I love BB creams, because they combine moisturising tinted cream and formula that helps to make skin look more even and pretty. In June, after great experience with REN Glycolatic Radiance Renewal Mask I decided to try REN Satin Perfection BB Cream. This BB cream is promised to help to leave the skin looking flawless, even toned and luminous with a perfect non-oily, satin finish.
BB kreemid on vaieldamatult ühed mu lemmikud, sest nad ühendavad endas toonitud niisutava kreemi ning koostise, mis aitab naha välimuse muuta ühtlasemaks ja kenamaks. Juunis, pärast head kogemust REN Glycolatic Radiance Renewal näomaskiga, otsustasin ära proovida REN Satin Perfection BB kreemi. REN BB kreem peaks lubaduste kohaselt andma jätma naha veatuks, ühtlaseks ning säravaks.
REN Satin Perfection BB Cream is described as a multi-function cream that provides flawless coverage hiding all imperfections, gives SPF and anti-oxidant protection while photo-rejuvenation technology offers a toning, firming, anti-ageing effect.
REN BB cream in light/medium looks rather dark, but for my great surprise it actually blends nicely and looks very natural.
REN Satin Perfection BB kreem on kirjeluse järgi multifunktsionaalne kreem, mis pakub veatut katvust peites kõik naha vead. Lisaks sisaldab ta SPF ja antioksüdante ning fotonoorendus tehnoloogiat, mis aitavad nahka toniseerida, pinguldada ja võidelda naha vananemise vastu.
REN BB kreem toonis hele/keskmine näeb välja üsna tume, ent minu suureks üllatuseks ühtlustub ta mu naha tooniga kenasti ning tulemus on väga loomulik.
As you can see REN BB cream makes my skin look more even, but it doesn’t completely cover all my imperfections.
Nagu allpool olevalt pildilt näete, siis REN BB kreem muudab mu nahatooni ühtlasemaks, ent samas ei paku ta täielikku katvust.
REN Satin Perfection BB Cream in light/medium comes in a 50ml plastic tube with a flip cap. The cream itself has mild scent. It is very easy to apply it and I like that eventhough it looks rather dark then it actually looks very very natural on my skin. It absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave my skin greasy or sticky. I’m impressed with this BB cream’s moisturising properties, because when I use REN BB cream then I don’t have to use anything else to help to keep my skin moisturised.
REN Satin Perfection BB kreem toonis hele/keskmine on 50ml plastiktuubis. Kreemil on õrn lõhn ning seda on lihtne näole kanda. Kuigi kreem tundub alguses väga tume, siis nahale kandes jääb tulemus minu nahal loomulik. Kreem imendub küllaltki ruttu ilma nahka ebameeldivalt rasvaseks või kleepuvaks jätmata. Väga meelidvaks üllatuseks oli minu jaoks selle BB kreemi puhul selle niisutavad omadused. Kui ma kasutan REN BB kreemi, siis tänu selle niisutavale koostisele ei pea ma lisaks kasutama teisi kreeme.
REN Satin Perfection BB Cream:
- offers light coverage
- will not hide all imperfections
- keeps my normal to dry skin moisturised all day
- has very mild scent
- looks natural on light skin
- doesn’t look streaky
- doesn’t look greasy and doesn’t feel sticky
Overall I’m very happy with REN BB cream and so last week I actually ordered a new one from lookfantastic.com, because this BB cream is has been my must-have everyday product all summer and I will continue using it 🙂
REN Satin Perfection BB kreem:
- pakub nahale kerget katvust
- ei peida kõiki naha vigu
- on õrna lõhnaga
- jääb nahal loomulik
- ei jää nahal triibuline
- ei jäta nahka rasvaseks või kleepuvaks
Kokkuvõttes olen REN BB kreemiga väga rahul ning eelmisel nädalal tellisin juba juurde ka uue tuubi lookfantastic.com lehelt, sest minu jaoks on viimased paar kuud olnud see kreem asendamatu igapäeva toode.
marie says
looks great 🙂
Mai Tran says
It certainly gives you a clearly brighter look when applied. I wonder if it’s suitable for mixed skin.
Archana says
I love BB creams as its an all-in-one product. Moisturizes, provides coverage and also has SPF. I have tried Oriflame Skin Dream BB cream and loved it.
kimpcole says
The coverage looks great on your skin!
~ Kim Pincombe Cole
lokasey says
I will deff look at buying this one, love bb cream so much easier then foundation and more natural
mybeautyjunction says
I love REN masks and serums but haven’t tried the BB creams. It gave your skin a lovely glow!
Brooke @ Blushing Noir says
This gave you such a nice, flawless and natural look!!
neversaydiebeauty says
Very pretty natural-looking finish!
geniabeme says
I haven’t tried this one but it does make your skin look great here!
MuaHeather (@crzybeautfulmua) says
It has nice coverage, but you have great skin already!
carleen says
Looks nice. I wish I could wear BB creams. Unfortunately most don’t play nice with my oily skin.
litfromwithin9 says
I love the natural finish! Looks very good on you.
Ashley says
The finish on the REN BB Cream is so pretty and natural. It looks fab on your skin!
fabulouskath says
I like the coverage on you!
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
Sounds nice, I just wish it had more than 15 SPF.
Lisa Heath says
This sounds good! I’m looking for something with light coverage so it doesn’t look caked up on my face!
MarciaF says
It evens out your skin beautifully making it look natural but glowing.
Laura MyNewestAddiction says
OOOO I like Ren a lot so I bet I would love this.
glamorable says
I like how it brightens your complexion without masking the skin. Just pure natural perfection 🙂
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
Your skin looks fantastic!
justinalayne says
Ooh that has really nice coverage!