So how about a roll-on deodorant that doesn’t leave marks on black or white clothes or on your skin? Nivea Invisible For Black And White pure roll-on deodorant is promised keep those stubborn stains away from your clothing, but does it really work? I have been using it for a couple of months and so it is time to share my thoughts of it with you all 🙂
Kuidas oleks deodorandiga, mis ei jäta plekke ei mustadele ega valgetele riietele ega ka sinu nahale? Nivea Invisible roll-on deodorant mustadele ja valgetele riietele peaks lubaduste kohaselt säästma riideid neist põikpäistest plekkidest, ent kas see tõesti töötab? Olen seda roll-on deodoranti kasutanud nüüdseks paar kuud ning aeg on jagada enda arvamust sellest ka teiega, kallid lugejad 🙂
Nivea Invisible For Black And White pure roll-on deodorant is described as the first anti-perspirant deodorant that protects against yellow stains on white and white marks on black clothes. It is promised to help to prevent build up of yellow stains on clothes while offering 48h protection and gentle Nivea care. It has delicate “Pure” fragrance with clean and caring notes. It doesn’t contain alcohol or colourants.
Nivea Invisible For Black And White pure roll-on deodorant comes in a glass bottle with roller ball. The product itself is clear and it has rather good fragrance. I wouldn’t call it exactly delicate or pure, but its okay. What I don’t like about this anti-persipirant deodorant is that it takes a long time to dry under arms. This roll-on deodorant keeps me protected against the unpleasant sweat odor on normal days, but when I’m working out then sometimes it fails me 🙁
When it comes to the pretty promises about not leaving marks or stains on black and white clothes then in my opinion this deodorant definitely lives up to those promises. I haven’t had any problems with yellow stains on my light clothes and white marks on dark ones! Love it!
Nive Invisible roll-on deodoranti mustadele ja valgetele riietele kirjeldatakse kui esimest 48h higistamisvastase kaitsega deodoranti, mis aitab ära hoida kollaste laikude teket valgetel riietel ning valgete triipude tekke tumedatel riietel. Tootel on naturaalne õrn lõhn ning see on värvainete ja alkoholivaba.
Nivea Invisible roll-on deodorant mustadele ja valgetele riietele on klaasist rullikuga pudelis. Toode ise on läbipaitsev ja üsna meeldiva lõhnaga. Mina selle lõhna küll naturaalseks just ei kutsuks. Mis mind selle deodorandi juures häirib on see, et selle nahal kuivamine võtab väga pikalt aega ja kiiretel hommikutel, kui niigi iga minut arvel on, on see häiriv. Üldiselt hoiab see Nivea roll-on deodorant ebameeldiva higilõhna terve päev eemal, ent vahel trenni tehes ta siiski veab mind mingil põhjusel alt 🙁
Mis aga puutub lubadustesse, et see deodorant ei jäta jälgi ega koledaid rante valgetele ja tumedatele riietele, siis selles suhtes on minu kogemus igati positiivne. Mulle meeldib, et Nivea Invisible roll-on deodorandiga tumedatele ja heledatele riietele ei pea ma muretsema pesus raskeski välja tulevate plekkide pärast 🙂
AdriD says
It became my favourite only when on sale. I buy more than 2. Or else, I’ll get what’s on sale that’s not Nivea.
Leelo says
I will be buying some when there is a discount! 😉
It doesn’t stop me sweating at all – that’s more important for me.