In March, I introduced you my new favourite hair care products, which are environmentally friendly and work very well on my hair (read the post here). Earlier this month I was offered an opportunity to review some more products from Gold Professional Haircare and so today I’m going to share with you my thoughts of Gold Luxury Hair Masque, Volumizing Leave-in Conditioner, Volume Spray and Smoothing Cream.
Märtsi alguses tegin postituse enda uutest lemmik juuksehooldustoodetest, mis lisaks kõigele, et nad minu juustele hästi sobivad on ka keskkonnasõbralikud (loe postitust siit). Selle kuu alguses sain katsetamiseks veel mõned Gold Professional Haircare tooted ning tänases postituses kirjutangi lähemalt Gold Luxury Hair Masque luksuslikust juuksemaskist, volüümi lisavast leave-in sprei-palsamist, volüümispreist ja siluvast kreemist.
Gold Luxury Hair Masque is perfect for chemically or colour treated hair. Thanks to almond oil, cold pressed shea butter and wheat protein, this mask helps to transform dry, dull hair into soft and shiny.
Gold Luxury Hair Masque comes in a 200ml golden jar. This jar looks so just cool and stylish on my bathroom shelf so I think once it’s empty I’ll keep the jar because of its design 😛 The mask itself has a mild smell and the consistency of this mask is super thick! I usually first wash my hair with Gold Blond shampoo and then towel-dry my hair. Next, I apply the mask to my hair from the midlength to the tips and then let it work its magic for about 5 minutes. After I rinsing my hair feels so incredibly soft! Like I can’t really remember any other hair mask that has made my hair that soft. It’s just incredible!
Gold Luxury Hair Masque luksuslik juuksemask on eriti sobilik keemiliselt töödeldud ja värvitud juustele. Maskis sisalduvad mandliõli, külmpressi sheavõi ja nisuvalk aitavad muuta elutud ja tuhmid juuksed pehmeks ja säravaks.
Gold Luxury Hair Masque luksuslik juuksemask on 200ml huvitava disaniga potsikus. See juuksemaski purgike näeb mu vannitoa riiulil välja väga lahe ja ma arvan, et a tõenäoliselt hoian vist selle pakendi selle välimuse pärast alles ka siis kui juuksemask ise on ammu otsa saanud 😛 Juuksemask ise on tagasihoidliku meeldiva lõhnaga ning konsistentsilt on tegu väga tihke maskiga.
Mina kasutan seda maski nii, et kõige pealt pesen juuksed Gold Blond šampooniga ja siis teen juuksed rätiga natukene kuivemaks. Edasi kannan maski juustele kuskilt umbes juuksepikkuse keskelt kuni otsteni välja. Maskil lasen juustes mõjuda umbes 5 minutit ja siis loputan juuksed puhtaks. Pärast maski maha pesemist on juuksed ülipehmed! Mulle ei meenu hetkel ühtegi teist juuksemaski, mis oleks juuksed nii mõnusalt pehmeks muutnud! Lihtsalt kirjeldamatult pehmeks!♥♥♥
Gold Volumizing Leave-in Conditioner nourishes hair and adds volume. It helps to polish and seal dry and brittle ends leaving hair looking fresh. It also prevents hair color from fading, while protecting hair from heat and UV rays. It can be used alone or with other Gold Professional Haircare styling products.
Gold Volumizing Leave-in Conditioner comes in a 150ml spray bottle. The fine mist has a pleasant scent and it’s easy to use. I usually spray it on my damp hair and then blow-dry. It helps to make my hair soft and easily manageable and it also helps to get rid of tangles 🙂 I like that this volumizing leave-in conditioner really adds some volume to my hair and what I like even more is that the volume is there even if I let my hair dry naturally!
Gold Volumizing Leave-in sprei-palsam on juustesse jäetav palsam, mis aitab juukseid toita ja lisada kohevust. Sprei-palsam poleerib ja sulged lahtised juukseotsad. Samuti aitab see takistada värvi tuhmumist ja kaitseb kuumuse ja UV kiirte eest. Seda toodet võib kasutada nii eraldi kui ka koos teiste Gold Professional Haircare viimistlus toodetega.
Gold Volumizing Leave-in sprei-palsam on 150ml sprei pudelis, mis teeb selle kasutamise mugavaks. Palsamil on hästi mõnus lõhn, mis kaob juustest kui juuksed kuivanud on. Tavaliselt kasutan ma seda sprei-palsamit rätikukuivadel juustel ja siis föönitan juuksed kuivaks. Gold Volumizing Leave-in sprei-palsam aitab juuksed muuta pehmeks ja lihtsasti käsitsetavaks ning pusade probleemi lahendab ta samuti edukalt 🙂 Mis puutub lubatud kohevusse, siis mu juuksed on tõesti tunduvalt kohevamad, kui olen Gold Volumizing Leave-in sprei-palsamit kasutanud ning kohevust on juustes isegi siis, kui ma lasen juustel lihtsalt õhu käes kuivada ♥
Gold Volume Spray is a spray wax that gives a quick boost of texture and volume to fine, thin and lifeless hair. It is ideal for use if the hair is not freshly washed.
