Yesterday I went through my photo folders on my laptop and I realised that I still haven´t posted any photos of Conwy Castle that we visited in September. So today I´m going to fix that mistake and share some pics of that historical place in Wales.
Eile vaatasin läbi enda arvutis fotode kaustu ning avastasin, et ma ei ole siiani teinud veel postitust Conwy lossist, mida külastasime enda Wales´i reisi viimasel päeval enne tagasi Inglismaale sõitu. Seega täna siis parandame vea ning näete pilte selles kenast ajaloolisest kohast.
Conwy is a walled historical market town on the north coast of Wales. Conwy Castle and the town walls were built between 1283 and 1289 on the instruction of Edward I of England. In 1665 the castle was completely destroyed. Nowadays Conwy is considered to be one of “the finest examples of late 13th century and early 14th century military architecture in Europe” by UNESCO, and it is classed as a World Heritage site.
Conwy on müüriga ümbritsetud ajalooline kauplemislinn Wales´i põhja osas. Conwy loss ning linnamüürid ehitati aastatel 1283 kuni 1289 kuningas Edward I käsul. 1665 hävitati loss lõplikult. Praeguseks on Conway loss klassifitseeritud kui üks maailma päranditest, kuna tegu on ühe parima näitega hilise 13. sajandi ja varase 14.sajandi militaararhitektuurist.
Lonely wooden guard sculpture
Üksik puidust valvur
Inside the castle
Lossis sees
Overall Conwy Castle is worth visiting, because when you visit the towers you can enjoy beautiful views and see some history. Btw in Conwy town there is the smallest house in Great Britain with dimensions of 3.05 m x 1.8 m. Unfortunately we didn´t have time to visit it, but if you happen to visit Conwy then I think it would be really cool place to visit 🙂
Kokkuvõttes on Conwy loss kindlasti väärt külastamist kuna näha saab osakest ajaloost ning nautida lossitornidest avanevaid kauneid vaateid. Muide Conwy linnas asub Suurbritannia väikseim maja, mille mõõdud on 3.05 x 1.8m. Kahjuks meie seda külastada ei jõudnud, ent kui peaksite kunagi Conway´sse sattuma, siis ma arvan, et see oleks külastamiseks päris huvitav koht.
MartaG says
I’d love to visit Wales some day. This castle looks like a cool idea for a day out. I guess the best for us would be in the summer, as I’ve heard it’s really rainy and windy in Wales.