Today I’m showing you my outfit from Monday. It was a wonderful sunny day and so we decided to take some pics, while getting know our new home town.
Täna näitan teile enda outfiti esmaspäevast, kui oli suurepärane päikeseline sügispäev. Tegime väikese jalutuskäigu ja tutvusime enda uue kodulinnaga ning eks pidi siis kasutama ka võimalust piltide tegemiseks 😛
I was wearing my new pink chiffon blouse with stand collar and buttons from SheIn with blue jeans and a pair of Sam Edelman fringe booties. Since it is fall then this time I decided to wear my dark blue jacket from Mexx with H&M scarf, Michael Kors Bedford Leather Crossbody bag and Victoria Beckham sunglasses.
Kandsin oma uut šifoonpluusi SheIn’st koos siniste teksade ja narmastega Sam Edelmani poolsaabastega. Kuna käes on sügis siis lisaks kandsin Mexx jakki, H&M salli, Michael Kors Bedford crossbody kotti ja Victoria Beckham päikeseprille.
Since the SheIn blouse itself is very simple plain chiffon blouse without any embellishments then Billise & Blossom statement necklace was the perfect piece to add some bling and of course my Michael Kors watch, because watches are my favorite accessories.
Kuna tegu on väga lihtsa šifoonpluusiga, millel pole mingeid kaunistusi, siis seekord lisasin juurde Billie & Blossom statement kaelakee, et natukene sära muidu tagasihoidlikule riietusele lisada. Ja lisaks veel loomulikult minu kuldne Michael Korsi käekell, sest käekellad on minu lemmik aksessuaarid 😛
What I’m wearing
- Mexx jacket
- Reserved jeans
- SheIn blouse with stand collar and buttons /buy here/
- H&M scarf
- Sam Edelman fringe booties
- Billie & Blossom statement necklace
- Michael Kors Bedford leather crossbody bag from Shopbop (sold out)
- Michael Kors watch
- Victoria Beckham sunglasses
Ashleigh says
I love jackets and booties together! Such a cute look. Thanks for linking up!
Abby says
Honestly, I was also contemplating on getting this top. But it seems like it looks nothing like the product on the website. The most recent two batches of orders from Shein that I got were all superb though. Again, it’s a hit-and-miss with this website sometimes.
Abby of Life in the Fash Lane
Leelo says
Yes ordering from SheIn or any other similar site is a hit or miss. Sometimes you will get great products and sometimes the products just won’t live up to the expectations.
Maureen says
Gorgeous! Love your boots and jeans 😀
happinessatmidlife says
What a pretty top!
Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you Thursday.
Amy Lovell says
Love this outfit! Very cute and casual!