On my nails today is gold and white lace 🙂 For my another simple manicure I used one of my all time favorite golden nail polish – Butter London Marbs. I discovered it last year and I love love LOVE it! It looks good even in one coat (but I usually apply two 😉 ). It dries quite fast and last at least 2-3 days. This time I combined it with again some water decals with lace pattern.
Täna on minu küüntel kuldsel põhjal valge pits. Seekordse lihtsa diasini jaoks kasutasin enda ühe kõige lemmikumat kuldset lakki – Butter London Marbs´i. Avastasin selle laki eelmisel aastal ning see meeldib mulle endiselt väga väga väga 😀 See lakk näeb küüntel välja juba ühe kihi järel (kuigi mina eelistan tavaliselt kahte), kuivab suhteliselt ruttu ning püsib 2-3 päeva vähemalt. Seekord kombineerisin Marbs´i  valgete pitsimustriga vesikleepsudega.
I started my gold and white lace manicure with a coat of OPI Nail Envy and then followed with  two coats of Butter London Marbs. Then I added lace pattern water decals from Born Pretty Store and I finished my manicure with a coat of Essie Good To Go top coat.
Alustasin maniküüri OPI Nail Envy lakiga ning sellele järgnes kaks kihti Butter London lakki toonis Marbs. Edasi lisasin valged pitsimustriga vesikleepsud Born Pretty Store´st. Viimaseks sammuks oli, nagu alati kiht Essie Good To Go kiirkuivatavat lakki.
These Artmaze nail art water decals from Born Pretty Store cost 2.86$/2.21€/1.76£ and for that price you will get one sheet with 8 red designs and 15 white ones (which you can´t really see from the photo below, but believe me, they are there 🙂 ). They come with easy to follow instructions and using them is very simple.
Seekordse maniküüri jaoks kasutatud Artmaze vesikleepsud Born Pretty Store´st maksavad seal 2.21€ ning selle hinna eest saate 1 kleepsu lehe, millel on 8 punast ja 15 valget kaunistust. Valged  allpool olevale pildile eriti hästi küll ei jäänud, aga uskuge mind –  need on seal olemas 🙂 Vesikleepsud tulevad koos lihtsalt järgitava õpetusega nii, et kui te selliste imeasjadega ka varem kokku pole puutunud, siis nende kasutamine ei peaks eriti raskusi valmistama.
neversaydiebeauty says
Beautiful, Leelo! But I don’t know whether I would be satisfied with getting only 2-3 days out of it!
Leelo says
I understand 🙂 But it is fine for me because I usually change my nail color/design pretty often anyway 😀
litfromwithin9 says
Marbs is so pretty! I love how you used the water decals, too. They look great!
Ange (@angejim0531) says
Such a pretty mani!!
Jess S. (@loveforlacquer) says
Gorgeous color! Love the decals
makeupbylaurag says
love. i wish i could stamp better
Betzy Carmona says
It turned out so pretty !
honeygirlsworld says
I love the lace with that golden shade, I would have never thought to pair them together. Super cute.
Sheila says
So delicate and pretty!
Ashley says
Ooooh this is SO pretty! Love the whote lace set against the gold!
Brooke (@blushingnoir) says
I love the combo and the design!
Tina Seagraves says
very pretty color