I like facial wipes because they are convenient to use, especially when you’re travelling. In September I received a free beauty bag with my feelunique.com order and in that bag I received Salcura Antiac Daily Facial Wipes.
Näopuhastussalvrätid meeldivad mulle kuna nende kasutamine on mugav ja seda eriti reisil olles. Septembris sain enda feelunique.com tellimusega kingituseks kaasa tasuta sügisese ilukotikese, kus teiste toodete hulgas olid ka Salcura Antiac igapäevaseks näohoolduseks mõeldud näopuhastussalvrätid.
Antiac Daily Facial Wipes are described as perfect wipes for use on the go. Salcura Antiac Wipes are for effective maintenance of skin prone to acne and blemishing. Their deep cleansing formula eliminates impurities in the skin. These wipes are free from parabens, lanolin, antibiotics and peroxides.
These wipes come in a soft white plastic packaging. The wipes itself are white, soft and super moist! They have rather strong smell, which at first I didn’t like very much. When it comes to these wipes cleansing properties then I was very impressed, because they work great! Salcura Antiac Daily Facial Wipes remove all makeup easily without leaving any residues. Also they don’t leave my face unpleasantly sticky nor make my skin dry. My face feels super clean and smooth after using these wipes.
I normally don’t have problem with acne, but once a month I sometimes get a few pimples. During the time I used these wipes I didn’t have no problems those so that’s a good thing 🙂
You can order these facial wipes from , amazon.co.uk,
Antiac Daily näopuhastussalvrätid on täiuslikud igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Salvrättide sügavpuhastav koostis puhastab efektiivselt vistrikulise ja aknese naha mustusest ja rasust. Need salvrätid ei sisada parabeene, lanoliini, antibiootikue ega peroksiidi.
Salcura Antiac näopuhastussalvrätid on lihtsas tagasihoidlikus kilepakendis. Salvrätid ise on valged, pehmed ning mõnusalt niisked. Salvrättide lõhn on küllaltki tugev ja alguses ma sellest väga vaimustuses ei olnud. Mis puutub nende salvrättide puhastavatesse omadustesse, siis nende kohta pole mul midagi halba öelda. Antiac igapäevaseks kasutamiseks mõeldud niisked näopuhastuslapid on tõesti efektiivsed! Kõik meigijäägid ja mustus saab nahalt minema pühitud ning samas ei jää nahk vastikult kleepuvaks või ebameeldivalt kuivaks.
Üldiselt mul õnneks akne või punnidega igapäevaselt probleeme pole, aga kord kuus paar üksikut punni ikka tekib. Nende puhastusalvrättide kasutamise ajal ma aga sellest probleemist pääsesin 🙂
Salcura Antiac näopuhastussalvrätte saab osta ( hind 9,86€), Öko Sahver (hind 11,68€).
Martina Evans says
I especially like cleaning my face with antibacterial products, so I would love to give these a try. Thanks for the review. They look strong and hopefully don’t stretch when your taking them out of the packet or when your using them – I find it really annoying when they do. Again, great review 🙂
Amy Lovell says
I have not previously heard of these. But I love cleansing wipes as they are fast and convenient! Will have to check these out thanks!
AdriD says
Very convenient to have – time is so precious