A good sunscreen is a must-have in my cosmetics bag. Although you can use the same sunscreen for both, your face and body, then I’m one of those weird people who actually prefers special sunscreens for the face. Two years ago I had very good experience with Kiss My Face Factor Sunscreen SPF30 for Face & Neck. When I was ordering a new sunscreen from iHerb this year, then I decided to try something new and so I ended up ordering Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face Sunscreen.
Hea päikesekaitsekreem on must-have toode minu kosmeetika kotis. Kuigi paljud kasutavad nii näol kui ka kehal sama kreemi, siis mina olen üks neist imelikest, kes eelistab näol kasutada siiski spetsiaalselt näole mõeldud kreeme. Üle eelmisel suvel kasutasin ma näole iHerb’st tellitud Kiss My Face Factor Sunscreen SPF30 näole ja kaelale mõeldud päikesekaitsekreemi, mis minu arvates oli väga hea. Kui ma aga sel kevadel hakkasin uut kreemi tellida, siis tahtsin ma proovida midagi uut ja nii langeski mu valik seekord hoopis Babo Botanicals 40SPF Daily Sheer For Face näole mõeldud päikesekaitsekreemi kasuks.
Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face Sunscreen is promised to be the perfect protection for every day wear. Its unique, natural formula provides lightweight and natural Broad Spectrum UVA + UVB protection to babies, childen or anyone with extra sensitive skin.
Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face Sunscreen contains a unique combination of clear zinc oxide and titanium dioxide as physical barriers to UVA and UVB rays. It also contains Aloe, White Tea Avocado and Jojoba Oil which all are powerful soothing and moisturizing ingredients. Sunscreen’s unscented non-greasy formula is allergy tested and its soothing formula glides on easily.
Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face näole mõeldud päikesekaitsekreem peaks lubaduste kohaselt olema täiuslik kaitsekreem igapäevakseks kasutamiseks. Selle unikaalne ja naturaalne koostis pakub laia spektriga kaitset nii UVA kui ka UVB kiirguse eest nii beebidele, lastele kui ka kõigile teistele kellel on õrn nahk.
Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face päikesekaitsekreem näole sisaldab unikaalset kombinatsiooni tsinkoksiidist ja titaandioksiidi. Lisaks on kreemis aaloe, valge tee ekstrakte, avokaado ja jojoba õli, mis kõik rahustavad ja niisutavad nahka. Päikeskaitsekreemi lõhnatu ja mitterasvane koostis on hüpoallergeenne ning seda on lihtne nahale kanda.
My opinion of Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face Sunscreen
Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face Sunscreen comes in a 50ml plastic tube. The cream itself is white and it has a rather thick consistency. Although this cream is advertised as unscented, then I wouldn’t call it exactly that because it does have a light fragrance. I like that it is easy to apply this sunscreen on my face and once applied to the skin it feels lightweight and after a couple of minutes it looks rather matte and doesn’t feel greasy. I’m not a fan of sunscreens that I can feel on my face the whole day and that start like melting off when the weather is hot. I’m very happy that I can’t even notice this cream on my skin and if I work out then it doesn’t give that melting feeling.
I have read that some people complain that this cream isn’t moisturising, however, it keeps my skin moisturised all day without any problems. I have tested it also with some moisturizing day creams, but then the combination feels a bit too much.
I don’t like sunscreens that will leave your skin looking absolutely white. Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face Sunscreen will leave a light, almost unnoticeable white cast on my face, but since I usually apply my BB cream after this one, then it isn’t really a problem. The weather lately here in Estonia has been amazing (read: sunny and warm which I LOVE) and I like that I haven’t burned my face or neck so far.
Overall I like Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face Sunscreen a lot and it is definitely a product I would buy again 🙂 Oh btw this sunscreen is also cruelty free 🙂
You can order Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face Sunscreen from iHerb.com, where it costs $17.16.
