Time for another simple Halloween manicure. I created this little monsters nail art yesterday. At first I actually had another idea in mind, but then I discovered that I don´t have the nail polish I need here with me and so I used Avon Gel Finish nail polish in Sterling instead for drawing the monsters and for their eyes and mouth I used little 1.5mm rhinestones ordered from eBay.
Aeg veel üheks Halloweeni teemaliseks küünemaalinguks. Seekord on mul teile näitamiseks väikesed koletised (mis eriti hirmuäratavad küll välja ei näe). Alguses oli mul tegelikult plaan teha ühed teised tegelased, aga siis avastasin, et küünelakk, mida plaanisin nende tegemiseks kasutada jäi mul Eestisse, siis muutsin plaani ja kasutasin hoopis Avon Gel Finish lakki Sterling koos eBay´st tellitud 1.5mm kivikestega.
I first applied a coat of OPI Nail Envy to my nails and then I painted little monster on the tip of my nails using Avon Gel Finish nail polish in Sterling and a nail art brush. Then I added clear rhinestones as monster´s eyes and pink ones for the mouth. I finished my manicure with a coat of Essie Good To Go top coat so the rhinestones would be securely on my nails.
Kõigepealt kandsin küüntele kihi OPI Nail Envy aluslakki ning siis maalisin küünemaalingu pintsli ja Avon Gel Finish lakiga Sterling küüne otstesse väikesed koletised. Veel kuivamata lakile asetasin küünekaunistus kivikesed: läbipaistvad silmadeks ning roosad suuks. Lõpetuseks kandsin küüntele veel kihi Essie Good To Go pealislakki, et kivid kindlamalt küüntel püsiks.
spontaneouschick says
This design is genius! I love it.
Leelo says
Thanks 🙂
litfromwithin9 says
OMG. I love them! The hair. The hair! Lol!
Leelo says
😀 Yes they are hairy 😛
neversaydiebeauty says
That is such an adorable Halloween mani, Leelo! So clever
Leelo says
Thank you 🙂
Brooke Pakulski says
You mean ADORABLE MONSTERS! Love this!
Leelo says
daydreamingbeauty says
such a cute idea!
glamorable says
Awesome idea!
Norah Salazar says
So cute and artsy!
Erika says
Cute little monsters!
MzBaker says
What cute little guys! lol
Betzy Carmona says
The whole idea is gorgeous and perfect for the month.
Miranda says
Lol these are adorable!
Cindy (Prime Beauty) says
What a cute idea!!
fabulouskath says
seriously yo make the cutest monsters mani ever!
honeygirlsworld says
this is adorable girl… I love this monster mani.
theNightOwlMama says
so cute and so creative I’d so wear them.
Sheila says
This is so cute!
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
How adorable!
Lisa Heath says
Super cute!!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
This is gorgeous!!!! So fun.
Catherine Dream says
Hahaha, aw, can’t get over how CUTE they are!
They kinda remind me of little bacteria monsters, too. And I LOVE the natural nail showing, just LOVE.
Leelo says
haha bacteria monsters 😀