I haven´t shared any beauty product reviews with you this week and so here is one now. My today´s post is about Schwarzkopf Essence Ultime Omega Repair mask, which is promised to rebuild hair in 1 minute with omega oil. I purchased it a couple of months ago and I finished it last night.
Sel nädalal ei ole ma veel ühtegi ilutoote arvustust jõudnud teha ning täna parandame selle vea Schwarzkopf Essence Ultime Omega Repair juuksemaskiga, mis peaks lubaduste kohaselt parandama juukserakud ning seda vaid 1 minutiga. Ostsin selle endale mõned kuud tagasi ning eile õhtul sai see mask otsa.
Schwarzkopf Essence Ultime Omega Repair hair mask is white, thick and creamy treatment that comes in a 200ml jar with a screw lid. It has quite typical drugstore hair mask scent which is ok, but nothing special. It is easy to apply it to my hair and I haven´t had any problems rinsing it out either. What I like about this hair mask is that it actually do work in 1 minute even though I usually keep it on longer. After using this hair mask my hair is so smooth, soft, shiny and easily managable. Also I have no problems with tangles in my hair and it doesn´t weigh my hair down.
Does it rebuild hair? Well I really don´t know how to measure that, but when it comes to split ends then when I visited hairdresser a month ago then she was surprised that I really did not have many split ends and that’s great.
Overall this is good hair mask that works well for my blonde hair and so I would purchase it in the future too.
Schwarzkopf Essence Ultime Omega Repair juuksemask on valget värvi, mõnusalt kreemjas ja saadaval 200ml keeratava kaanega topsis. Juuksemaski lõhn midagi erilist ei olnud ning meenutas mulle tüüpilist suvalises toidupoes müüdava maski lõhna. Selle juustesse kandmine ning hiljem välja loputamine olid lihtsad. Mis mulle selle juuksemaski juures meeldib, on see, et see tõesti töötab ja seda vaid 1 minutiga (kuigi tavaliselt hoian ma juuksemaski siiski kauem peas). Pärast Schwarzkopf Essence Ultime Omega Repair maski kasutamist on mu juuksed pehmed, siledad, läikivad ja kergesti kammitavad. See juuksemask ei muuda mu juukseid raskeks ning ka päeva jooksul ei teki juustesse pusasid.
Kas see mask parandab juukserakud? Ma tõesti ei kujuta ette kuidas ma küll seda hindama peaks. Mis aga puutub katkistesse juukseotstesse, siis nendega mul viimati kuu aega tagasi juuksuris käies probleeme polnud ehk siis juuksur ütles, et juukseotsad on enamvähem terved.
Kokkuvõttes on tegu hea juuksemaskiga, mis minu blondidele värvitud juustele sobib. Seda juuksemaski ostaksin ka tulevikus.
daydreamingbeauty says
I love hair masks! This sounds like a great option.
neversaydiebeauty says
My colorist used to use Schwarkopf hair color rinses on me and I loved them. So this brand appeals to me but is somewhat difficult to find in the US. I love that this works in 1 minute!
spontaneouschick says
If your stylist is telling you that your hair looks good then it must be working.
inmyprime50 says
Sounds great!
Ange (@angejim0531) says
Love me some hair masks!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
I love hair masks like no other. They make me feel like my hair got done all profesh-like <3
justina says
I haven’t used this brand in forever but I remember LOVING it.
litfromwithin9 says
One minute! wow. I know when I review hair masques, readers are often sure they can’t use it on their finer textured hair – well, here’s proof you can. Masques for everyone!
honeygirlsworld says
I am a huge believer in hair masks and have never used or heard of this brand. It sounds pretty good.
fabulouskath says
I want to revitalize my hair, this sounds like a good product to try
Miranda says
I’m obsessed with hair masks!
Sheila says
This sounds like something my hair would love!
Lisa Heath says
I love using hair masks and am always looking for more to try out!
Ashley says
I love a great hair mask, I might have to hunt this down for the time it takes alone.