When I think of Vestige Verdant then the first word that comes into my mind is luxurious. These products are developed in Estonia and made using organic and natural ingredients. There are three products in Vestige Verdant line: Organic Mask, Rare Oil Blend and Infinity Eye Serum. These products have been featured in Vogue, Madame and included in Berlin Fashion Week goodie bag for VIP guests. Vestige Verdant products come in simple, but chic packaging that just has that luxurious feel and look. All three products are made using natural ingredients and they don’t contain parabens or carcinogens.
Kui ma mõtlen Vestige Verdant brändile, siis esimene omadussõna mis mulle nendega seostud on – luksuslik. Tegu on toodetega, millest on kindlasti kuulnud paljud eestlased. Tegu on Eesti brändiga, mille tooted on välja töötatud Eestis ning nende tegemiseks on kasutatud vaid naturaalseid ja orgaanilisi koostisosi. Sarjas on kolm toodet: Organic Mask näomask, Rare Oil Blend näoõli ja Infinty Eye Serum silmaümbruse eliksiir. Vestige Verdant tooted on jõudnud kaugele – nendest on kirjutatud ajakirjades Vogue ja Madame ning samuti jõudsid nad Euroopa ühe suurima moeürituse – Berlin Fashion Week VIP külaliste kingikotti. Vestige Verdant tooted on lihtsa, ent šiki kujunudsega, millel lihtsalt on selline luksuslik välimus. Kõik kolm toodet on tehtud naturaalsetest koostisosadest ning need ei sisalda parabeene ja kantserogeene.
In January, I was offered an opportunity to test luxurious Vestige Verdant products and, of course, I said yes! I have heard and read so many great things about the products from other Estonian beauty bloggers and so I just had to test these myself to see if they really are as amazing as advertised. I have been using these products over a month now and so today I´m going to share with you my experience with Vestige Verdant Organic Mask.
Jaanuaris sain võimaluse ise paljukiidetud Vestige Verdant tooteid proovida. Olen lugenud palju positiivseid kommentaare ja postitusi nende toodete kohta ja seega olin rõõmuga nõus neid katsetama, sest mul oli suur huvi näha, kas kogu ilus jutt tõesti tõele ka vastab. Olen neid nüüd natuke üle kuu kasutanud ja täna jagan teiega enda muljeid Vestige Verdant Organic Mask sügavpuhastavast näomaskist.
Vestige Verdant Organic Mask
Vestige Verdant Organic Mask is described as a truly effective, deep cleansing and healing anti ageing mask. It’s perfect for balancing the visible side effects of a busy lifestyle. It helps to get rid of all the bad stuff hiding under the skin and makes skin look fresh and clean, and it improves the texture of the skin. It is suitable for all skin types.
Ingredients: Humic Acid, Hymatomelanic Acid, Fulvic Acid, H20, Lipids, Minerals, Botanical mass, Ash, Sulphur.
The mask comes in a 200ml plastic jar. It looks like some kind of dark mud in the jar and it really doesn’t look like something I would like to put on my face 😛 Applying it is easy, but rinsing it off after 10 minutes is bit more difficult and I recommend using a facial sponge or something similar to make it easier. After I apply the Organic Mask on my face then I can slowly feel it working. After a couple of minutes, it starts drying on my skin and makes my skin feel super tight. Sometimes for some reason it also causes mild stinging and sometimes after washing the mask off my skin is bit red, but that usually fades quickly.
Vestige Verdant Organic Mask sügavpuhastav ja niisutav näomask on kirjelduse järgi efektiivne vananemisvastane mask. See sobib suurepäraselt just kiire ja pingelise elutempo juures, hoidmaks näonahka igapäevaselt värske, särava ja nooruslikuna. See aitab parandada naha tekstuuri ning tervedada allergilist ja tundlikku nahka.
Koostis: humiinhape, hümatomelaanhape, fulvohape, H20, lipiidid, mineraalid, botaaniline mass, tuhk, väävel.
Vestige Verdant Organic Mask on 200ml plastikpurgis. Mask näeb purgis välja üsna jubeda muda välimusega ja ega ei kutsu küll end näkku määrima 😛 Seda maski on lihtne näole kanda, ent selle maha loputamine on veidi keerulisem. Kindlasti soovitan maski maha pesemisel abiks võtta švammi vms, et protsessi lihtsustada. Pärast Vestige Verdant Organic Mask näomaski näole kandmist on peaaegu koheselt tunda, et midagi hakkab toimuma. Mida enam mask näol kuivab seda rohkem on tunda sellist kiskuvat tunnet, mis on täitsa meeldiv. Vahetevahel olen kogenud ka veidi õrnalt torkivat tunnet, aga ma ei olegi aru saanud millest see olla võiks, sest alati seda ei esine ning vahetevahel on pärast maski maha pesemist nahk mõnest kohast punane, ent kaob õnneks kiirelt.