Gold Volume Spray comes in a golden 150ml can. When I do like the fragrances of Gold Professional Haircare products, then, unfortunately, the smell of this one isn’t my cup of tea. The scent isn’t bad, but I just don’t like it 🙁 What I like about this spray is that it really adds volume and texture to my hair and so when normally the next day after washing my hair my hair feel and look kind of limp, then this spray magically makes my hair look much better 🙂
Gold Volume Spray volüümilisava sprei näol on tegu pihustatava vahaga õhukestele ja elututele juustele. See viimistlusvaha aitab õhukestele juustele anda kohevust ja tugevamat hoiakut. Ideaalselt sobib see kasutamiseks, siis kui juuksed ei ole äsja pestud.
Gold Volume Spray volüümilisav sprei on 150ml kuldses pihustiga pudelis. Kui ma olen seni olnud kõigi Gold Professional Haircare juuksehooldustoodete lõhnadega rahul, siis kahjuks selle sprei lõhna juures on midagi, mis lihtsalt ei ole minu teetass 🙁 Tegu ei ole halva lõhnaga, ent mulle mingil põhjusel see ei istu. Ent selle sprei juures on kindlasti positiivne see, et see tõesti lisab juustele kohevust ja hoidvust. Tavaliselt päev pärast juuste pesemist on mu juuksed üsna peadligi ja lahtiselt neid väga kanda ei kannata, siis see sprei tõesti suudab muuta mu juuksed jälle kenasti kohevamaks kohevamaks 🙂
Gold Smoothing Cream contains keratin and helps to leave hair shiny, sleek, smooth and frizz-free all day, plus it protects against heat. For extra moisture and shine, you can mix this cream with Gold Argan Oil and if you wish to repair slip ends then mix it with Gold Silk Drops.
Gold Smoothing Cream comes in a 150ml bottle with a pump. The cream itself is nice and creamy and it smells really good. I usually apply it to my hair before blow-drying (or straightening). This winter I was constantly having problems with flyaway hair, but after I started using this smoothing cream that problem disappeared 🙂 It also helps to make hair look nice and sleek and it is my new favourite product to use with straightener 🙂
Gold Smoothing Cream sisaldab keratiini, mis aitab juuksed jätta siledaks, läikivaks, staatilise elektri vabaks ning lisaks kaitseb ka kuumuse eest. Juhul kui juuksed vajavad lisa niisutust ja läiget, siis võib Gold Smoothing Cream kreemi segada Gold Argan Oil argaaniaõliga ning katkiste juuste otste parandamiseks võib seda segada Gold Silk Drop’ga.
Gold Smoothing Cream siluv kreem on 150ml pumbaga pudelis. Kreem ise on mõnusalt kreemjas ning selle on imehea lõhn. Tavaliselt kannan seda juustele enne juuste föönitamist (või ka enne sirgendaja kasutamist). Sel talvel ja isegi veel kevadel oli mul pidevalt probleeme staatilise elektri ja lendlevate juustega, ent pärast selle toote kasutamist kadus see mure ära 😀 Lisaks aitab see mu juuksed muuta lihtsamalt siledaks ning tegu on mu uue lemmik tootega, mida kasutada koos sirgendajaga.
Overall Gold Professional Haircare products have lived up to the promises again and I genuinely love Gold products!
Kokkuvõttes pean jälle nentima, et Gold Professional Haircare tooted on jälle end suunud tõestada ning minu vannitoariiulil on nad leidnud kindla koha, sest minu juustel töötavad nad nagu lubatud.
Rohkem saad Gold Professional Haircare toodete kohta lugeda lehelt. Osta saad Gold Professional tooteid Thaya Shop & Salon’st Tallinas, Narva mnt 5 ja Thaya e-poest
neversaydiebeauty says
I love the simple yet luxe packaging!
Lola Seicento says
I have never heard of this line before, but it looks and sounds so luxurious!
Shannon says
Never heard of them, but I like the simplistic yet luxe look of the packaging!
The Beauty of Life says
I haven’t heard of this brand before. The mask sounds great!
The Wardrobe Stylist says
Hair care is something I am in constant trial of. I only use mousse as it does the job with my hari but it’s always good to try something new. I would love if you can link up to
Laura MyNewestAddiction says
This sounds promising.
MarciaF says
The mask is what sounds the most intriguing. It can make such a big difference on my hair.
Collective Beauty (@Julie0728) says
I’ve never heard of this line, but everything sounds amazing!
Brooke @ Blushing Noir says
I love using fabulous hair care at home! It makes me feel like I stepped out of a salon every time!
fabulouskath says
I love hair masks, I can benefit from this
Bailey says
This range sounds really great. I love anything volumizing .
cosmeticsanctuary says
I’ve never heard of this brand – but I love hair care! I like the simplicity of the packaging while still looking elegant
honeygirlsworld says
I’m all about a great hair mask and I really like the look of the packaging from this line… I thought it was skin care. It sounds like a great line… I will need to check it out.