Minu arvamus Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face päikesekaitsekreemist näole
Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face näole mõeldud päikesekaitsekreem on 50ml plastik tuubis. Kreem ise on valge värvusega ning üsna tihke konsistentsiga. Kuigi lubaduste järgi peaks see kreem olema lõhnatu, siis mina seda küll lõhnatuks ei nimetaks, sest kreemil on siiski õrn lõhn. Mulle meeldib, et seda päikesekaitsekreemi on lihtne näole kanda ning nahal jääb see tõesti kerge ja paari minuti pärast on nahk kena ja matt ning ei tundu katsudes ebameeldivalt rasvane.
Ma ei fänna eriti päevituskreeme, mida sa sõnaotseses mõttes terve päev enda nahal tunned ja mis kuuma ilmaga veel tagatipuks nahalt maha hakkavad sulama. Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face kreemi puhul on just see hea, et ma ei tunne, et see üldse mu nahal oleks ning isegi trenni tehes ei teki seda vastikut sulamise tunnet.
Ma olen lugenud kommentaare selle kreemi kohta, kus kurdetakse, et Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face päikesekaitsekreem näole ei ole eriti niisutav. Mina seni aga kurta ei saa ning minu naha jaoks on ta piisavalt niisutav. Olen seda kreemi ka mõne niisutada päevakreemiga koos katsetanud, ent siis tunnen, ma et seda kõike on nahale natukene juba liiga palju.
Need kes on mu blogi kauem lugenud tõenäoliselt teavad, et mulle ei meeldi päikesekaitsekreemid, mis nahale valge kihi jätavad. Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face näole mõeldud päikesekaitsekreem küll jätab õrna, peaaegu märkamatu valge kihi nahale, ent kuna ma üldiselt kannan peale ka BB kreemi, siis see ei ole probleemiks. Ja mis kõige tähtsam – praeguste kauniste päikeseliste ilmadega ei ole mu nägu, kael ja dekoltee kordagi ära põlenud tänu sellele kreemile 🙂
Kokkuvõttes olen Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face päikesekaitsekreemiga näole väga rahul ning kindlasti ostaksin seda ka tulevikus 🙂 Muide seda kreemi ei ole loomadel testitud, mis on väga positiivne 🙂
Babo Botanicals 40 SPF Daily Sheer For Face näole mõeldud päikesekaitsekreemi saab tellida näiteks iHerb.com lehelt, kus selle hinnaks on 15,60€
Secret word for the giveaway: SUNSHINE
Angela Saver says
I am looking for a new sunscreen, so I can’t wait to try this! It sounds like just what I’m looking for. I love that it’s lightweight & SPF 40!
Brie Bella says
Wow, this is exactly what I have been looking for. The matt finish of my sunscreen disappoints me to a great extent. I would like to use this product from ‘babo’. I will also recommend it to some of my friends, who, just like me, want a sunscreen which could also help adding some sheen to the face.
Stacey Roberson says
I love that this is just a facial sunscreen and contains important ingredients like Aloe, White Tea Avocado and Jojoba Oil. I also love that this is not greasy. I don’t like an oily feeling to my face.
Ronald Gagnon says
It is great that it’s lightweight & SPF 40, and does not leave a greasy residue
Ursula says
I enjoyed reading your sunscreen review and like that it has moisturizing ingredients and its sheer formula!
Elisabeth says
Sounds like this sunscreen is a win all the way around. I love that it’s also cruelty free!
sassypout says
I never heard of this brand before but I love iherb so I’ll definitelly check this cream out.
Irena Matković says
I need this these days!
tina gonzalez says
This product sounds good. I like the fact that its light weight and non greasy. good SPF40.
Melissa Stephens says
I’m the same way I need a sunscreen that’s specifically for the face! Just makes me feel better almost like well since it’s for my face it’ll work better or be better for my skin. I really enjoyed your review I like your honesty! Love that it’s not greasy and is light weight I’m not a fan of the goopy to thick sunscreen so this sounds great for me!