Today is First Sunday of Advent and this means that our family stars decorating for Christmas. We probably won’t decorate the tree yet, but I will decorate the windows. Today I want to show you this simple christmas decoration for window which takes less than 5 minutes to make!
Ja ongi käes esimene advent 🙂 Meie peres tähendab see tavaliselt seda, et hakkame üles panema jõulukaunistusi. Jõulupuu nii varakult tavaliselt üles ei saa, aga näiteks aknad kaunistame küll ära. Täna aga näitan teile seda super lihtsat kaunistust, mis sel aastal meie magamistoa aknale sai.
For this simple christmas decoration I used a glass vase and battery operated gold star LED fairy lights. We purchased these lights from Tesco last year because they were the finishing touch for our livingroom window decoration, but since this year I have another plan with windows then I couldn’t really figure out where to use them.
Kasutasin selle lihtsa dekoratsiooni tegemiseks vaasi ning patarei toitel jõulutulesid. Ostsime need LED tuled eelmisel aastal Tescost, kuna siis oli mul neid vaja akna kaunistamiseks. Sel aastal on mul aga akendega teine plaan ja seega ei olnud mul alguses nendele tuledele paremat kasutust.
Making this Christmas decoration is easy – just put the lights in the vase 😀
Nagu te juba aimata võite siis selle jõuludekoratsiooni tegemine oli lihtne – LED tuled pidi lihtsalt vaasi sättima 😀
Since the lights I used are glittery then the decoration looks pretty even in daylight, but I love how it looks in the dark 🙂
Kuna tuled, mida mina kasutasin on sädelevad, siis näeb tulemus välja kena ka päevavalguses, ent eriti efektne on see pimedas.
Kiley rose says
Luv the idea ♡♡
Leelo says
Thank you 🙂
Cass A says
What a gorgeous idea. I really like it.
Leelo says
Thanks 🙂
I do something similar every year on our window sills: Mum was given LOTS of crystal bowls etc for her retirement, I fill them with baubles & thread tiny white lights through them and from ornament to ornament. The lights twinkle off the crystal – lovely!
Teresa says
I love it! Thank you for linking up to the Holidays Celebration Link Party! Your post has been pinned to the party’s Pinterest board ). Feel free to link up other posts too, and stay tuned for the features on Friday!
Coombe Mill says
Sometimes the simple ideas are the best!
natasha lamoreux says
Gorgeous decoration! Love it , ill have to try something like that.
AdriD says
Wonderful idea. Must do. I’m bored with same decoration year after year
Rachel Beltz says
Oh my gosh this is almost too easy hah! It would make the perfect side table decor!
Yiotou_La says
So simple yet so beautiful and elegant. I made something similar last year, but I included few pinecones in the vase as well!! 🙂
Dotty J Boucher says
I love this idea and I don’t think you have to wait till Christmas to show this beauty off, I definitely would do this for the 4th of July coming up. Maybe paint those stars in red white and blue..