Last week I received a new package from SheIn. The parcel took FOREVER to arrive this time, but I think it was worth the wait 🙂 So this time I received two tops one of them – the colorful striped top – I’m showing you today 🙂
Eelmisel nädalal jõudis minuni pakikene’st. Tundus, et seekord tuli küll see pakk vist jalgsi, sest nii kaua pole küll ükski SheIn’i pakk tulnud ja mingil hetkel muutusid minu jaoks tüütavaks SheIn’st saabuvad meilil, kus muudkui küsiti, et miks ma juba midagi ei postita. Aaargghhh, et nagu üle aasta olen korralikult hiljemalt 2 nädala jooksul alates paki saamisest postitused teinud ja nüüd siis nende arvates lasen nad lihtsalt üle? Mida iganes! Igatahes vaatamata faktile, et paki saabumine seekord kaua aega võttis, oli ootamine end kokkuvõttes väärt. Seekord saabus pakis 2 toppi ja neist esimest – värvilist triibulist toppi näitan teile täna.
The good news about this multicolored striped top is that it looks pretty much like on a photo on the SheIn website. But it does look and feel much thinner then it seemed on their site. The material is good and even though I didn’t expect it to be as see thru as it is, then I still like this top a lot and I’ll probably wear it quite a lot 😛
Selle topi puhul hea uudis on see, et see näeb välja enam vähem nagu pildil. Ent samas tundus ta piltide järgi kuidagi paksem ja mitte nii läbi paistev. Topi materjali kohta ma aga kurta ei saa ning kokkuvõttes olen selle triibulise topiga väga rahul ja kindlasti kannan seda tulevikus veel korduvalt.
Since it’s fall then this time I styled this striped top with a pair of dark blue jeans, black leather jacket, black Michael Kors Jet Set Travel Tote, golden Michael Kors watch and black Tamaris ankle boots.
Kuna meil siin Eestis on sügis täies hoos, siis seekord kombineerisin triibulise SheIn’i topi tumesiniste teksade, musta nahkjaki ja mustta Michael Kors käekotiga. Lisandiks kuldne Michael Korsi käekell ning mustad Tamaris poolsaapad.
What I’m wearing
- striped top from SheIn /buy here/
- dark blue Reserved jeans
- black Only leather jacket
- black Michael Kors Jet Set tote bag
- golden Michael Kors watch
I’m linking up with these lovely ladies –> see list here
- Link up your favorite outfit post of the week. Please only link up outfit posts!
- Please include a link back to this post within your post
- Comment on your host’s blog and visit as many linked up posts as you wish. Don’t forget to comment ?
Sheree says
Such a great colorful top, it really brightens up anything that you pair it with. Hope you have a great week ahead!
xo Sheree
IG: @poshclassymom
ellespann says
so cut! I agree, it was worth the wait 😉
Southern Elle Style
Ada says
I need to try SheIn. I am a huge fan of stripes, especially in pretty colors. Love that top with the black moto jacket on top.
Welcome by. <3 Ada.
asallows says
What a beautiful top! I love the bright colours in it!
Rebecca says
Love that super versatile top!
Amy Johnson says
Great fall look! Love your jacket!
dousedinpink says
Love your colorful top! Definitely worth the wait!
Doused In Pink
happinessatmidlife says
What a fun top – I love the different color stripes!
Hope to see your Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Lynsey Jones says
This is a nice simple outfit that looks like it was made for you. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Ashleigh says
Very pretty top. And it goes so well with the leather jacket. Thanks for linking up!