Today we had an opportunity to visit Bowood House in Wiltshire, UK. It is a beautiful place with lots to see and if you have children, then they can have fun at the playground or in the soft play area. The weather unfortunately today wasn’t the nicest. Luckily it wasn’t raining, but it was cloudy and rather chilly from time to time.
Täna oli meil võimalus külastada Bowood House’i Wiltshire’s. Tegu on kauni kohaga, kus on palju näha ning lastele suur mänguväljak ja soft play (kuidas iganes eestikeeles seda pehmet mängunurka siis kutsutakse 😀 ). Ilm jättis täna kahjuks täna soovida – vihma küll ei sadanud, ent ilm oli pilves ja kohati ebameeldivalt jahe.
Library with ~5000 books.
Raamatukogu, kus on umbes 5000 raamatut
Laboratory where Dr Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen in 1774.
Laboratoorium kus Dr Joseph Priestly avastas 1774 hapniku.
A small chapel that is still used for special services and concerts.
Väike kabel kus tänini peetakse spetisaalseid jumalateenistusi ja kontserte.
Orangery where you can enjoy a collection of paintings and sculptures.
Koridor, kus on näha maalide ja skulptuuride kollektsioon.
While we had a quick lunch at the Treehouse Café, little mr.R played in the tiny play corner for little ones.
Kuni me kiire lõuna tegime Treehouse Café’s, mängis väike mr.R kohvikus olevas tillukeses mängunurgas.
All photos you see in this post are taken with my new camera – Sony a5000, that I ordered from and that arrived yesterday. I needed a smaller and lighter camera with flip screen and auto focus for videos, and after reading reviews Sony a5000 seemed like the best option. My first impressions with this camera are great and I’m very happy that I decided to order that one 🙂
Kõik siin postituses olevad pildid on tehtud minu uue fotokaga – Sony a5000. Tellisin selle endale Amazon’st kuna tahtsin väikest ja kerget kaamerat millel oleks pööratav ekraan ja autofookus filmimiseks ning pärast erinevate arvustuste lugemist, tundus Sony a5000 kõige parem valik. Esimesed pildid-videod on mul nüüdseks sellega tehtud ning tulemustega olen rahul.
Nataile Brown says
Such a beautiful place to visit! We don’t have castles or palaces here in the U.S. so it’s fun to see these pictures. Thank-you for sharing them. 🙂
Leelo says
There are so many castles in the UK! I wish I could visit them all 🙂
Marta G (A Bilingual BAby) says
Hi! Wiltshire is really pretty. I love the fact that historical houses and museums in England usually have a place for tea and biscuits, and even a place for small children to play!