) with DHL! It is pretty awesome because I live in Estonia and sometimes even my orderes from Estonian online shops take forever to arrive.
Eelmisel nädalal oli Shopbopil lisaallahindlus kõigile juba allahinnatud toodetele ja seega endalegi üllatuseks tegin sealt kaks tellimust. Esimene 22.juunil ja teise 24.juunil ja minu suureks üllatuseks saabusid mõlemad pakid eile (27.juunil). Shopbopi pakid üldiselt tulevadki DHL’ga kiirelt ning minu jaoks on see üheks põhjuseks, miks ma üldse vahepeal Shopbop’ist tellin.
So lets start this Shopbop sale haul post with footwear. I ended up ordering a pair of Cocobelle sandals and Kate Spade flip flops. I needed a new pair of flip flops and since I didn’t want to spend a fortune on new ones then these Kate Spade Frill flip flops (sold out now) seemed like a great choice. I didn’t exactly need a new pair of sandals, but I just loved the beading on the Cocobelle Arrow sandals and since they surprisingly were available in my size then I ordered those too 😛
Alustame siis jalatsitega. Tellisin endale Cocobelle sandaalid ja Kate Spade plätud. Veel üht paari sandaale mul otseselt ei olnud vaja, aga kuna mule Cocbelle Arrow sandaalide juures väga meeldis neil olev kaunistus ning need olid saadaval minu suuruses (ei ole lihtne omada 41 suuruses jalgu :S ) siis nad minu ostukorvis maandusidki. Uusi plätusid aga oli mul vaja ja seetõttu siis tellisingi Kate Spade’i plätud.
You can never have too many pairs of shorts in the summer time and so these striped DL1961 Foster Relaxed Shorts (sold out now) ended up in my shopping cart.
Suvisel ajal ei ole võimalik omada liiga palju paare lühikesi pükse ja seetõttu tellisingi endale need triibulised DL1961 Foster Relaxed Shorts shortsid (nüüd välja müüdud).
White cupcakes and cashmere Jean Ruffle Sleeve Top waited in my shopping cart for a month or two. I love it! I really should have ordered it sooner because it fits great and looks cute on 🙂
See valge cupcakes and cashmere Jean Ruffle Sleeve top pluus ootas mu ostukorvis ära ostimist kuu või lausa kaks. Oleksin pidanud selle juba tõesti varem ära tellima, sest tegu on väga armsa topiga!
I also ordered a simple casual dress for summer. MONROW Super Fade Tennis Dress seemed like a nice simple dress and it is comfy, however I would never pay full price (175$) for it :S
Lisaks tellisin veel ühe suvise kleidi. Monrow Super Fade Tennis Dress on selline mõnus lihtne suvine kleit, aga olgem ausad täishinda (175$) ma selle eest küll ei maksaks.
And, last but not least something from not the sale category. I didn’t exactly need a new chemise, however, this Calvin Klein chemise has been in my wish list for a couple of months now and so I ended up ordering that one too.
Ja lõpetuseks siis veel üks toode, mis ei ole allahindluse kategooriast, aga mis mu mitte-kunagi-lõppevas soovidenimekirjas on olnud juba pikemat aega – Calvin Klein öösärk
So this was my Shobop sale haul. Did you order anything last week during the extra 25% off sale event?
Stef says
I love that C&C lace top- would love to see a more detailed review so I can decide if I need it too 🙂
Stef |
Leelo says
I have an outfit idea in mind with it. Hopefully I can post it on Monday 🙂
Stef says
Can’t wait to see it 🙂
Kim Pincombe Cole says
All great picks!!
Leelo says
Thanks 🙂
A Very Sweet Blog says
You purchased some really cute clothes! I love those sandals. The lace detail on the top is so cute and what a pretty blue top. Very nice.