Happy Wednesday! Today I want to show you my simple Spring makeup with Avon makeup products.
Hei kaunitarid! Täna jagan teiega enda lihtsat kevadist meiki, mille tegemisel kasutasin vaid Avoni meigitooteid. Postituse lõpus on ka video sellest, kuidas selle meigi tegin 😉
I started my simple Spring makeup with Avon Nutra Effects BB Cream in Light. I haven’t used it much yet, but my first impressions are good and I like that it feels light on my skin. Next, I added Avon Magix multi-benefit illuminator under my eyes. I had heard great things about this concealer/highlighter and so far it seems like a very good product and it makes great job making under eye area brighter. To make makeup last it is a good idea to set it with powder. I used Avon Luxe Silken Pressed Powder in Fair Silk, which comes in a glamorous golden case with a leopard print. To make my skin tone look more even I used Avon Ideal Flawless Colour Corrector Pearls. Next, I added a touch of colour to my cheeks using Avon Ideal Luminous blush in Deep Plum. This is a lovely pink shade that is buildable. For my brows, I used Avon Perfect Eyebrow Kit in Soft Brown. This kit contains a wax, brow powder and a double-ended applicator to make your brows flawless.
When it comes to my eye makeup then, of course, I started with an eyeshadow base. This time I used again Avon eyeshadow base in Light Beige, which makes a good base for eyeshadows. For my eye makeup, I used Avon True Colour Eyeshadow Quad in Berry Love. I applied shade 2 (light pink) all over my lid, shade 1 which was the lightest on my browbone and inner corner. I applied shade 3 from the palette to outer corner and I also blended it to the crease. I did plan to skip eyeliner at first, but since I imagined the result to be better with eyeliner, then I applied Avon Super Extend Precise Liquid Liner to my upper lash line. For my lashes, I used new Avon Big & Multiplied Volume Mascara and I finished my look with lovely light pink Avon Ultra Glazewear lip gloss in Mulbery.
- Alustasin enda lihtsat kevadist meiki Avoni Nutra Effects BB kreemiga toonis Light.
- Järgmiseks kandsin silmaalustele Avon Magix kirgastavat peitekreemi, mis tänu valgust peegeldavatele osakestele aitab peita varje ja anda silmaalustele sära.
- BB kreemi ja peitekreemi kinnitasin Avon Luxe kivipuudriga toonis Fair Silk.
- Edasi kasutasin nahatooni ühtlustamiseks Avoni nahatooni täiustavaid puudripärleid.
- Põskedele värvi lisamiseks kasutasin Avon Ideal Luminous põsepuna toonis Deep Plum
- Kulmudele kuju ja värvi andmiseks kasutasin Avoni Perfect Eyebrow Kit kulmuvaha ja puudri komplekti. Komplektis olev puuder aitab fikseerida kulmukarvad ja puuder täidab kulme ja lisab neile värvi.
- Silmameiki alustasin Avoni lauvärvi aluskreemiga, mis aitab pikendada lauvärvi pealpüsimist ning takistab selle kogunemist lauvakku. Minu meigikotis on see toode olnud juba muide mitu aastat 😉
- Silmameigi tegemisel kasutasin Avon True Colour lauvärvi kvartetti toonis Berry Love. Lau liikuvale osale kandsin tooni 2, mis on kena tagasihoidlik roosa toon. Kulmuluule ja silma sisenurka kandsin tooni 1. Silma välisnurka kandsin tooni 3 ja samuti hajutasin seda pintsliga ka lauvakku.
- Esialgu plaanisin teha selle meigi lainerit kasutamata, ent viimasel hetkel otsustasin ikkagi ülemisele ripsmepiirile kanda Avoni Super Extend Precise vedelat silmapliiatsit.
- Ripsmetele kandsin seekord Avoni uut BIG and Multiplied ripsmetuši.
- Lihtsa kevadise meigi viimaseks sammuks oli heleroosa Ultra Glazewear huuleläige toonis Mulbery. Huuleläige on meeldiva, natuke magusa lõhnaga ja see ei jää huultel kleepuv.
Avoni toodete ostmiseks pöörduge enda Avoni müügiesindaja poole või kui teil veel ei ole oma Avoni konsultanti, siis külastage Avoni kodulehte www.avon.ee
Anna says
Your makeup looks so pretty!
Leelo says
Thank you 🙂
Brooke @ Blushing Noir says
You’re so beautiful! I love the makeup, the hair! All on point! <3
neversaydiebeauty says
So lovely! I love pink shadow. And I love your bangs!
Lola Seicento says
Your makeup looks absolutely gorgeous!
Collective Beauty (@Julie0728) says
I love how soft and natural this look is! I’ve actually never used Avon makeup, I’ll have to look into it!
MarciaF says
You look totally adorable in these pictures. I love your hair that way. Your makeup is springtime personified.
Phyrra says
You look gorgeous!
Kath Thefabzilla says
Simple but fabulous
Bailey says
Everything is so pretty! I really love the shadow shades.
Babi says
Lovely, fresh-faced look! Love!
teresa koedyker says
Love the look of your makeup!! It looks beautiful but very natural!!!