May is almost over and summer will be (hopefully) here soon! In my last week’s Sheinside parcel I received a white mini dress that is just perfect beach cover up dress.
Mai on peaaegu läbi ja see tähendab, et juba varsti varsti on suvi (vähemalt ma loodan seda). Eelmisel nädalal saabunud Sheinside pakis oli lisaks šifoonpluusile, mida esmaspäeval nägite veel ka valge minikleit, mis on täiuslik rannakleit!
Okay technically this dress is not beach cover up dress, but when I saw it on Sheinside website, then my first thought was BEACH! It just looked like a perfect beach dress and so it is. It is light and airy and so it is just perfect little piece to throw over your bikinis or swimsuit and head over to pool or beach. I paired this white beach cover up dress from Sheinside with my favorite Seafolly bikinis that I ordered a couple of years ago from and Guess sunglasses, white flats from Ital-Design and my new favorite beach bag. Of course there is one little detail missing to make this outfit perfect – a nice floppy hat. Too bad all my three floppy hats are in Estonia at the moment and not here in the UK with me 🙁
Okei. Sheinside’i lehel, see kleit küll rannakleidina kirjas pole, ent kui ma seda esimest korda Sheinside’i lehel nägin, siis oli mu esimene mõte RAND! See valge minikleit lihtsalt tundus täiuslik suvine kleidike, mida kanda koos bikiinidega. Ja see kleit tõesti on väga mõnus, kerge ja õhuline. Seekord kombineerisin selle enda lemmik Seafolly bikiinidega, mis mõned aastad tagasi lehelt tellisin. Lisaks päikeseprillid, valged baleriinad Ital-Design’st ning mu uus lemmik rannakott. Selle outfiti juures on muidugi puudu üks pisikene detail – selline mõnus hele laia äärega kübar, millega juukseid ja pead päikese eest kaitsta (nagu näiteks siin postituses nähtud triibuline kübar). Aga no mis teha kui ma kolides ei mõelnud ning enda 3 kübarat Eestisse jätsin 🙁
What I’m wearing
- white beach cover up dress from Sheinside
- white flats from Ital-Design
- sunnies Guess
- Seafolly bikinis from figleaves
- pink & white beach bag
Lola Seicento says
I love this beachy look on you!
Lena B,Actually says
Definitely a perfect beach coverup! So cute! Thanks so much for linking up for Passion4Fashion! Have a great weekend!
neversaydiebeauty says
Definitely a beautiful beach cover-up! It’s so sheer, I can’t imagine wearing it as a regular dress. Very cute beach look!
Brooke @ Blushing Noir says
I love that cover-up! It’s perfect for getting to and from the pool and beach!
♥renae says
Your blog is nice and your coverup is perfect! ♥
Phyrra says
It”s a perfect beach cover up 🙂
Taneja's Bride says
Such a cute cover-up! I love it – and want one! <3
Bailey says
That is so perfect for the beach. Cute!
Jamie says
That dress is super cute!
honeygirlsworld says
Girl… that dress definitely screams beach to me too… I would rock it 🙂
Lisa Maynard says
Great cover up!! Beautiful XO! Thank you so much for sharing with #LINKUPWITHLISA @