A good deodorant is a must have for every woman and man. When it comes to my favorite deodorants, then Dove is definitely one of the brands that is at the top of my list and so far none of their products have disappointed me. A while ago I needed a new deodorant fast and so I ended up buying Dove Invisible Dry Roll-On Anti-Perspirant Deodorant from our local The Co-operative store.
Hea ja tõhus deodorant on vajalik iga mehe ja naise kehahooldustoodete seas. Mis puutub minu lemmik deodorandi brändidesse, siis kindlalt on minu jaoks selle nimekirja eesotsas Dove tooted, mis seni pole mind kunagi alt vedanud ega pettumust valmistanud. Mõni aeg tagasi oli mul kiirelt vaja uut deodoranti ja nii siis minu ostukorvis maanduski Dove Invisible Dry Roll-On Anti-Perspirant deodorant.
Dove Invisible Dry Roll-On Anti-Perspirant Deodorant is proven to leave no white marks on 100 colours. It contains 1/4 moisturising cream for even more beautiful underarms. It does contain Aluminum – so if this is something you avoid, then Dove roll-on is not for you.
Dove Invisible Dry Roll-On comes in a classic Dove roll-on deodorant bottle. It has quite typical deodorant scent which luckily fades after the deodorant has dried underarms. It is easy to apply it and it dries rather fast. What I love about this roll-on deodorant is that it really doesn’t leave any marks on my clothes, whatever color they are. It keeps my underarms dry even after heavy workout and so I don’t have to worry about the unpleasant smell of sweat. It does last nicely 24 hours. It might last even 48, but I really haven’t tested it for so long 😀
Overall it is very good roll-on deodorant that works just as promised and it doesn’t cost a fortune.
Dove Invisible Dry Roll-On deodoranti on testitud 100 värvitoonil ja see ei jäta neile valgeid plekke. Deodorant sisaldab 1/4 osa niisutavat kreemi, et jäta kaenlaalused kenaks. See roll-on deodorant sisaldab alumiiniumsoolasid ja seega kui väldid seda koostisosa enda kehahooldustoodetes, siis Sulle see deodorant kahjuks ei sobi.
Dove Invisible Dry roll-on deodorant on klassikalises Dove’i deodorantide pudelis. Sellel on minu jaoks üsna tüüpiline deodorandi lõhn mis aga hajub, kui toode on nahal kuivanud. Seda on lihtne kaenlaalustele kanda ning see kuivab suhteliselt ruttu. Selle Dove deodorandi juures meeldib mulle see, et see tõesti ei jäta riietele plekke ja kaenlaalused püsivad kuivad isegi intensiivse trenni järel. 24 tundi töötab Dove deodorant kindlasti, ent seda kas ta ka kuni 48tundi vastu peab, ma katsetanud ei ole.
Kokkuvõttes on tegu järjekordse hea tootega Dove’lt, mille hind on taskukohane 🙂