Vestige Verdant Organic Mask is probably the best known and most popular Vestige Verdant product in Estonia. As soon as it came out, bloggers started praising it and to tell you the truth at some point I had my doubts about the product because one face mask CAN’T be that good? Right? Well, as I learned after the first use – yes it can be THAT good! I just love how in just 10 minutes it makes my skin so nice smooth and firm, and all treatments and products that I apply afterwards absorb quicker.
Overall I LOVE Vestige Verdant Organic Mask because it really works! It makes my skin feeling and looking fresh and revived, and that definitely is something I like. I guess the only downside of this mask is that retails for 39€, which might be a bit too steep for some.
You can find more information about Organic Mask and other Vestige Verdant products from www.vestigeverdant.com
Vestige Verdant Organic Mask on tõenäoliselt Vestige Verdanti kõige tuntum toode üldse. Kohe kui see välja tuli hakkasid paljud blogijad seda kiitma ning kui aus olla siis mingil hetkel tekkisid mul kõigi nende arvustuste suhtes juba eelarvamused, sest no ei saa ju ometi nii olla, et üks näomask on nii hüper super suurepärane. Viimane kuu aega on aga tõestanud, et kiitus Vestige Verdant maskile tõesti ei ole väljamõeldis ning see tõesti on kiitust vääriv toode. Minu jaoks oli meeldiv üllatus, kuidas juba pärast 10 minutit tundus mu nahk palju siledam ja rohkem toonuses. Samuti tundus, et kõik maski järgselt peale kantavad kreemid imendusid palju paremini.
Kokkuvõttes olen mina Vestige Verdant Organic sügavpuhastava maskiga väga rahul, sest minu näonahale on ta avaldanud positiivset mõju. Maski kasutamise järgselt on nahk mõnusalt värske ning mul on selline tunne nagu mu nahale oleks antud uut jõudu. Kui rääkida selle maski negatiivsetest külgedest siis ainus, mida oskan seni välja tuua on selle hind – 39€, mis võib mõne jaoks olla natukene liiga kallis.
Vestige Verdant toodete kohta leiad rohkem infot nende kodulehelt ja sealt samast saab tooteid ka mugavalt tellida. Kellele meeldib tooteid aga ise enne näppida ja pigem poest osta siis tasub kindlasti piiluda Stockmanni, Tallinna ja Tartu Kaubamajja, I.L.U poodidesse ja valitud ilusalongidesse, mille kohta infot leiad jällegi Vestige Verdant koduleheküljelt 🙂
Megha (@saundaryasansar) says
seems a super mask but guess its not available in India
Leelo says
It is super 🙂 But yes, as far as I know it is not sold in India, but maybe you can order it through their website? It’s worth asking 😉
neversaydiebeauty says
The line looks so luxurious. I love that black mask photo! what fun
glamorable says
The packaging looks so luxurious!
Phyrra says
I love the sleek black packaging. Sounds like a nice mask!
Kat Dinges (@KatStaysPolishd) says
Hmmm, mild stinging? Not sure I like that too much.
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
Love the packaging!
MarciaF says
You look great in your black mask. The packaging of this line is very elegant.
Miranda says
I love the look of this mask!!
alex smith says
how often do you use it?
Leelo says
For the first couple of weeks I used it every other day- just as recommended by Vestige Verdant, but now I use it once a week.
Mai says
The packaging looks super fancy but it sounds like the mask itself is also really good!
Erika says
The packaging looks luxe and the products sound lovely.
Laura MyNewestAddiction says
It is so funny seeing your face blacked out like that. Sounds good,
litfromwithin9 says
What a cool mask! It sounds like a 10-minute skin saver.
Norah Salazar (@norah_s) says
I love a good mask! This one sounds like a keeper.
Brooke @ Blushing Noir says
I’m always down for a good mask but the stinging worries me… I have PTSD from a bad Glamglow experience lol
loveforlacquer says
I’m always down for trying new masks!
Justina says
I’ve never heard of this brand! It looks really awesome.
Elena says
See on nii hea mask!