Essence is brand know for their budget friendly beauty products. My today’s post is of Essence All About Roses eyeshadow palette in 03 Roses, which surprised me with its quality.
Essence on bränd, mis on tuntud oma taskukohase hinnaga ilutoodete poolest. Minu tänane postitus on Essence All About Roses lauvärvi paletist toonis 03 Roses. Tegu on paletiga, mis üllatas mind meeldivalt oma hea kvaliteediga.
Essence All About Roses eyeshadow palette comes in a super simple packaging and it contains 8 matching rose colours that can be combined for simple daytime looks or bold evening looks. The eyeshadows in this palette are promised to be soft and longlasting.
Essence All About Roses lauvärvi palet on hästi lihtsa kujundusega ja selles on 8 lauvärvi tooni. Värve saab omavahel kombineerides luua nii lihtsalt tagasihoidlikke meike kui ka julgeid tumedamaid looke. Lubaduste järgi peaksid need lauvärvid olema pehmed ja kauapüsivad.
So here are the swatches. On the first image, you can see how Essence All About Roses eyeshadows perform on clean skin without primer and on the second one you can see them swatched over Essence I Love Stage eyeshadow base.
Ja siin siis swatchid. Esimesel pildil on kõik 8 tooni swatchitud puhtale kuivale nahale ilma lauvärvi aluskreemita ning teisel siis kasutasin lauvärvide all Essence I Love Stage lauvärvialuskreemi.
What I like about Essence All About Roses eyeshadow palette is the fact that the pigmentation of all shades is good or very good. They are super easy to apply and blend and when used with primer then they really stay on all day without fading. There is a bit fallout during application, but that’s only just a bit. I like that this palette has a good selection of shimmery and matte shades (5 shimmery and 3 matte ones).
Mis Essence All About Roses lauvärvipaleti juures meeldib on see, et kõik kaheksa tooni on kas hästi või väga hästi pigmenteeritud. Kõiki toone on lihtne peale kanda ja hajutada ning neid koos lauvärvialuskreemiga kasutades püsib tulemus terve päeva. Lauvärvide peale kandmisel võib natukene toodet pudeneda silmalla, aga see on peaaegu märkamatu. Samuti on selle paleti puhul positiivne, et selles on nii läikivaid kui ka matte lauvärvi toone (5 läikivat ja 3 matti) 🙂
Essence toodetega saab tutvuda lehel. Essence’i tooteid saab mugavalt osta näiteks Selveritest
Casual daytime makeup look
For this casual daytime makeup look I used some of my new Essence makeup products (and of course some favourites from other brands). BTW I’m impressed with Essence Forbidden Volume mascara – it is absolutely AMAZING! I’ll write a longer post about soon 😉
Ja lõpetuseks üks lihtne päevameik. Kasutasin selle tegemiseks uusi tooteid Essence’lt (ning ka mõnda lemmikut teistelt brändidelt). Muide ma pean ära mainima, et Essence Forbidden Volume ripsmetušš on lihtsalt SUUREPÄRANE! Juba esimese kasutuskorraga sai see mu suureks lemmikuks. Pikem postitus Forbidden Volume ripsmekast tulemas varsti 🙂
Products used
- Babo Botanicals Daily Sheer Sunscreen SPF40
- Avon Nutra Effects BB Matte Cream
- Avon Magix Multi-benefit Illuminator
- Avon Luxe Silken Pressed Powder in Fair Silk
- Avon Ideal Flawless Colour Corrector Pearls
- Physicians Formula Glow & Mood Boosting blush in Natural
- Essence Make Me Brow Eyebrow Mascara in 01 Blondy Brows
- Essence I love Stage Eyeshadow Base
- Essence All About Roses eyeshadow palette ( Shade 1 from the top row on brow bone and in the inner corner; Shade 2 from the bottom row applied all over lid; shade 2 from the top row in the outer corner and blended into the crease)
- Essence Forbidden Volume mascara
- Avon Ultra Glazewear lip gloss in Mulberry
Anna says
That is such a pretty palette, the colours look beautiful. I have not tried it but I really want to))