Prom season is here and so today I’m showing you this prom makeup where I used Urban Decay Naked 3 eyeshadow palette, plus some other great products. At first, I had an amazing plan to film a proper tutorial, but when I was just halfway done with my eye makeup my camera battery died (<–lesson learned – ALWAYS check the battery before filming 😛 ) and so no video this time.
Eesti on algamas lõpetamiste hooaeg ja mujal maailmas ballide hooaeg ja seega tänases postituses näitan teile veidi pidulikumat meiki, mille tegemisel kasutasin Urban Decay Naked 3 lauvärvipaletti. Alguses oli mul muidugi täiesti geniaalne plaan ka juba video teha sellest, kuidas seda meiki teen, ent kui olin jõudnud silmameigi tegemisega poolepeale, siis otsustas mu kaamera aku tühjaks saada (<– õppetund mulle – alati tuleb kontrollida palju akut alles on enne kui filmima hakata) ja seega, siis video idee jäigi katki.
I started my prom makeup from my eye makeup. I usually start my everyday looks from my face, but with the looks where I use more eyeshadows, I prefer doing my eyes first so I don’t ruin my face makeup if there’s any fallout etc. So I first primed my lid using Avon eyeshadow base. Next, I applied shade Nooner from Urban Decay Naked 3 eyeshadow palette to crease and then I applied shade Buzz all over lid. Next, I applied shade Darkside to the outer corner of my eye and then I blended it to the crease. After that, I applied shade Strange (the lightest shade in the palette) to the inner corner and browbone. Next, I applied Avon Super Extend Precise Liquid Liner in Black to my upper lashline. Since I didn’t want to apply black to my lower lashline then I decided to use there shade Darkside. Next, I applied mascara. I’m now testing new Lumene True Mystic volume mascara, which seems very good.
Kuna mul oli plaan teha tugevam silmameik, siis alustasin seekord meigi tegemist silmameigist, et vältida olukorda kui juba valmis tehtud näomeigile pudeneb lauvärve, mida vahel on keeruline eemaldada. Alustuseks kandsin laugudele Avon Eyeshadow Primer lauvärvide aluskreemi ning siis kandsin lauvakku Urban Decay Naked 3 paletist toonis Nooner. Järgmiseks kandsin kogu laule tooni Buzz. Järgmiseks kandsin tooni Darkside silmavälisnurka ja hajutasin seda ka lauvakku. Järgmiseks kandsin tooni Strange, mis on selles paletis kõige heledam toon, silma sisenurka ja kulmu alla. Edasi tõmbasin ülemisele ripsmepiirile laineri joone kasutades Avon Super Extend Precise Liquid Liner silmalainerit toonis Black. Kuna ma alumisele ripsmepiirile ei tahtnud nii tumedat joont, siis sinna kandsin hoopis UD Naked3 paletist jällegi tooni Darkside. Viimaseks silmameigi sammuks oli ripsmetušš. Kasutasin uut Lumene True Mystic volüümiandvat ripsmekat, mille sain Ilublogijate kokkutuleku kingikotist 🙂
Next, I filled in my brows. For that, I used Avon Perfect Eyebrow Kit. After that, I did rest of my makeup. I started with Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Retexturizing Primer and then followed it with Elizabeth Arden Flawless Finish Perfectly Nude foundation in Vanilla Shell. Next, I applied some I added Avon Magix multi-benefit illuminator under my eyes and then set everything with Avon Luxe Silken Pressed Powder in Fair Silk. After that, I used Avon Ideal Flawless Colour Corrector Pearls to make my skin tone look more even. Next, I applied some Avon Luxe Temptation Powder Blush in Show Stopping Pink on my cheeks and for contouring, I used a little bit Avon Luxe Lavish Powder Bronzer in Warm Glow. I finished my look with Estée Lauder Pure Color lipstick in Rose Tea.
Edasi tegin korda enda kulmud. Selleks kasutasin Avon Perfect Eyebrow Kit kulmukomplekti. Järgmiseks kandsin näole Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Retexturizing Primer meigialuskreemi ning siis lisasin Elizabeth Arden Flawless Finish Perfectly Nude jumestuskreemi toonis Vanilla Shell. Silmaalustele kandsin Avon Magix kirgastavat peitekreemi ja kogu seni tehtud meigi kinnitasin Avon Luxe kivipuudriga toonis Fair Silk. Nahatooni parandamiseks kasutasin Avoni nahatooni täiustavaid puudripärleid. Põskedele lisasin värvi Avon Luxe Temptaion puuderpõsepunaga toonis Show Stopping Pink ja kontuurimiseks kasutasin Avon Luxe Lavish päikesepuudrit toonis Warm Glow. Lõpetuseks kandsin huultele Estée Lauder Pure Color huulepulga tooonis Rose Tea.
litfromwithin9 says
Loving the pinks and purples – that lipstick is perfection, though! Need.
Noelle Pereira says
This look is SO rockin’! I agree with Nidia, that lipstick is EV-ER-Y-THI-N-G! 🙂
Katie Garvin says
Beautiful look! I love how you went purple-y with the Naked3, instead of the typical pinky prom looks 🙂 Gorgeous!