Today was a wonderful sunny day here in UK and so we decided to do some sightseeing and visit White Horse Hill in Uffington. This is an historical place and the highest place in Oxfordshire. You can read more about it and the legends HERE. The place is really pretty and if you ever happen to visit Oxford are then I recommend visiting Uffington White Horse too.
Btw I had to take all the photos using my Samsung Galaxy S2 smartphone, because “smart girl” as I am I managed to forget my camera home 🙁
Täna oli imeilus soe ja päikseline päev ja seega otsustasime veidi tutvuda kohalike vaatamisväärsustega ning külastasime White Horse mäge Uffington´s. Tegu on ajaloolise kohaga, mis on ka kõige kõrgem koht Oxfordshire´s. Rohkem White Horse Hill´st ning sellega seotust saad lugeda SIIT (ainult Inglise k). Tegu on väga kauni kohaga, kus avaneb vaade ümbruses olevatele küladele. Kui juhtute kunagi Oxfordi kanti külastama, siis soovitan kindlasti ka White Horse Hill´i üles otsida. Muide kõik pildid, mida siin postituses näete on tehtud seekord minu Samsung Galaxy S2 telefoniga, kuna “tark tüdruk” nagu ma olen, suutsin ma korraliku kaamera seekord koju unustada 🙁
Little mr.R is enjoying the view
Väike mr.R naudib vaadet
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
Great pics! It looks so beautiful there!
Kimberly Nissen (@PlasticDiaries) says
Well the photos turned out spectacular.
makeupbylaurag says
that is a seriously gorgeous backdrop chic!
litfromwithin9 says
Who needs a fancy camera? You captured some lovely photos – and I’m guessing some good memories, too.
Destany says
That view is gorgeous!
Betzy Carmona says
I love the view!
Sarah says
Lovely photo’s! Although, with a place as beautiful as that, I’m sure it would be hard to take bad photo’s. Looks like you had a lovely time. Days like this one are my favourite!
Leelo says
We had really great day! I guess you are right that with a place as beautiful as this one it is hard to take bag photos, but I would just like them to be even better 😀 But at least I now have good reason to go there again with my DSLR 😀
honeygirlsworld says
Oh hello little. 😀 So cute. I love the photos and love the scenery.