Today I want to show you my simple elegant manicure from the last weekend. For this manicure I used two nail art products from Born Pretty Store.
Täna tahan näidata teile enda eelmise nädalavahetuse lihtsaid ja elegantseid küüsi, mille kaunistamiseks kasutasin küünekaunistusi Born Pretty Store´st.
I started my manicure with OPI Nail Envy and then I applied three coats of Avon Gel Finish nail polish in Sheer Love on my nails. Next I added elegant black flower water decals on my nails. To make water decals last I applied a coat of Essie Good To Go top coat on my nails. Until the top coat was wet I added the smallest round acrylic rhinstones on the flowers to add a bit bling to my nails.
Alustasin maniküüri nagu alati aluslakiga, milleks viimased kaks kuud on olnud OPI Nail Envy. Edasi kandsin küüntele kolm kihti Avon Gel Finish lakki toonis Sheer Love. Järgmiseks lisasin küüntele vesikleepsud Born Pretty Store´st. Et kleepsud küüntelt ei kaoks kandsin küüntele kihi Essie Good To Go pealislakki ning kuni pealislakk ei olnud veel kuivanud lisasin lilledele südameks kõige väiksemad kivikesed Born Pretty Store´i kivikeste komplektist.
PinkTurtle Nails says
It’s so beautiful!!!
Leelo says
Thank you 🙂
Taneja's Bride says
LOVE the water decals and the way you used them! <3
Kissu Blogib says
Üliilus. Samuti piisavalt lihtne ja kiire, et peaks ka klepsujahile minema 🙂