On Wednesday I had an amazing opportunity to go to Royal Ascot. Royal Ascot is Britain’s most important 5 day race event with more than 300 years of history. It attracts many of the world’s finest racehorses to compete for more than £5.5 milllion in prize money and of course it is a great opportunity to show your style and see fabulous outfits and extraordinary hats and fascinators, and men in their tailcoats and top hats <- something I have so far only seen on TV. And for me it also was a great opportunity to see Her Majesty the Queen 😀 Btw all photos you see in this post were taken with my iPhone 6.
Kolmapäeval oli mul suurepärane võimalus külastada Royal Ascoti võiduajamisi. Royal Ascoti võiduajamistel on rohkem kui 300 aastat ajalugu ning tegu on 5 päevase, Suurbritannia kõige tähtsama võiduajamistega seotud üritusega, kus osalevad maailma kõige paremad võidusõiduhobused. Võisteldakse auhinnafondile, mille suuruseks on rohkem kui 5.5 miljonit naela. Loomulikult on see ka oluline seltskonnaüritus, kus on võimalus end ja oma stiili näidata ning imetleda suurepäraseid outfitte ning jalustrabavaid kübaraid; ja mehi sabakuubedes ja torukübarates <- midagi mida ma seni olen vaid televiisorist näinud. Ja minu jaoks oli see hea võimalus näha oma silmaga ka Inglismaa kuningannat Elizabeth II.
Royal Procession – Queen Elizabeth II arriving to Royal Ascot.
Kuninganna Elizabeth II saabumas.
The winner of the race.
Ja jooksu võitnud hobune.
Queen Elizabeth II leaving Royal Ascot.
Kuninganna ELizabeth II lahkub.
Sculpture by Gilles Falisse of The Queen’s 2013 Gold Cup winner Estimate.
Gilles Falisse skulptuur kuninganna hobusest Estimate’st, kes võitis kuldkarika 2013 aastal.
And finally my outfit. I kept my look simple. I wore dress from Monsoon (seen here) which I accessorized with fascinator from Debenhams, Michael Kors Dillon handbag from House of Fraser and bracelets from New Look. I did plan to wear heels for Royal Ascot, but since I was feeling quite under the weather in the morning then I decided to go with ballet flats just feel comfy.
Ja minu seekordne outfit, mille hoidsin lihtsana. Kandsin Monsoonist tellitud kleiti (mida olete näinud siin) ning lisaks fascinatorit Debenhams’st, Michael Kors’i Dillon käekotti ning käevõrusid New Look’s. Algselt oli mul plaanis kanda kõrge kontsaga kingi, ent kolmapäeva hommikul otsustasin erinevate halbade asjade kokkulangemise tõttu hoopis baleriinade kasuks.
Visiting Royal Ascot was an interesting experience. I know nothing about horse racing and so for me that part was kind of boring, but seeing the social life, fashion etc was more my cup of tea. Overall I enjoyed my day and if I could go there again, then I would.
Royal Ascot oli huvitav kogemus. Minu teadmised võiduajamistest on nullilähedased ja seega see osa sellest oli minu jaoks veidi igav, ent näha kogu seda ülejäänud melu ja inimesi oli rohkem minu maitse. Kokkuvõttes oli tegu toreda päevaga ning kui kunagi tulevikus veel peaks tekkima võimalus sinna minna, siis läheksin hea meelega.
I’m linking up with these lovely ladies –> see list here
- Link up your favorite outfit post of the week (max 2 outfits). Please only link up outfit posts! Posts that don’t fit these guidelines (like giveaways or old posts) will be deleted from the link up
- Please include a link back to this post within your post
- Comment on your host’s blog and visit as many linked up posts as you wish. Don’t forget to comment ?
Vanessa says
That is my dream as well, to go to the Ascot races! Your outfit is so beautiful!! What an incredible opportunity to see the Queen!
Leelo says
🙂 It really was incredible opportunity!
LittleItaly2008 (@LittleItaly2008) says
Wow! What an exciting, wonderful experience for you!
Leelo says
It was wonderful experience and I’m happy I decided to go even though I wasn’t feeling very well.
Terje says
Planeerisime ka sel aastal sinna minna, kuid kuna piltidelt on jäänud Royal Ascotist väga glämm mulje, siis see hirmutas minusuguse ikka ära 🙂 Kõik need ettevalmistused, kleidid ja kübarad – natuke nagu palju 🙂 Ja nii ta seekord minemata jäigi. Mine tea, ehk võtan end järgmiseks aastaks kokku 🙂
Terje / http://www.todaysfavorites.com
Leelo says
See on küll glämm, aga mitte nüüd nii glämm ka 😀 Näiteks kui olla kõige odavamas alas ehk siis Silver Ring’is siis dresscode on suht olematu. Meie olime Grandstand’is ning seal midugi dresscode oli rangem (ei mingeid paljaid kõhte ja minipikkust ega ilma õlapaelteta kleite), ent siiski nägi seal ikka igasuguseid outfitte. Oli väga glamuurseid ning samas mõni oli küll selline nagu oleks umbes otse kuskilt rannast tulnud 😀 Aga hirmutav oli minu jaoks ka see ettevalmistuste osa, sest lugesin ikka seda dresscode’i ning vaatasin pilte ja mõtlesin, et mis jamasse ma end küll nüüd seganud olen 😀 Igatahes kui võimalus on, siis kindlasti soovitan sinna minna, sest see on elamus omaette 🙂
Terje says
Super, tänud et kirjeldasid natuke seda asja. Neist aladest ei teadnud ma midagi, panen kõrva taha 🙂
Skin says
These are great pictures. I love that the cameras on cell phones have gotten better. It makes my purse lighter. No bulky camera. I also love you dress, and admire that you went for flats instead of heels. I always thought it would be fun to strap on a fancy hat and go to the races. When’s the Kentucky Derby? haha
Skin 🙂 – Beneath the Microscope
Leelo says
Thank you! Yes cellphone cameras are good, but I’m perfectionist and so I’m not completely happy with the result, but I really didn’t want to take my DSLR with me 😀
carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom says
Wow, what a fabulous time you must have had and you look totally dressed to the part! That floral dress and hat go great together. Thanks for the link up.
j-m says
Beautiful dress and look wonderful. Your headdress was cute.
Ingrid @ Fabulous and Fun Life says
Väga huvitav! Ilus kleit!
Leelo says
Aitäh 🙂
Doreen's Style Diary says
What a lovely look! You look absolutely beautiful. I bet it was an incredible experience to attend it.
kellysparklesandshoes says
Oh my goodness, what a fun day!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
Holly says
I am so jealous! I would LOVE to go to Royal Ascot.
Leelo says
🙂 I would love to go there again 😛
Tara says
Looks like such an awesome event, I love your dress!
Valery Brennan (@ValeryBrennan) says
Wow what an amazing event! Also your outfit is PERFECTION! Thanks so much for linking up – I’ve linked up and added you to my list! 🙂
happinessatmidlife says
What a great experience! You look gorgeous for the event.
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion linkup.