My Instagram followers probably noticed that in April we visited Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland. I did plan to get posts of our trip up sooner, but then I had hundred other things to do and I didn’t have time to write them sooner. We had just 8 days to visit all these three places and so it was a busy trip with a lot of sightseeing.
We (I, my husband and little mr.R) started out trip on Sunday 5th April with 7 hour drive (with breaks) from Oxfordshire, England to Edinburgh, Scotland. If you have never been to UK then you can see a little video of what we saw on our way here 🙂 It is amazing how the weather changed during our drive to Scotland – it was cloudy, sunny, foggy and at some point it seemed like it’s gonna rain. The landscape on England side is more flat, but as we came closer to Scotland the landscape changed and there was more and more hills, and gorgeous views.
Minu Instagrami jälgijad panid tõenäoliselt tähele, et aprilli alguses külastasime me Šotimaad ning Põhja-Iirimaad ja Iirimaad. Mul oli küll plaan selle reisi postitused varem üles saada, ent kuna palju muid asju tuli vahepeal vahele, siis nii nad edasi lükkusidki. Nende kolme koha külastamiseks oli meil aega 8 päeva ning seega oli tegu üsna kiire reisiga kuhu pidi mahtuma võimalikult palju.
Alustasime oma reisi 5.aprillil ligi 7 tunnise autosõiduga (koos vahepeatustega) Oxfordshire’st, Inglismaalt Edinburghi Šotimaal. Kui te varem Suurbritanniat külastanud ei ole, siis siin üks 5 minutiline video, mille teel Edinburgi filmisin. Hämmastav oli see kuivõrd palju näiteks ilm muutus meie teekonna ajal. Vahepeal oli soe ja päikseline, siis pilves, udune ning vahepeal tundus, et kohe kohe hakkab sadama. Maastik Inglismaa poolel oli üsna tasane, ent mida lähemale meie sihtkohale, seda mägisemaks see muutus ning vaated oli super kaunid.
Our first stop on our road trip to Scotland and Ireland was of course Edinburgh, which is the capital of Scotland since 15th century. It is the second most populous city in Scotland and the seventh most populous in the United Kingdom. We spent 2 nights in Edinbrugh. The first day we didn’t do much sightseeing because we arrived after 5pm and once we had checked in our hotel and had a little rest it was pretty late already and so it was just a quick walk in the city centre.
Meie reisi esimene peatuskoht oli Edinburgh, kus veetsime 2 ööd. Edinburgh on Šotimaa pealinn alates 15. sajandist ning tegu on suuruselt teise linnaga Šotimaal ning seitsmendaga Suurbritannias. Saabusime Edinburghi peale kella viit õhtul ning kui olime check-in’i hotelli ära teinud ning veidi puhanud, siis oli juba kell üsna palju ja seega esimesel päeval me väga muuda peale väikese jalutuskäigu kesklinnas enam teha ei jõudnud.
On our second day in Edinburgh we visited Edinburgh Castle (read more about it here). It was beautiful place and I enjoyed the views to the city even though little mr.R was behavior that day was awful and so we weren’t able to visit all the places in the castle. One recommendation from me: If you plan to visit Edinburgh Castle, then book your tickets online! Trust me, if you don’t, then you will spend quite a lot of time in queue to buy tickets whereas with pre booked tickets there isn’t much waiting.
Teisel päeval külastasime Edinburghi kindlust (rohkem infot selle kohta leiad siit). Tegu oli huvitava ajaloolise kohaga, mis pakkus kauneid vaateid linnale. Kuna aga väike mr.R ostsustas tol hommikupoolikul käituda eriti halvasti, siis jäi meil seal kahjuks palju asju nägemata. Kui plaanite kunagi Edinburghi kindlust külastada, siis soovitan endale piletid kindlasti netiteel ära osta, sest tegu on väga populaarse kohaga ning pileti ostmise järjekorrad on pikad pikad pikad – isegi kell 10 hommikul.
The third day we left Edinburgh and headed to our next stop – Loch Ness lake.
Kolmanda päeva hommikul, aga võtsime suuna järgmise peatuskoha – Loch Nessi järve poole.
glamorable says
Looks like you had fun! Scotland is on my list of places to visit for sure.
Leelo says
You have to visit Scotland! I hope I can go there again in the future because there is much to see and do 🙂
daydreamingbeauty says
What a beautiful getaway! I’ve always wanted to travel to that area. I love the sign that unattended kids will get espresso and a kitten. LOL
neversaydiebeauty says
I am dying to go to both Scotland and Ireland. So wonderful that you and your family are taking advantage of living in the UK to see as much as you can. Enjoy!
spontaneouschick says
What a great trip! I miss having those cows around New York city.
Erika says
Incredible pictures. Thank you for sharing!
Chelsea says
So amazing! I definitely want to travel the UK someday. I’ve been to lots of places in Europe, but never made it there!
Cindy Ingalls says
The UK is really such a beautiful place to visit. What an amazing getaway, thanks for sharing it.
MarciaF says
I haven’t traveled that much but I did spend a few days in Edinburgh and visited the castle. The city has some amazing scenery. Thanks for sharing your trip there.
Phyrra says
OMG this would be a dream trip for me! Thanks for sharing.
Brooke @ Blushing Noir says
Gorgeous pics! I hope I can get there some day!
Destany says
What a fun trip! Gorgeous scenary 🙂
libbyspinkvanity says
I am Irish and Scottish from my Dad’s side of the family. My aunt has a lineage going all the way back and we have some distant relatives there. Going to London, Ireland, Wales and Scotland are on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing these awesome photos.
Miranda says
You’ve got me wanting to travel again!!
Lisa Heath says
What amazing scenery! I need to travel more
Mai says
I’ve been to England but I’ve never been to Scotland. It looks beautiful!
Norah Salazar says
Living in England one year and didnt make it as far north as Scotland BUT i really want to!
litfromwithin9 says
I’ve never been to that part of the world, but it looks very interesting!
fabulouskath says
Simply breathtaking! More travel photos please.
Leelo says
There will be more 😉
StephanieLouise says
Beautiful photos- totally jealous!
honeygirlsworld says
What a wonderful trip 🙂 I am in love with the photos. I love architecture and I’m a true romantic at heart so when I see castles, I’m always in awe. My sister has been to visit Edinburgh castle and she said it was quite a site. Fabulous journey!
Laura MyNewestAddiction says
STUNNING SCENERY! I am so jealous!
aholeinmyshoe says
Lovely, I have never been to that part of the world, but now I really want to. Thanks for linking up with #TheWeeklyPostcard
galanda23 says
I’d like to visit Scotland. So much history … Thanks for joining us for The Weekly Postcard
Marta G (A Bilingual BAby) says
Hi! The sign of the unattended children will be given an espresso and a kitten is so good! Ha, ha! We loved Scotland, too, although it was really hard for us to drive there with our rented car and the steering wheel in the “English” side! If you go back to Scotland, I recommend seeing the Highland Games. We had lots of fun because they let us play some of the crazy games!
Lucy Camilla says
This road trip looks amazing! Would love to do this! x