It is Sunday and so here is this week´s Sample Sunday post. Today I have Avon Ideal Flawless CC Color Corrector Cream shades Ivory, Shell, Nude, Natural Beige and Medium Beige swatches for you.
On pühapäev ja seega on aeg testrite pühapäeva postituseks. Seekord jagan teiega esmamuljeid Avon Ideal Flawless CC kreemiga. Kunagi kevadel tellisin endale kõigi viie Eestis saada oleva tooni testrid ja no tegelikult on see postitus oma korda oodanud juba väga pikalt 😛
My opinion based on these tiny samples
- It is nice CC cream and it reminded me a bit of Avon BB cream (review here)
- it is easy to apply and it feels light on my normal to dry skin
- since it is only CC cream then it will not hide imperfections, but it will help to make them less visible
- makes my skin tone look more even
Overall I liked testing these samples and I would buy shades Shell and Nude in full size too.
Minu arvamus nende tillukeste näidiste põhjal
- tegu on mõnusa CC kreemiga ning natuke meenutas see mulle Avon´i BB kreemi (arvustus siin)
- seda on lihtne peale kanda ning minu normaalsel-kuival nahal jäi ta kerge
- kuna tegu on siiski vaid CC kreemi mitte jumestuskreemiga, siis naha vigu te ei peida, ent muudab need veidi vähem märgavataks
- muudab mu nahatooni ühtlaseks
Kokkuvõttes on minu arvates tegu ok CC kreemiga ning ostaksin seda toonides Shell ja Nude ka täissuuruses.
BeautyJudy (@BeautyJudyBlog) says
It is a subtle difference, and you look naturally beautiful with this product! I have to check this out!
Erika says
This looks great on you. Sadly, it’s in my No Fly Zone.
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
Your skin looks great!!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
It sounds like it does what it’s meant to. CC’s aren’t meant to do the job of a BB anyway.
makeupbylaurag says
I need to get my hands on this.
honeygirlsworld says
that’s awesome that it offers a wide range of shades which is unique since a lot of brands usually have just a handful. It looks great on you 🙂
glamorable says
Shell looks like the perfect match for me.
litfromwithin9 says
Looks great on you, and really covered that one, tiny, insignificant spot on your forehead. 😉
Betzy Carmona (@BetzysMakeup) says
This is so nice !
Tina Bowling (@tinabeana12) says
This shade looks really nice on you! I’ll have to check out Avon for CC creams.
Lisa Heath says
Very subtle difference but it gives you a nice healthy glow!