Last week I received a parcel from Repertoire Fashion. For those who have never heard of Repertoire Fashion before, then it opened its first store 18 years ago. They offer a good selection of formal and casual collections of designer clothes for both men and women from brands like Ted Baker, Armani, Barbour, Hugo Boss, Michael Kors, G Star & many more and they ship goods worldwide! I had an opportunity to choose something from their website and I decided to go with Vivienne Westwood Anglomania Blue Stripe Orb Logo Applique Bottle T-Shirt and Patrizia Pepe skinny jeans.
Eelmisel nädalal jõudis minuni pakike Repertoire Fashion’lt. Neile, kes sellisest firmast varem kuulnud pole siis infoks, et tegu poega, pakub heas valikus igapäevaseid ja pidulikke riideid sellistelt brändidelt nagu näiteks Ted Baker, Armani, Barbour, Hugo Boss, Michael Kors, G Star jt ning kaupa saadavad nad üle maailma 😉 Minul oli võimalus nende lehelt endale mõned tooted valida ning kuna mul on puudus t-särkidest ja mugavatest pükstest, siis valisin Vivienne Westwood’i Anglomania kollektsiooni t-särgi ning Patrizia Pepe püksid.
The Vivienne Westwood t-shirt is just perfect for summer – it is comfy and I love its nautical theme design. It looks great with a pair of my favorite jeans or shorts or why not some summery skirt. Patrizia Pepe skinny jeans are the softest skinny jeans I’ve ever owned! I just love that material! This t-shirt and skinny jeans together look and feel great.
Vivienne Westwoodi t-särk sobib suveks hästi – see on mugav ning mulle meeldib selle omapärane mereteemaline disain. See t-särk sobib hästi mu lemmikteksade või lühikeste pükstega või miks mitte ka mõne suvise seelikuga. Patrizia Pepe püksid on aga super pehmest ja mõnusast materjalist. Mul ei ole kunagi nii pehmest materjalist pükse olnud 😛
What I’m wearing
- Vivienne Westwood Anglomania Blue Stripe Orb Logo Applique Bottle T-Shirt and Patrizia Pepe skinny jeans from
- white Tamaris sandals
- Victoria Beckham sunglasses
- Michael Kors white ceramic watch