Missha is well known Korean cosmetic brand, which started from a website beauty.net and then opened its first store in Seoul in 2003. Missha is best known for its amazing BB creams and so today I have Missha Signature Real Complete BB Cream in Light Pink Beige review for you. This cream was sent for me from Q-Depot.com. Q-Depot is an online store offering a wide variety of Korean cosmetics. All their products are 100% authentic and shipped directly from Q-Depot warehouse in Korea.
Missha on tuntud Korea kosmeetika bränd, mis sai alguse netileheküljelt beauty.net ning esimese poe avasid nad 2003 Seoulis. Missha kõige tuntumad tooted on BB kreemid ja täna ongi mul teile pikem postitus Missha M Signature Real Complete BB kreemist toonis Light Pink Beige. See kreem saadeti mulle katsetamiseks Q-Depot.com online poest. Q-Depot on online pood, kes oma tootevalikus on keskendunud just nimelt Korea ilutoodetele. Kõik tooted on originaalid ja saadetakse välja otse nende laost Koreas.
Missha Signature Real Complete BB Cream is described as a multi-function BB cream which has perfect coverage, good adherence and it’s long-lasting (up to 12 hours). It is promised to reduce the skin darkening and make your skin tone look gorgeous. While providing gentle coverage, it also treats blemishes and it contains wrinkle-preventing antioxidants to improve your skin over time. Plus it Hypoallergenic, noncomedogenic, and free of parabens, mineral oil, alcohol, GMOs, Triclosan, and Benzophenone. The M Signature Real Complete BB Cream is perfect for sensitive or troubled skin.
Missha Signature Real Complete BB kreem on kirjelduse järgi multifunktsionaalne BB kreem, mis katab täiuslikult, jääb nahale hästi püsima ja püsib kuni 12 tundi. Lubaduste kohaselt peaks see vähendama naha tumenemist ja muutma nahatooni täiuslikuks. Missha M Signature Real Complete BB kreem pakub head katvust, aitab ravida vistrike ja samuti sisaldab see kortse ennetavaid antioksüdante. Kõik see aitab aja jooksul muuta nahka tervemaks ja kenamaks. Lisaks on Missha BB kreem hüpoallergeeniline ning see on parabeeni-, kemikaali-, mineraalõli-, alkoholi-, GMO-, triklosaani- ja bensofenoonivaba. See kõik teeb Missha M Signature BB kreemist täisuliku kreemi ka tundlikule ja probleemsele nahale.
Missha M Signature Real Complete BB Cream comes in a beautiful tube with a pump. I truly love the design of this tube! The BB cream itself has good consistency and it has a rather pleasant scent. Because of its bit thicker consistency, it does remind me more of a foundation than BB cream.
Missha M Signature Real Complete BB Cream tuleb ilusas pumbaga pakendis. Kreemil on mõnus konsistents ning üsna meeldiv lõhn. Kuna Missha BB kreem on paksema konsistentsiga, siis meenutab see mulle pigem jumestuskreemi kui BB kreemi.
Missha M Signature Real Complete BB cream offers good buildable coverage – just as you prefer. It easily hides imperfection leaving my skin nice and dewy.
Missha M Signature Real Complete BB kreem katab tõesti hästi peites nahavead ning jättes naha kauniks ja ühtlaseks.
Well as you can see it really covers very well leaving my skin tone look even and rather flawless. Since the Light Pink Beige is rather a light shade then at the moment it’s a bit too light for my face. However, I think in winter time it will look perfect. Application of Missha Signature Real Complete BB Cream is rather easy, however, its removal can be a challenge and your regular cleansers might not be enough to completely clean your skin. I do wish this BB cream would have better moisturising properties because by the end of the day I do feel that my face is kind of dry 🙁
When it comes to the promise to last up to 12 hours then I haven’t tested it for 12 hours, but it lasts very well up to 8-9 without any problems 🙂
Overall I like Missha Signature Real Complete BB Cream a lot because it covers well leaving my skin looking even, but natural.
You can order Missha products from leading Korean cosmetics store Q-Depot.com.
Nagu pildilt näete, siis Missha Real Complete BB kreemi katvuse kohta ei saa ühtegi halba sõna öelda. Kreem aitab mu nahatooni muuta ühtlaseks ning peidab enamiku vigadest. Toon Light Pink Beige on üsna hele toon ja praegu kevadel, kui ma olen päris palju aega päikesekäes jõudnud veeta, on see toon mulle natukene liiga hele. Samas talvisel ajal on tõenäoliselt see toon mulle paremini sobiv 🙂 Missha BB kreemi pealekandmine on lihtne, ent selle eemaldamie enam nii lihtne ei ole ja tavalised näopuhastus vahud, losjoonid võivad hätta jääda selle eemaldamisega. Mulle meeldiks kui Missha Signature Real Complete BB kreem niisutaks mu nahka paremini, sest päeva lõpuks ma kahjuks tunnen, et nahk on kuiv 🙁
Mis aga puutub lubadusse, et see kuni 12 tundi nahal püsib, siis päris 12 tundi ma seda küll näol hoidnud ei ole, ent 8-9 tunniga saab see kreem küll edukalt hakkama.
Kokkuvõttes olen Missha Siganture Real Complete BB kreemiga rahul, sest see katab hästi andes samas mu nahale ikkagi loomuliku välimuse.
KP says
I know this product would be good. I love the makeup. It is fabulous!!
melindakhaley says
Can I ask what mac colour you are? (If you know)
Leelo says
Unfortunately I don’t know 🙁