Happy weekend! Today I have some Avon Perfect Kiss lipstick swatches for you. Avon Perfect Kiss lipsticks have been around a couple of years and so nothing new or exciting here 😛 I purchased these Perfect Kiss lipstick samples last year, but so far I still haven´t posted them :S <– bad blogger 😛 . Anyway Two weeks ago I swatched and photographed them all and so here they are 🙂
Hei! Loodetavasti naudite kõik enda nädalavahetust! Minul on teile täna näitamiseks Avon Perfect Kiss huulepulkade swatchid. Need huulepulgad on olnud Avoni toote valikus mitu aastat nii, et tegu pole enam nö uute ja huvitavate asjadega 😛 Mina tellisin need huulepulga näidised endale kunagi eelmisel aastal, ent noh jah igasugu asjad juhtusid ja seega varem ei jõudnud nende postitamiseni 🙁
I haven´t worn these very much so I can´t really comment on their quality, but my first impressions with these are okay. On my lips they stay about 2-3 hours if I don´t eat or drink. So far I haven´t noticed them being very drying so that´s definitely a huge plus 🙂
Kuna ma ei ole neid huulepulki korralikult testinud, siis nende kohta ma pikka arvustust kirjutada ei saa, ent esmamuljed on ok. Minu huultel püsivad nad umbes 2-3 tundi, kui ma ei söö ja joo. Seni ma ei ole täheldanud, et nad mu huuli väga kuivaks muudaks ja see on kindlasti suur pluss 🙂
Deborah Caudill says
They all look gorgeous on you. For myself, I like Loving Lilac, Berry Smooch and Fucsia Flirt. Thanks for sharing the new colors with your readers!
Emi says
i want to order lipstic chic nude but we dont have it in Macedonia.How i can do that? thanks
Leelo says
You don’t have Avon representatives in Macedonia? If not, then I would consider ordering it from Amazon or eBay.
Emi says
yes,we have it… but in broshures from Avon this colection of lipstics it was only one time for sale and noting more.Help me how can i buy it,i will pay all shipings and delivery here.Thanks