Now that a formal dinner party is on the cards, you could be following fashion brands closely. And if you happen to be a fan of designer handbags, this news bit is bound to be of interest. According to the prestigious Vogue fashion magazine, three designer makes – Loewe, Fendi and Gucci – have made it to the top in the contest for the It-Bag of 2015. Votes have been invited for deciding on the winner. If you are yearning to carry one of these arm candies to your party without having to cash in on your fixed deposits, Gucci replica handbags & purses are available too.
Accessorize Not Agonize
You can procure cheap Gucci bags from a trusted online seller like These would be near originals and made available at highly reduced prices. This way, you can look stylish without burning a hole in your pocket. In fact, it is so reasonable that you can choose a couple, for different occasions.
Go Beyond Long Flowing Gowns
Just because it is a formal dinner party does not mean you will have to consider a long flowing gown. Consider a long dress only if there is ball dancing or if there is a dress code that is restricting your choices. Else, a cocktail dress could be your best bet.
Color and Fabric
It is best to be careful when choosing the color scheme and fabric for your dress. Since it is a formal gathering, it is better to choose a self color dress that is devoid of any patterns or motifs. It is important to keep it simple, yet elegant. When it comes to fabric, make sure the dress fits you comfortably and that you are totally at ease. A dress that does not add to your confidence is best avoided, especially at public gatherings.
Match Your Dress and Handbag
You may have decided to carry a classy designer knockoff purse along. Gucci replica handbags & purses would do wonders to your image. Else, you can choose from a range of other designer knockoffs including Louis Vuitton, Chloe and many more. If you have bought the purse first, choose an outfit that goes well with it. The combination should be in perfect sync so that one does not overshadow the other.
Care for Your Hair
Just because the gathering is formal, does not mean you will have to wear a tight bun! You can even keep your strands loose. Just make sure you have set your hair well, for a neat look.
Avoid Overdoing It
Your ensemble will never be complete without the accessories. However, it is important not to overdo it. Choose one accessory as the centre piece and work around it. Keep the others small so as to create a pattern. Choose your footwear intelligently. Open sandals or high pumps should do. Choose a color that goes well with your dress and clutch. And if you have opted for an open sandal make sure a pedicure session has ensured flawless toenails. And, of course, do not forget your favorite perfume. Choose a muted one that reflects your personality.