Good leave-in treatment is a must if you have try of frizzy hair. In my month of August Birchbox I received N 4 Lumiere d’hiver Super Comb Prep & Protect leave-in treatment in travel size (?) and I have been now using it over a month. This product is promised to strengthen, repair, detangle, tame, nourish and protect hair. It is 100% vegan, gluten-, sulphate- and paraben free.
Hea juustesse jäetav leave-in palsam on üsna hädavajalik kui ollakse hädas kuivade juustega. Enda augustikuises Birchbox´s sain selle N 4 Lumiere d’hiver Super Comb Prep & Protect leave-in sprei palsami reisisuuruses ning olen seda nüüdseks kasutanud üle kuu aja. Lubaduste kohaselt peaks see toode juukseid tugevdama, parandama, taltsutama, toitma, kaitsma ning muutma nad kergesti kammitavaks. Lisaks on see toode 100% vegan ning gluteeni-, sulfaadi- ja parabeenide vaba.
Overall I´m really happy that I received this product in my Birchbox, because for my blonde and somewhat damaged hair it works well.
Minu jaoks oli Number 4 puhul tegu tundmatu firmaga ning ega ma sellest tootest eriti palju lootnud. Mis mulle selle toote juures ei meeldi on selle lõhn. See ei ole ebameeldiv või vastik, aga lihtsalt mulle ei meeldi. Ent mis puutub kõigisse nendesse suurepärastesse lubadustesse, mis selle tootega kaasa tulevad, siis pean ütlema, et ma olen positiivselt üllatunud. See pähejäetav sprei palsam on lihtsalt suurepärane! See muudab mu juuksed kergelt kammitavaks ning samas ei muuda juukseid raskeks või rasvaseks. Minu juuksed üldiselt ei ole kuivad ja krässus, ent vahel mingil põhjusel mõned kohad juustes siiski muutuvad selliseks ning N 4 Lumiere d’hiver Super Comb Prep & Protect leave-in sprei palsam saab väga hästi selle jama taltsutamisega hakkama.
Kokkuvõttes olen väga rõõmus, et minu augustikuises Birchbox´s see sprei palsam oli, ses minu blondidele ja mingil määral kahjustatud juustele mõjub ta hästi.
Kellina's Thoughts says
Never used any products from this brand. However I will keep an eye open for this product because unfortunately my hair can get very frizzy!
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Phyrra says
I’m glad it works, too bad about the smell.
Jamie @ Makeuplifelove says
This sounds like a awesome product. Bummer about the scent , I wonder if you can stick or add something to it to make it better.
Leelo says
That´s a good question.
litfromwithin9 says
It can be hard to find products that tame frizz but don’t weigh down thin hair. Sounds like a great product..maybe you can add a few drops of a fragrance you like to it!
Leelo says
That is great idea!
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
Not great about the fragrance.. but glad it works so well for you!
glamorable says
I tried products from this brand before via Birchbox, and I really like their conditioners.
Leelo says
I have to try those then too 😛
makeupbylaurag says
When things have a strong scent I can’t use them either.
Leelo says
I´m not fond of strong scents either, but sometimes if the product works really well then I try to forget about the scent.
Betzy says
It sounds like a good product.
Leelo says
It is good 🙂 I like it a lot!
Destany says
Strong scents turn me off immediately!
Lisa Heath says
Ohh that sounds really nice!
Anita says
Sounds Good. I will definitely Try this once. Thanks for Sharing