I purchased St. Ives Timeless Skin Apricot Scrub from Boots a while ago with Boots Essentials Cucumber Facial Wash and Boots Essentials makeup remover. And the only reason why I decided to purchase it, was because of the buy 3 and pay for 2 offer which meant that I paid just 1£ for this face scrub 😀
Tänases postituses juttu tuleva St. Ives Timeless Skin aprikoosiga näokoorija ostsin tükk aega tagasi Boots’st koos kahe Bootsi enda tootega, millest teile juba varasemalt rääkinud olen. Ainus põhjus miks ma tol korral selle näokoorija üldse ostsin oli see, et sellele oli 2=3 soodukas ning tänu sellele maksin selle eest vaid 1£ ehk siis ~1,40€.
St. Ives Timeless Skin Renew & Firm Apricot Scrub is promised to help to maintain your youthful appearance. It is formulated with gentle AHA and so this scrub will visibly tone and firm skin, revealing younger looking appearance. It is free of parabens and phthalates and contains 100% natural exfoliants and extracts.
St. Ives Timeless Skin Renew & Firm aprikoosiga nahka uuendav ja pinguldav näokoorija peaks lubaduste kohaselt aitama säilitada naha nooruslikku välimust. See sisaldab õrna AHA hapet tänu millele St.Ives aprikoosiga näokoorija aitab nähtavalt nahka siluda ja sellele noorema välimuse anda. Tegu on parabeenide ja ftalaatide vaba tootega, mis sisaldab 100% naturaalseid koorivaid osi ja ekstrakte.
St. Ives Timeless Skin Apricot Scrub review
St. Ives Timeless Skin Apricot Scrub comes in a 150ml plastic tube with a flip cap. The scrub itself is nice, thick and creamy with pleasant scent. You can see the tiny brown scrubbing particles in this scrub, but they don’t feel harsh on my normal to dry skin. Applying it on my moistened face is easy and rinsing it off isn’t a problem either.
When it comes to all those pretty promises on the tube then I’m kind of disappointed. Yes this face scrub is gentle, but that’s about it. I do like that it makes my skin clean and doesn’t make my skin unpleasantly dry or tight. Also it hasn’t broken me out, which is good 🙂 But I haven’t noticed my skin getting toned or firmed :S
Overall this St. Ives Timeless Skin Apricot Scrub is an average facial scrub that doesn’t feel harsh on skin. After using it my face feels and is clean, but not tight or stripped. But I do feel that it really doesn’t live up to its pretty promises.
St. Ives Timeless Skin Renew & Firm aprikoosiga nahka uuendav ja pinguldav näokoorija on 150ml plastiktuubis. Koorija ise on mõnusalt paks kreem meeldiva lõhnaga ning selles on näha tillukesed pruunid koorivad osakesed. Nahale kandes on neid tunda, ent nad ei kraabi nahka. Selle nahale kandmine ning pärast maha loputamine on lihtne.
Mis puutub eelpool mainitud kenadesse lubadustesse, siis eks 1,40€ maksvast tootest imet loota olekski liiga hea, et tõsi olla 😀 St. Ives näokoorija on õrn ja ei muuda mu näonahka ebameeldivalt kuivaks, samas aga teeb ta naha puhtaks. Ent mingit pinguldavat efekti ma selle kasutamise järgselt märganud ei ole. Isegi mitte siis kui ma seda kuu aega jutti kasutasin 3-4x nädalas nagu pakendil soovitati.
Kokkuvõttes on St. Ives Timeless Skin aprikoosiga näomask minu jaoks suhteliselt keskpärane toode, mis kahjuks pakendil lubatut korda saata ei suuda.
Grace Liang says
I use facial scrub about twice a week and I like it. This is a very honest review and thank you so much for that!
Take care and keep in touch!
Please stop by today for Color and Grace Fashion link up!
Leelo says
Thank you!