The outfit I´m showing you is from this weekend. On Saturday I had to attend one event and so I was wearing this simple back skater dress and high heels with some accessories.
Outfitti mida teile täna näitan kandsin äsja möödunud nädalavahetusel, kui laupäeval pidin ühel üritusel osalema. Seekord kandsin lihtsat musta vööga kleiti, mida kombineerisin mustade lakk nahast kõrge kontsaga kingade ja mõnede aksessuaaridega.
What I wore
- M&S Collection Panelled Belted Skater Dress from Marks & Spencer outlet
- black patent pumps from Marks & Spencer
- bracelet and necklace from Vaiva
- black clutch purchased from Mallorca
- Pretty Legs tights from UK Tights
On my nails is Barbie pink Nails Inc nail polish in Brompton Place
neversaydiebeauty says
Very pretty outfit! Looks like you’re ready for an interview, business meeting, or a luncheon or anything!
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
How cute are you?! Great outfit!
fabulouskath says
Looking so elegant!
glamorable says
So cute and elegant! You are like Grace Kelly 🙂
Leelo says
Thank you 🙂
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
This is definitely a me outfit. I’m probably too short for the hem line but in my head this is how I would look if I wore it, haha. Probably also not realistic that I have brown hair. Darn!
Leelo says
makeupbylaurag says
That dress is gorgeous. Love it.
Betzy Carmona says
I need the dress
cosmeticsanctuary says
Stunning! I love that dress!