Avon has done it again! I just can’t believe that they have come out with a new fragrance that smells so fabulous! I have been using Avon Dreams edp since last week and I just love it ♥
Avon on seda jälle teinud! Uskumatu, et Avon on järjekordselt välja tulnud uue parfüümiga, millel on nii mõnus lõhn! Olen uut Avon Dreams parfüümvett kasutanud eelmisest nädalast saadik ja tegu on minu hetkel absoluutse lemmikuga ♥
Avon Dreams Eau de Parfum spray is described as a sweet fragrance with dreamy notes of sweet plum, lucious rose and white patchouli.
Avon Dreams parfüümvesi kuulub mõrkjate lillelõhnade kategooriasse. Selles on tunda magusa ploomi, roosi ja patšuli noote.
Avon Dreams Eau de Parfum comes in a simple 50ml bottle. I have mentioned before that I’m not a fan of super sweet fragrances that just make me feel like they are smothering me. This means that whenever I read a description of a perfume and it says sweet, I’m scared that maybe it will be too overpowering and too heavy for me. Avon Dreams edp is fresh sweet fragrance that just feels like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy winter day. I like that Dreams is a light, fresh scent that is suitable for both day and nighttime.
Overall Avon has surprised me again! Dreams is a perfect for perfume for those who prefer light and fresh sweet scents.
If you wish to purchase Avon products then contact your Avon sales representative!
Avon Dreams parfüümvesi on lihtsa disainiga 50ml klaaspudelis. Olen juba varasemalt maininud, et mulle ei meeldi parfüümid, mis on lämmatavalt magusad. See omakorda tähendab, et igakord kui ma loen, et tegu on magusa aroomiga tekib mul hirm, et äkki on tegu järjekordse hirmmagusa lõhnaga, mis on minu jaoks liiga raske. Dreams parfüüümveel on värske magus aroom, mis tundub praegustel, kohati väga sombustel talvepäevadel nagu ergas päikesekiir. Mulle meeldib, et see on kerge ning seega sobilik nii päevaseks kui ka õhtuseks ajaks.
Kokkuvõttes on Avon mind jälle meeldivalt üllatanud ning Dreams parfüümvesi on hetkel minu suur lemmik 🙂
Praegu kehtivas Avoni kataloogis on Avon Dreams parfüümvesi saadaval soodushinnaga 15.99€ + saad lisaks kingitusena kaasa kauni Prima käevõru! Avoni toodete ostmiseks pöörduge enda Avoni müügiesindaja poole või kui teil veel ei ole oma Avoni konsultanti, siis külastage Avoni kodulehte www.avon.ee
Rachel says
It is a beautiful looking bottle and from the notes, I can imagine it does smell divine x
agapelovedesigns says
Oh I just love your beautiful photos for this post! ♥
Louise x (@withlovefromlou) says
I love Avon perfumes but I haven’t tried this one before. I may have to place a sneaky order for it the next time the brochure comes round. Love your pics too <3
Louise x
Abby Sinsona says
I love avon perfumes! This one sounds like a good investment!
Paula says
I am very much like you about the “Sweet” scents and try to stay away from them because of that cloying, sickeningly sweet smell. But your review of this scent has me so intrigued that I am just going to have to try it. I haven’t worn any scent from Avon since Sweet Honesty when I was like 100 years younger!!
Laura/Pink Frenzy (@Pink_Frenzy) says
The scent sounds lovely and the bottle looks just beautiful x
Pink Frenzy